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Diplomatic Ploy, Yes – Halting Enrichment of Uranium, No

iran.jpgIt now appears that Iran has decided to take a step towards playing the game, seeking a measure of legitimacy as the world continues focusing on ongoing uranium enrichment efforts. After the announcement of the new nuclear facility in Qom, Iran has announced a change in position, and reports indicate inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency will in the coming weeks be permitted to visit the complex. Nevertheless, Iranian officials quickly add they do not intend to halt uranium enrichment for a moment, despite repeated demands to do just that.

Dozens of diplomats were present on Thursday for talks in a small village, in a suburb of Geneva, where they gathered around a table in the Intercontinental Hotel to address the Iranian nuclear concerns. EU Foreign Minister Javier Solana announced the Iranians have signaled a willingness to cooperate and they will permit IAEA inspectors to visit the facility.

In a press conference held in the White House, President Barak Obama announced Iran must open her doors to inspectors in the next two weeks, explaining America’s patience are not without limits, and Iran must prove the nuclear program is for peaceful purposes only. The president stressed his commitment to dialogue with Iran towards a brighter future, stating if Tehran fails to show good will and compliance, then America will be left with no other alternative but to increase pressure on Iran.

The president expressed his support for peaceful nuclear energy, which would entail Iran enriching uranium in a host country, thereby ensuring the goal of such a process by supervising the quality of the uranium, which is lower for civilian use as compared to a higher grade necessary towards building a bomb.

In Israel however, officials are painfully aware that Jerusalem does not have the privilege of playing the diplomatic game for much longer, unimpressed by Iran’s willingness to permit access to UN inspectors, aware the inspectors will only be granted access to areas decided upon ahead of time by Iranian officials.

In a related report which further exhibits Iran’s genuine sincerity, the Canadian National Post reported that items used towards advancing Iran’s military nuclear program were apprehended by customs officials in that country, headed for Iran.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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