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WATCH: Rabbi Chaim Dalfin On the 770 Debacle: Chabad Educators, Rabbonim And Leadership Are To Blame

As YWN reported on Monday night, a group of violent “Meshichist” Bochrim have taken full control of Chabad World Headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway, and smashed a wall down after digging an illegal tunnel to “expand the Bais HaMedrash”. When the NYPD arrived to make arrests, a brawl took place, as these Bochrim fought with the police.

Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, a respected author and historian, as well as a Lubavitcher Chosid made a video about the terrible Chillul Hashem which occurred at Chabad World headquarters, 770 Eastern Parkway, on Monday night:

“The fact that some Bochrim can do such things is because of the unfortunate Chinuch (education) that they got from youth. And the only ones who are to blame are their educators…and the other ones to blame are the leaders of our community are our Rbabonim, Meckaz Linyonei Chinuch…. they let people do what they want….. this is a result of a breakdown in leadership…..”

“Leadership…either you do what you need to, or get out of the kitchen! If it’s too hot in the kitchen, [get] out!…. you are not doing this properly… you are creating this monster. And if it means firing heads and getting new people, then so be it. If it means closing 770 for a week, Chas Vesholom, to get this all corrected, fine.”


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

34 Responses

  1. Stop it!!
    I for one understand Lubavitch and its PR moves.
    They probably made a Goirel on who should be the Korban to have to bash someone, something internally to the eyes of the world.
    If you truly believe what you’re saying, then you surely know that you missed the last step/rung. You blame the Mechanchim, Rabbonim, leadership etc.
    Where does the buck stop? Who’s standing at the highest rung? You Rabbi Dalphin know who.
    But obviously you can’t touch the Messiah. אל תגעו במשיחו.
    It’s disingenuous and despicable to blame the Rabbonim all of a sudden , when we all know for years that there was NEVER ANY true Kevod Rabbonim in your camp.
    For all the good he did and tried to do YOUR REBBE is ultimately at fault for this “education” you speak about.
    So for the sake of PR you threw everyone under the bus besides the one real culprit.

  2. What has Dalfin done, he has been in Brooklyn for many years? Is he putting himself forward as the guy who has the answers, the savior of Lubavitch? When is he becoming the new Lubavitcher Rebbe? Because a great part of the problem seems to be that Chabad has no living Rebbe. Let Dalfin state clearly that the last Rebbe passed on, and declare his candidacy.

  3. this guy is a stira minei ubei. he starts out by saying the truth: the crazy education system of brainwash and sheker is to blame. then he makes a hard left and says we need to focus on the holiness of tanya and the ‘chabad movement’ not on this ‘isolated incident’. this is not isolated. violence is not new at 770. thats what happens when the focus of yiddishkeit is not torah but radical messianic obsession that borders on avoda zara. i quote from the video “and what the rebbe continues to do for us”. Hashem Yishmor. Hashem should wake up these people from all the sheker by bringing the real Mashiach Tzidkeinu bimheira biyameinu. The Rebbe was a tzadik but not mashiach. I heard from an eyewitness at one of the Rebbes last public appearances that nebach after the stroke he couldnt talk. so they asked him questions and he nodded to answer. listen to these questions: “should we all move to EY? (not bad)”-the Rebbe shook his head no. “Should we rebuid the bais hamikdash? (hmm a bit funny)-the Rebbe shook his head no. “should we build a wall around crown heights?(if you think thats a normal question maybe you should build a wall around your house)-the Rebbe shook his head no. The poor Rebbe sat there trapped in his body realizing how far his followers had gone and there was nothing he could do about it nebach. Hes probably rolling in his grave (yes hes there). Hashem should give his neshama menucha vi’alav haShalom.

  4. The elephant in the room is that had there been a leader chosen at the top after the petira of רממ”ש ז”ל these kinds of behaviors may never had happened. An even bigger elephant is had רממ”ש ז”ל had the foresight to appoint a leader for after his petira, this could not have happened. It is starting to smell like a lot of elephants in the room.

  5. Why are the mainstream Lubavitch Bochurim learning in Shuls throughout Crown Heights allowing these Tzfatim to take over Beis Rabeinu?
    Time to bring all the Yungelite and Bochurim to learn in 770.

