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Shas Planning at Neitz Minyan at Maran’s Kever on Election Day

ovShas party officials on Election Day morning plan to daven neitz at the kever of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L in the Sanhedria neighborhood of Yerushalayim.

It is explained that Maran instructed them regarding Election Day ‘זריזין מקדימין למצוות’, and therefore they should daven as early as possible and then vote. Rabbi David Yosef on Monday, 25 Adar told the media that he urges Shas voters to recite a הנני מוכן prior to voting for voting Shas is indeed a mitzvah.

HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita is expected to take part in the minyan along with other rabbonim and party leader Aryeh Deri. Rav Cohen will recite Birchas Kohanim.

Shas election headquarters officials’ add that loudspeakers will be operating to permit person nearby to participate in the special shachris minyan.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. many gedolim held that one should not Vote in the Israeli National Elections including the Satmar rebbe, the Brisker rav, the Chazon Ish z”l “shev v’al tasse”

  2. It was not aware that RabbiYoni, 147,and Not Getting Involved were halachic authorities. Nor was I aware that they had such great insight into Rav Ovadia’s Pask’s on any subject.

    However I am aware that Hacham Shalom Cohen and David Yosef are both major Torah Scholars and authorities. I think they may just have a tinsy winsy more knowledge on all matters then the 3 stooges.

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