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Neturei Karta – at their finest

nkchayos2.jpgnkchayos.jpgnkchayos3.jpgClick on these images to ENLARGE them. I wonder if it will make you as nauseous as it made me.? My solution to these Nazi-lovers is: since these lowlifes embrace terrorists, they should go get weapons and join Hezbollah in Southern Lebanon. Then the IDF will blow them off the face of the planet.

11 Responses

  1. Let them join Lazar Kaganovich and Rudof Kastner in the Jewish Self-Immolation Hall of Shame. More importanly, why are today’s Rabbinic leaders MIA in calling out this pox on our nation? They have more than enough time to rail on about bugs in lettuce and water, Indian shaitelach and controversial books but these thugs get nary a mention.

    Rabbis, you grant respectability to NK’s crimes by your absence.

  2. CR, L’Daatcha, it is more important for our Rabbonim to rail about the dopes in the street, than to be Mafrish us from Issurim. Maybe reasses your position instead of risking your Chelek L’Olam Haba. (Cf. Sanhedrin 99b Apikores… Zeh HaMivazeh T”Ch.)

  3. L�Daatcha, it is more important for our Rabbonim to rail about the dopes in the street, than to be Mafrish us from Issurim.

    Seems like you know my intentions better than I do. Do you possess Ruach HaKodesh or Nevuah?

    And, about crying “Apikores” on anyone that makes you uncomfortable. Defamation is the last refuge of scoundrels. Are you a NK apologist? Do you privately support their efforts to legitimize Hizb’Ullah’s war of murder against our Israeli brethren? Do you secretly wish A-Mad-Nut-Job would get the bomb and use it? Come on, YM, tell us all.

  4. CR wrote “More importanly, why are today�s Rabbinic leaders MIA in calling out this pox on our nation? They have more than enough time…”

    Regardless of your good intentions, this is being Mevazeh T”Ch. Our Rabbonim are quite capable of picking their battles.

    As far as my opinion of these folks, I believe I made myself clear when I called them “dopes in the street.” We are in full agreement.

    Just consider the Gemarra referred to before opining on our Rabbonim. There is too much at stake.

  5. Regardless of your good intentions, this is being Mevazeh T�Ch.

    I strongly disagree with that sentiment. It is a protest about what I (and the editor of this site as well) perceived as misplaced priorities. Protestations are not necessarily Bizyonos, however.

    I think you are very wrong to assume that we are talking about just �dopes in the street.� These are people who have gained lots of attention in the past cozying up to Yasir Arafat, Hashimi Rafsanjani, and Mahmoud Ahmedinejad while claiming to represent “Authentic Torah Judaism”. They have high-level contacts with and provide a “heksher” of respectability to nations and international terrorist groups dedicated to “eliminating the Zionist [read Jewish] presence in Palestine”. They are, therefore, Mosrim and Rodfim of the highest order. To dismiss them so summarily is to violate the commandment of “Do not stand idly by on your brother’s blood” and is completely indefensible.

    So, my friend, “Maybe reasses your position instead of risking your Chelek L�Olam Haba”.

  6. YB,

    CR is on the mark in calling these fellows Rodfim. I believe that the Steipler Gaon and HaRav Shach referred to them as such.

    His Taaneh that to dismiss them summarily is being Over on Lo Saamod might have some merit as well. To paraphrase R’ Chaim “Nebach a Roidef is Oichet a Roidef.” They have to be dealt with as such. (However I’m not aware of why this should put my Oilam Haba at risk.)

    However, in calling our Rabbonim “MIA” and stating that “they have more than enough time…” a protest and not (necessarily) a Bizayon, it’s clear that he has no MUSAG of the risks involved. (He’s being a Shtickel “Harry” in this regard.)

  7. > I believe that the Steipler Gaon and HaRav Shach referred to them as such.

    I’ll believe that if you will cite sources. And “S’iz yedua” is not a cite.

    > They have to be dealt with as such. (However I�m not aware of why this should put my Oilam Haba at risk.)

    So, how am I “put[ting] my Oilam Haba at risk” by trying to saving another Jew from harm? Is it not true that saving another Jew is like saving an entire world?

  8. CR and Yeshivish Man,

    I don’t disagree that these NK guys are a bunch of bums and bad people. However I was just agreeing with CR that it is very dangerous to be �mevazeh� and �mach avek� our rabbonim and gedolim. That�s all I was saying. Also I would like to know what is your mekor for the statement from the steipler zt”l and Maran Harav Shach zt’l?

  9. “So, how am I �put[ting] my Oilam Haba at risk� by trying to saving another Jew from harm?”

    By being Mevazeh T”Ch. Sentences #’s 2 and 3 in your original comment do just that and do not save other Jews from harm.

    You will probably not find anything written by any of the abovementioned Gedolim with on this subject as this would have given these clowns the publicity and notoriety they crave. (YW take note.)

    To learn more about the position of the Gedolim, speak with relatives of (Israeli) political askanim of the early ’80’s. Another great source of interesting tidbits is MM Schulsinger’s (of Mishkenos HaRoim fame) book on HaRav Shach. Enjoy.

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