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CBS Poll: President Obama’s Popularity Hits New Low

obsa.jpgPresident Obama is still sliding down in the polls, with one new survey giving him one of his lowest ratings yet, at 46% approval.

The poll, by CBS News, found Obama at 50% last month, and this is the first time he’s slipped below that mark in the news outfit’s survey.

It’s not the only place Obama is treading water. The Gallup daily tracking poll has the commander-in-chief at 49% this morning.

Obama still has fewer people disapproving of his job performance, with that number at just 41% in the CBS findings.

But CBS pollster Charles Cooper notes that’s not good, especially since the poor ratings seem linked to the President trying to make good on his biggest campaign promises, bringing change and passing health care reform.

Just 36% like the way he’s handled health care reform, against 54% who disapprove.

“The irony is that President Obama’s job approval ratings have suffered even as he has tried to push through an ambitious agenda in Congress to force the very change he promised,” Cooper says in his analysis. “If you interpret the numbers as an interim report card, this isn’t one to trumpet.”

On the plus side for Obama, the survey finds 52% of the country approves of the way the President is handling terrorism, and 57% thinks he did well with the X-Mas underwear bomber.

(Source: NY Daily News)

10 Responses

  1. This could be a problem for the Republicans. They want a president with falling popularity to run against, and if he hits bottom and is rebounding in the fall, the Democrats might keep control of the Congress (no matter how hard they try to lose it).

  2. He hasn’t done a days work yet. He is either playing basketball or golf. And the 180 days of partying aren’t quite over yet. Have lots of fun Prez! Keep up the good work!

  3. Truth is, he doesn’t care what others think. He only cares about what HE thinks. BHO has his agenda and he’s going to push it through (chosh v’Sholom)any which way he wants, no matter what the polls say, no matter what you or I say. Hashem is in charge – the one and ONLY Chief. And He cares only that WE do our job right. Workin’ on that one every day! Your never out of a job if your an eved Hashem. 🙂

  4. akuperma,

    Keep drinking that Obamamania flavor of kool-aid you’ve been drinking but dont choke on it.

    So far it seems as if he will follow in the steps of Obama Lite aka Jimmy Carter. One term and gone.

    The only question is, will Republicans vote in the primaries for a real Conservative? True Conservatives beat Democrats.

  5. Akuperma, – I don’t get it….. why are you so pro-hussein. Its one thing to be a “proud” democrat, but it’s a totally different story to be “proud” democrat who sides with a president who is evidently NOT in favor of Israel. Don’t fear that if you dislike hussein, it automatically makes you a republican. It just means that this year you have a poor choice of a democrat president, that’s all. you most certainly can remain a “proud” democrat and still NOT be for hussein. Be smart and think about it more.

  6. elisha y, akuperma as I have blogged on before is a number of people who monitor this website as a way of being able to respond immediately to the various news items so as to maintain control over the Jewish electoral bloc of the Democratic Party.

    I want to know when askanim in Brooklyn especially from the Agudath Israel are going to take a hard look at both parties’ platforms and stop encouraging Brooklyn residents to register Democrat!?!?

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