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Large Kabolas Ponim Greets Rabbi Moskowitz At Lakewood Cheder!

moskowitz final.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) Just a few minutes ago, Rabbi Mordechai Moskowitz – the Lakewood Rebbe who was brutally assaulted with a baseball bat (reported HERE) – arrived for a visit at the Lakewood Cheder. There, he was greeted by a thousand singing and dancing Tinokos Shel Bais Rabon, along with the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva Shlita. This was the first time since he was viciously attacked, and critically injured, that he visited the Cheder – where he has been a Rebbe for close to 25 years.

Please keep in mind, that although he was released from the hospital, and has visited the Cheder – he still needs our Tefillos.

Please be Mispallel for Mordechai Shmuel ben Miriam.

(Photo taken by Bais Photo)

18 Responses

  1. My heart filled with gladness and my eyes filled with tears learning that Baruch Hashem R’ Moskowitz is on his way to recovery. I don’t know this man, yet I would like to thank Hashem for his refuah, may it continue.

  2. a hatzolah man that was one of the first on the secene told rabbi moskowitz at the kabalas ponim when i saw you then i didnt think iwould seeyou in yeshiva again rabbi moskowitz answered that is the koach hatifilah

  3. Rav Moskowitz doesn’t know, nor does he care, how many admirers he has. He is the REAL article!

    People of that nature are the ones we should all look up to.

    Chasdei Hashem Ki Lo Samnu.

  4. Rav Moskowitz:
    May the Rebono Shel Olam bentch you with kol mishalos libchuh.
    May you live until 120 with much nachas from your family and your talmidim.
    May you recuperate completely and may you be zocheh to see the binyan habayis bimheiruh.

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