    Time to take responsibility and not allow this unrelated fringe group to enter 770.
    They are not Lubavitch and they know nothing about Lubavitch. They came here and make a mockery of all that is holy

  6. Did anyone see how many disgusting dirty mattresses these Bochrim had to pull out from behind the wooden panels. Who in the world put them there so many years ago?
    In a way we should all be grateful for these Bochrum for getting them out of the Shul.

  7. He keeps speaking about leadership:- That has to mean appointing a new Rebbe, otherwise this is only going to get worse. Rabbi Dalfin & myself merited to be a generation who met the Rebbe. Unfortunately, anyone under mid-thirties has not met or does not remember the Rebbe. To quote Moreinu Horav Avigdor haKohen Miller ZTKLLH’H, the 1st requirement of a Rebbe is:- He must be alive so that he can give instruction. Chabad desperately & critically & urgently needs a Rebbe appointed, and even if not on level of the 7th Rebbe:- It is known as יפתח בדורו כשמואל בדורו and simply inexcusable that an 8th Rebbe isn’t appointed IMMEDIATELY!!
    As for closing 770 for a week or 2 & so be it:- What about my close friend scheduled to be getting married outside 770 in these next few days? Just close 770 & leave thsi beautiful couple stranded? Don’t punish this couple, but punish these young boys, deporting them & garnishing their income for life to pay to fix all damage caused to 770.

  8. Unfortunately Rabbi Chaim Dalfin is missing the main point! He is right there is a breakdown in leadership, but the main reason for this is that Chabad has not had the courage to choose a new Rebbe! The leadership of Mercaz Leinyunei Chinuch or any other Chabad organization is powerless only a Rebbe can have the power necessary to educate all of Chabad in the way he sees fit. Without a live Rebbe it will continue to spin out of control! Just as no one is able to control Breslav and there are many branches of Breslav that are extremists and out of control the same is happening to Chabad, even though the majority are very chashuv no one can control the youth in general. By now its too late there is no way they can choose a Rebbe who will be recognized by all the Chasidim but this should have been done immediately after the Rebbe Zt”l passed away and Chabad would be in a much better place.

  9. The conspiracy theories around this are insane. The following tweet has over 30,000(!) likes

    >It’s now almost certain the tunnels found at the Chabad synagogue in Brooklyn were designed for child (…..) tracking.
    >This footage released shows the Jewish synagogue had dystopian tunnels made with stained mattresses that have been sent for forensic analysis.
    >Items such as baby high chairs and clothing have also been taken by forensics.
    >A group of extremist students were blamed for the child abduction tunnels and attempted to bury the tunnels with cement before forensics could begin their investigations.
    >Advocates for child (….) abuse say Israel has become a “refuge for (…..)” and many Jewish-Americans hide from justice in Israel…🇮🇱

    I censored some words, but the tweet is still up. 30,000 likes. No community notes.

  10. I’m surprised that YWN posts condemnations by a single individual against an entire sect of frumeh Yidden. How dare someone (yes, even a Lubavitcher) get up and attack the entire Lubavitch chinuch system and mosdos and rabbanim due to the stupidity and aggressiveness of 30 extremist bochurim!?

    To the best of my recollection, YWN didn’t cover the riots in Ponevezh yeshiva in 5781, despite the fact that it was all over the media, and was on a MUCH larger scale (fights between HUNDREDS of bochurim, attacking roshei yeshiva, with people being injured and sent to the hospital!).
    Did YWN post articles condemning the entire Bnei Brak chinuch system and its rabbonim!?

    Why is Chabad any different?

  11. Stop it NOW…..please leave the Kids alone, it is the Leadership of Today in the Christian realms….leave our babies alone….Chabad needed this …now they can clean mess up…..eveyone falls once twice and then better….if we are at war , Yeshivas’ too at war….hug these boys like you never have before….I SAID HUG

  12. It seems like this video should not have been put online. It has led to chilul Hashem and motzei shem ra. Not everything needs to be publicized.

