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Is Religious Achdus in Knesset Possible?

knessetOne can only hope that the chareidi and dati leumi lawmakers can find common ground and put differences aside towards combating the government policies that will have a profound negative impact on the Torah community.

Towards achieving such an agreement, MK Rav Yisrael Eichler on Wednesday, 10 Kislev 5774 met with Housing Minister Uri Ariel, in the minister’s office. The two discussed aligning, the chareidi opposition MKs with the Bayit Yehudi coalition party towards combating what the chareidim refer to as “the harsh government gezeiros.”

The two decided to meet again in the near future to continue the dialogue.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. now is the time for sll of us to do teshuva and daven that the dati leumi community decides it’s first priority is to be dati, and only then leumi.

  2. The D”L community does not see army service as “harsh government gezeiros” and MK Eichler’s new-found desire for achdus with the D”Ls is as phoney as a three dollar bill.

  3. As the first line says, “we can only hope.” First step would be, being more civil, something the Chareidi leadership appears to know nothing about. After this last vile election campaign and vicious attacks, people need to stop and think that we all represent Torah and should act accordingly.

    All this does is drive people further away from Torah true Judaism. Every disagreement is NOT an attack against Torah. Credibility is lost with all this ranting and raving. Every time certain MK’s, like Gafne, open their mouths, I cringe.

  4. It would be wonderful if all the Shomrei Mitzvos were in a single party, but that has never been the reality. Since the state was formed, the dati and the frum have been separate parties, namely Mizrachi and Agudah. A more realistic hope might be for the frum to reunite as they had been prior to Degel Hatorah’s split from Agudah.

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