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High Court Wants Eli Road Destroyed Now

High Court of Justice President Justice Dorit Beinish questions why the road connecting the veteran neighborhood of Yishuv Eli to satellite neighborhood Givat HaYovel has not yet been destroyed as instructed.

The Yesh Din organization, which filed the petition, maintains the road was constructed on private land and therefore, it is illegal and must be torn up. Beinish refers to the neighborhood as the “illegal outpost”, questioning the justification of constructing a paved road to an “illegal outpost”.

The court admonished the continued paving of a road after a stop-work order was issued, but ignored.

According to Avi Ro’eh, who heads the Benjamin Regional Council, where Eli is located, the state prosecutor is not familiar enough with the details of the case, insisting work on the road was halted as required and the paved portion was torn up. The paved portion that exists today, the old road, remains to permit safe travel to the community. This portion of the road is not at all included in the disputed area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. How incredibly ironic that the Torah observant Jews that live in these settlements, are the only true Zionists.
    The frum Yidden want to build, and the “zionist” high court judge wants to destroy.
    Olam Hafuch – waiting for Mashiach.

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