  13. “Rabbis and scholars are called the “eyes of the community” and “heads of the thousands of Israel,” and when the head is healthy, the body is then also healthy.” Hayom Yom 23 Adar 1

  14. Still very confused. HOW does a narrow tunnel to an adjacent building with an old mikvah help alleviate the crowdiing during the yamim noraim Is there any evidence the Rebbe ever suggested building such a tunnel. And perhaps most puzziling, HOW is it possible to build a secret tunnel on Eastern Parkway without anyone in the beis medrash or the NYC Buildings Department knowing about it.

  15. The bochurim think differently, they are more mekusher the Rebbe this dor thanks to ChaBaD chinuch. The is a split between the old and the new.

    Legacy Lubavitch has ossified and these bochurim lechatchila ariber showed us there is a need to expand 770 as the Rebbe directed!

  16. Baruch Hashem the world is learming the truth. Chabad is a distortion of Judaism as its followers do amything that’s right in their eyes and justify it as making a Kiddush Harebbe.

  17. To all u people conven bashing Satmar for years. What a chilu Hashem! Fighting, shouting at police?! But this “is gonna b ok” cuz its Chabad. What an ugly confrontation and “ITS NEVER OK TO B DISRESPECTFUL TO LAW ENFORCEMENT.”
    These people act as if we’re not in Galus. What a glaring example of CHILUL HASHEM!
    Who needs a Bais Medrash if such מעשים טובים can emeerge???

  18. I have some insight on the matter. There is a certain klippah in the Lubavitcher community in Crown Heights in which people do not have respect for leadership. The most extreme example are the violent Tzfatim. There is no one that everyone will agree on. Therefore, even if a new Rebbe was chosen, those who would see him as invalid would simply do whatever they want. I left Chabad for Breslov. I had the merit to become close to Rav Kenig from Tzfas and after his Petirah I became close to his younger brother, who currently serves as the Rav of the kehillah. We have competent leaders that the majority of us listen to and follow their instructions. We function as any normal chareidi community does and we turn to the gedolei hador for piskei halachah. We are taught to do so and have always done so. The extremist groups in Breslov are people who not only refuse to listen to gedolim in Breslov, but also refuse to listen to the gedolei hador. By name we refer to them as Nanach and Shuvu Banim. One of them has no leadership and the other one has a crazy leader at best and a corrupt leader at worst. However, I won’t spend much time writing about them. The reality is that you have a lot of people who refuse to be lead in our generation. You have people who only filter devices in order to get their kids into Yeshiva, but secretly have an unfiltered device because they don’t believe that what you look at affects your soul. We have shuls where signs are plastered all over the place stating that it’s forbidden to talk during davening etc. , but people talk while standing directly in front of those signs. You have women who want to wear lace front wigs because they don’t understand why Tznius is important. On top of that we have had groups of Jews with living leaders fighting each other physically (Ger) because one group doesn’t accept the leadership of the other group as being legitimate. Never mind that fighting that occurred in ponevezh when Rav Shach passed away. Are we really doing that much better? We live in a world where there is a serious disconnect between the hamon am and the leadership. On top of that our leadership is constantly in an argument about who the rightful leader is. Satmar, Bobov both have splits. Then, when something crazy happens in Crown Heights we pretend as if everything is fine by us. We have forgotten how to make cheshbon ha Nefesh at best. At worst we refuse. Mussar is not learnt in our Yeshivas and if it is, only for 15 minutes. We have very deep discussions about shas and poskim, but little conversation about how to refine ourselves and become closer to Hashem. The problem is systemic. It affects old people as well as the young. Instead of looking in the mirror when something happens, we point fingers.

  19. To all u people conveniently bashing Satmar for years. What a chilu Hashem! Fighting, shouting at police?! But this “is gonna b ok” cuz its Chabad. What an ugly confrontation and “ITS NEVER OK TO B DISRESPECTFUL TO LAW ENFORCEMENT.”
    These people act as if we’re not in Galus. What a glaring example of CHILUL HASHEM!
    Who needs a Bais Medrash if such מעשים טובים can emeerge???

