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Assessment from Southern Israel (70+ Rockets Hit Israel)

mda.jpgOver 70 Kassam rockets, Grad Katyusha rockets and mortar shells have struck Israel in the past hours. Rockets have hit the Greater Sderot Area, and penetrated deeper into Israel, striking Ashkelon and Netivot, as terrorists based in Gaza promised would be the case.

Former National Security Advisor Giora Eiland told Israel Radio that we must realize Gaza is a nation, run by the government of Hamas. As such, Hamas is responsible to its citizens as well as to Israel. “There can be quiet as was the case between Israel, Jordan and Egypt for decades, or the other option is war. Hamas has opted for war”.

As such, Israel is compelled to respond appropriately, which means border crossings must remain closed, totally, every day, not opening from time-to-time. There must be a total embargo. In addition, it is preferable to launch strategic attacks over a ground forces operation. Targeting Kassam launchers is a waste of time. It is not effective. Attacks will stop by one of two ways, if we retake control of areas used to fire, which is a costly operation, or changing realities that it is not in Hamas’ interest to fire rockets.

This can be accomplished by targeting structures of the Hamas government, police stations, and government buildings, whatever it takes. 100 civilians will be killed daily and that is just the price. Nothing can be done. When the world shouts, Israel must question the silence of the international community when rockets were compelling our children to cry in fear, for years. Yes, the world will be outraged and it’s about time!

This method has a high probability of success and it is considerably less risky and a worthwhile place to begin before ordering a ground forces operation. We can definitely bring Hamas to a point it will no longer wish to fire rockets.

In the Wednesday morning attacks, a number of homes sustained heavy damage, vehicles have been damaged and there is other property damage as well.

Barzilai Hospital
Much attention is being directed at Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon, the primary medical facility in the area.  Unfortunately, the facility is not fortified and it does not provide protection against rocket attacks. Authorities are discussing the situation, realizing it is dangerous to even call on area residents to donate blood in the facility’s blood bank, which is also not fortified.

During the sirens that sounded on Wednesday morning, staff members, patients and visitors capable of running ran for cover in stairwells. Health Ministry Director-General Avi Yisraeli and other senior officials are looking into the realities of the current difficult situation.

Dr. Ron Lobel, the Deputy Director of the hospital explains that the process of construction an underground unit with 250 emergency beds has been delayed for over a year due to the discovery of graves. He stated that while some officials are reportedly addressing the problem, the project is not moving forward. Dr. Lobel added there is an urgent need for a new more comprehensive emergency room and fortification in the hospital, all lagging at a snail’s pace.

Barzilai Hospital is treating 24 victims of Wednesday rocket attacks. There are some 30 people being treated for hysteria following a rocket attack in a factory in Kibbutz Nir Oz.

MDA Emergency Medical Service officials report 200 ambulances are being allocated for the southern area, and volunteers and medical teams are being briefed for the urgent standby operation. Police, IDF and other agencies are also meeting, as is the Security-Political Cabinet, apparently aware a decision for action is a must at this stage as the situation in southern Israel continues to deteriorate.

The Baba Baruch of Netivot, Rabbi Baruch Abu Chatzeirah told Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) that we are witnessing Yad Hashem, miracles, explaining the Gemara tells us we mustn’t rely on miracles and the government is compelled to act. When asked if the Rav feels it might be safer outside of Netivot, he stated, “chas v’sholom. We do not run away. This is our home and we remain regardless of what Hashem has in store.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. can you imagine 60 bombs falling and no heavy casualties, definitely yad hashem, but we also musn’t depend on nissim. may we be zoche to hashems goodness always.

  2. This is tragic. Refuah Shelayma.

    While Israel isn’t sure what to do, day to day, the enemy is sure of what they want to do with whatever they have to do it with. Why is Israeli policy mimicking the weakness of American policy in the Middle East?

  3. wat can a jew in the usa do ? how can we stand by our brothers blood ? and still think we r frum [wat ever that means ]y are they not demonstaring in the streets ? y are the rabboniem and roshe ha`yeshivot doing ? y are they not screeming ? and if they are reciving $$$$$$ . for who are they going to use it for ? just to keep the $$ in the banks

  4. Enough already. The IDF just needs to go in and flatten the whole Gaza strip if that’s what it takes to put a stop to this. If the world screams…too bad. As Mr. Eiland says where has thw world been as the rockets rain daily.

    BTW if Olmert was not so corrupt and was actually running for re-election, he would have already sent in the IDF.

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