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Lower Nazareth Township, PA: WalMart Criticized For Selling ‘Adolf Hitler’ Cake

walmart.jpgMany have voiced surprise and displeasure with Wal-Mart, after learning that the bakery at a Lower Nazareth Township branch of the retail giant put the name “Adolf Hitler” on a birthday cake.

Adolf Hitler Campbell’s parents went to the Lower Nazareth store hoping to get a specialized name cake for their three-year-old’s birthday after being turned away at another area store at a local ShopRite store. While the ShopRite store turned down the couple’s request, WalMart did not, defending their actions based on their store policy which bars only profane messages from being iced onto cakes they sell.

As a result of the uproar in the aftermath of the incident, WalMart now says that they are reviewing their cake decorating policies and considering changes. The company said that they realize that they may have offended some people by decorating the cake.

One shopper said he wouldn’t have made the cake and that the store should have had better sense.

Others thought the store just simply honored the family’s constitutional right.

“I hate it! I hate it, but how can you say they aren’t allowed. If you are going to allow these freedoms that are in our constitution, sometimes it goes against what we believe,” said shopper Denise Ackley from Easton.

20 Responses

  1. they’re right, y’know… they can name their kid whatever they want.. should serve as a wake-up call to all those yidden in America who forget we’re in galus

  2. people have the constitution distorted. freedom of speech for example does not apply to the private citizen, for example I’m allowed to restrict speech of any kind in my private residence the constitution is a government document the government cant suppress speech but surely one citizen to another surly can. if someone carry’s a gun does he have a second amendment right to carry it into my home? of course not, and its like that with all of them. the constitution was designed to protect the populace from big government

  3. 7, their daughter’s middle name is, and I’m not making this up, Aryan Nation. This borders on child abuse, or may even cross into it, IMO.

  4. When I took my citizenship I changed my name. The interviewer asked me why I chose this name & I explained it’s my Jewish name. He told me a new immigrant wanted to change his name to Sadaam Hussein! He wasn’t allowed citizenship.

    These parents, unfortunately, ARE US citizens. What a pity!!

  5. #7, yes, it is scary. However, it is not so out of the ordinary among those who fancy themselves white supremacists. They are, and have been for a long time, a sizable sub-culture in America. Fortunately, thank heaven, the FBI keeps them in check, for the most part.

  6. I forgot to add: Being familiar with some people who embrace that “culture” as being more hot air than anything else (although not in some cases), the Campbells strike me as true imbeciles, rather than a threat. These skinhead types, had they been confronted with genuine members of Y’mach Sh’mo, would shake in their boots. We have elderly survivors in our community with more courage in their pinky, who faced the real thing, than what these white, poor, true trash have cumulatively.

  7. Does this mean you can name your kid anything in the US? I would think that there should be some sort of a approval or denial process when one registers a new born’s name

  8. How about naming a child “President”? Would that make him one? Does ANYONE in his right mind call a child ‘adolph’? (forget about the ‘h’ part) NJ Child Protective Services MUST remove and rename these innocent children forthwith! It IS society’s role to protect ALL innocent people,especially children.

  9. #2 I agree, let those YM”M parents lose their children….

    That would make Headlines…. and hopefully stop more of this nonsense…

    I also wonder how much of this is legal in YM”M germany… they have stricter laws against the nzi party there…

  10. To all of you who are running around yelling and screaming about rights, remember the following:

    We live in Golus.

    We live in Golus that B”H allows for the freedoms and rights to allow anyone to do just about what they want in the name of religion.

    We live in Golus that B”H allows people the right to free speech, the right to criticize, the right to freedom of religion.

    We live in Golus. Deal with that first. It is simply amazing how many people on here think that by spouting off things about which they know nothing, they can change anything.

  11. Per the US Constitution, people have the right to believe as they choose, worship as they please and where they please regardless of who likes their choice or not. It is their right. When I think of my grandmother’s family escaping Hitler and the Third Reich and I see something like thi, I can only think how sad. Even moreso, how sad for their children. For those advocating the removal of the child from nazi oriented family, what if the majority in America felt the same about frum individuals and advocated removal of children from Jewish homes because they believe Jewish parents are unfit? B”H He can change such individuals. Should one not offer tehillim for such individuals and leave the judging to Hashem?

  12. I just can’t believe these parents. I have enjoyed everyones comments and would like to leave you with a thought….imagine when this little “tyke” reaches kindergarten all his little friends…or when he tries to graduate from any school or tries to fill out a job application and find work….this should be interesting.

  13. This is outrageous (as a form of protest) Wal Mart should be black listed. Shop at Target or K Mart instead. I am sure these stores would appreciate our business.

  14. Walmart defended their decision based on the store policy banning only profanity from being iced into their cakes.
    adolf hitler (ymach shemo) is not a PROFANITY??
    It is a sick world out there and, getting sicker. At the very least,the employee that gave the go ahead to such a decision should be fired. If Walmart does not take any action in trying to rectify this their stores should no longer be patronized.
    As for the family, may they burn in gehenim and, be a kapara for all klal yisroel.

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