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Rabbi Lopian is Being Crushed Both Emotionally and Physically

Everyone reading this article knows someone who would not be who they are today if it wasn’t for Rabbi Lopian, Rabbi Rappaport and the rest of the Rebbeim at Lev Aryeh. They have dedicated their entire lives to helping our sons, neighbors, and brothers. It’s time to Make it Right.

Many of these boys came to Lev Aryeh with no money for tuition yet these Rebbeim took them in with open arms. This has amassed a massive debt which Rabbi Lopian and Rabbi Rappaport have taken upon themselves personally. This is not their burden, it is ours!


We are asking you to look into your hearts to Make it Right. Help us raise $600,000 to pay off these debts. Help the Rebbeim who have done so much for Klal Yisroel have the Menuchas Hanefesh they deserve. This debt is quite literally 35 years of helping our sons, neighbors and brothers without ever thinking of how they will put food on their table this Shabbos.

Lets come together and make one final push for Lev Aryeh. Lets give back to those that we’ve taken so much from.

Please visit and step up to the plate.


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