  20. Dear Rabbi Dalfin,
    The year was circa 1975. A “mitzva tank” was attacked and vandalized by Jewish hooligans in Williamsburg. I recall that the Rebbe seemed to say that if the Rabbonim of that community are controlled by the hooligans, then one cannot trust their hashgacha and kashrus. (-something to that affect).

    I accepted the position and no longer relied on hashgachas from the rabbonim of that community.

    I ask: Is the same not true about relying on the hashgacha of Chabad rabbonim who are powerless and intimidated by hooligans who attacked and vandalized a shul in Crown Heights?

    If someone accepts the ruling of the Rebbe about Williamsburg rabbonim, dies it not equally apply to Crown Heights rabbonim?

    If the rabbonim cannot control the hooligans, can they really be trusted to control the kashrus certifications?!

    I ask this out of greatest respect for the chassidus of Chabad and the work they do for klal Yisroel.

    Please respond because kashrus decisions need to made immediately.

  21. Very sad.

    Such misbehavior is not only found at Lubavitch.

    Every Jew has individual responsibility. As Yaakov would say, “When Hashem meets us one day, he will ask us WHAT DID YOU DO? Not, what did your Rebbe tell you to do”.

  22. To “clear kop”,

    The Chofetz Chaim did so much for klal Yisroel, and he still does. His Mishne Brura guides each of us in our daily lives…oh, oops, did I just say kefira and avoda zara?

    You probably think so!

    You wrote: . i quote from the video “and what the rebbe continues to do for us”. Hashem Yishmor.

    In your twisted world the Chofetz Chaim no longer continues to do for us. Neither do the gedolim that recently left us. They no longer do for us.

    But for me, Rav Chaim Kanevsky, Rav Eliyasiv, Rav Shlomi Zalman Aurebach, the Chazon Ish, and the Chifetz Chaim CONTINUE TO DO FOR US, for me, my children, grandchildren till biyas Goel Tzedek.

    Nebech on you, who claims to be of “clear kop” (while needing a kop doctor).

  23. It is time for a new Rebbe NOW. Yes the last Rebbe ZATZAL had the incredible foresight to set the Chassidus up well to have any questions resolved and all hadracha to survive without him. But now, 30 years later it’s time.

  24. @frumwhere: Chassidim the worst the can do is fight with a goyeshe police or knock down bricks. Ponevezh yeshiva in 5781 there were fights between HUNDREDS of bochurim, attacking roshei yeshiva, with people being injured and sent to the hospital.
    so either were doing very well relatively without a rebbe ch”v. or the rebbe is alive!

  25. the “purpose” of a rebbe is (as explained in tanya) he has a higher neshama and from him comes chayus – both spiritual and physical to his chassidim and even not his chassidim including even those that fight against him. this is only the rebbe’s relation to his chassidim, in essence the rebbe is much higher.
    now as explained in tanya this hashpaah of the tzadik is even greater after he is nistalek, so whether you beleive the rebbe is alive or not ch”v, we have a rebbe, and thats where our chayus comes from.
    i assume the intended question was that since some see things in chabad and breslev that they think is crazy, they should appoint a rebbe to straighten them out.
    1) the reason they do these things (most) is because they are following their rebbe’s directive, so obviouly if there would be a nother rebbe he would follow the rebbe and not the opinion of some ywn coffee room person (or even a litvishe gadol). 2) and the ones that dont follow their rebbe, well if there was a live one why would they follow either, everyone beleives Hashem is chai vikayom, and many (r”l as of now) dont keep all mitzvos, halachos etc. 3) in lubavitch (dont know about breslev) the rebbe clearly said there wont be another rebbe, the rebbe gave instructions how to act when having a question after 3 tamuz, so should lubavith GO AGAINST their rebbe and apoint a nother one?! they would be misnagdim! not chassidim. 4) we cant give someone this neshama that a rebbe is, only hashem can 5) if youre question is someone to lead, we have rabbonim, roshai yeshivos, mashpiiim just like everyone else.

  26. October 7 th woke many people up about radical Islam. January 8th has woken up some people about Chabad. The problem with Chabad is not that they have no Rebbe its that they think they still do in the physical and or spiritual sense. Until they accept that he is gone and rejoin Klal Yisroel there really is no hope for them.

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