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Crown Heights – Shomrim save little boy from disaster

At 6:00pm yesterday [Tuesday] a young boy was playing on the gate by the apartment complex on E New York and Kingston, where he got tangled in the gate and was crushed. The gate serves as the entrance for cars to enter the buildings parking lot and is operated by a remote control. Apparently the child held on to the gate to get a ride up with the gate when something went wrong and the gate didn�t stop, and it pulled the child into the roll of the gate where it tangled and crushed the boy. A Shomrim member that happened to have been passing by, BeHashgocha Protis, called for help over the radio and within 20 seconds there were 3 Shomrim member there along with one passerby who began working on freeing the child from the gate.? Another passerby who saw what was going on pulled his minivan under the gate which Shomrim utilized to remove the child from the gate. The child was unconscious at the time. Hatzalah were on scene a mere moment after Shomrim freed the child, when the child woke up and began screaming in pain, Hatzalah began stabilizing the child and transported him along with his mother to Kings County Hospital where he was listed in stable condition. B�H.

FDNY and NYPD�s Emergency Services Unit responded to the call as well.


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