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Moishele Brings Chanukah Light into the World

moS.jpgLess than a month since the tragedy in Mumbai, the Rosenbergs gathered their strength and prepared to bring a new light into the world by lighting the first Chanukah light. Using the menorah of his late father HY”D, Rav Gavriel Noach Holtzberg, Moishe stood alongside his nanny Sandra and lit the first light, perhaps more than a symbolic gesture that this young orphan will be responsible to bring much light into the world, continuing the mission of his late father and mother, Rebbitzin Rivki Holtzberg HY”D, the shluchim of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Z”TL in Mumbai, who became known around the world as a result of yet another Muslim terror attack that claimed the lives of others as well.

Sandra, who saved Moishe’s life, was permitted to accompany him to Eretz Yisrael and has a visa for three months, but the Rosenbergs are working to have it extended to permit her to remain for as long as she wishes or as long as Moishe needs her.

For the international Chabad community, this Chanukah provides an even more important mission than in past years, since this year, they are compelled to bring even more light into the world, their response to efforts by the enemies of Am Yisrael who seek to extinguish the light of Torah in the world.

On that note, R’ Shimon Rosenberg hopes to be in the Mumbai Chabad House for the last night of Chanukah, where he will light the menorah there, carrying on the tradition of his late daughter and son-in-law HY”D.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel

4 Responses

  1. wishing the rosenberg and holtzberg family much comfort and nachas from moishe. may they be zoche to continue the very important work of their children.

  2. the israeli news took pictures of the family last nite with moishe lighting candles in the home of the rosenbergs with their mishpocha and sandra. if the rosenbergs didn’t want the news and people to speak about them , all they have to do is snap their fingers and say, not now. but obviously it brings them slight comfort to know that klal yisroel recognized this chashuv family. and to encourage us, they gave two korbanos. yet they wish to continue to spread yiddishkeit all around the world.

  3. Moshe’le, Thousand’s of Yidden are thinking about you, your health and you should be happy and build a ‘lechtig’ family Bezraes-Hashem…, May Hashem also think so on us, after our grand-parents were murderd by the nazis ‘ymach-shemom’, we should have all the good what a yid needs and very soon be zoiche to be mkabel punim mushiach tzedkainu.

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