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A Night of Violence in Bnei Brak

The delinquent youths appear eager to continue using the excavations in Jaffa to justify their socially and legally unacceptable behavior, as they did again on Wednesday night. Violence continued until about midnight in a second consecutive night of protests at the intersection of Hashomer and Ezra Streets in Bnei Brak. Hundreds of youths took part, setting garbage cans ablaze and indiscriminately destroying area property.

Police let the event continue for about an hour before sending in Yassam anti-riot police who used batons to disperse the youths. Those refusing to comply with orders to leave the area were taken into custody. Two youths in their beds in Yeshivas Otzros HaTorah were pulled out of their beds by Yassam police after they were identified as having thrown a microwave oven out of a window down at police. Baruch Hashem no one was injured or killed. The suspects taken into custody are in their early teens.

The two were released later in the night after police realized they did not throw the microwave, but were in a different place at the time of the incident. Others involved in the violence remain in custody.

A number of arrests were reported in the area of the Jaffa excavations on Wednesday as well.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

11 Responses

  1. “The two were released later in the night after police realized they did not throw the microwave, but were in a different place at the time of the incident.”

    The police always do that. They use brutal force to arrest innocent yeshiva bochors who have nothing to do with it.

  2. This is a consequence of a too literal understanding of אשר בחר בנו. Too many “haredi” kids think they are above any laws becasue they are “frum” and “in learning”. Because in Eretz Yisroel it is such a great crime to leave “learning” the riff raff are kept in Yeshivas instead of being sent out to the work market, as happens here in New York. They have no desire to to remain cooped up in Yeshiva so turn to violence. But don’t worry they are “in learning”, not chas veshalom ‘working’ so all is OK.

  3. If we have “delinquent” “Hundreds of youths” we have a much bigger problem that needs to addressed.
    Taking care of the dead may be important, but maybe someone ought to be thinking about taking care of the living.

  4. #2 You are onto them. Who knows if there even was a microwave.

    The important thing is that they got to run the story in the news for even a few hours. It’s a bunch of trumped up stuff to smear the frum. There is just a small group misbehaving, but the media is mounting a huge attack on the “ultra-orthodox” … because we are, well, just too darn frum.

  5. Does anyone remember when we would hardly hear the words “chareidim” and “violence” associated with each other? I sort of miss those days. What is wrong with us? Violence in the streets. Violence at demonstrations. Violence if you do not like the psak of a gadol. Can we come up with a better name for these people than “chareidim”? They are a disgrace to any honest chareidi jew.

  6. what dose a demonstration to do with becoming violence what have one to do with the other? were dose violence come in the picture

  7. #3
    i must take issue with what you wrote.
    Yeshivas Orchos Hatorah is located, for better or for worse, right near the scene of most Hafganot in Bnei Brak.

    having worked directly opposite the Yeshivah, i can testify that the bochurim there are serious, learned and studious bochurim. they are definitly not there for lack of choice.

    they are more definitly not there to avoid working and even more definitly do not turn to violence!!!!!

    unfortanately, when the police ‘charge’ the demonstrators, they run, like the cowards and time wasters that they are, into the nearest cover, in this case into the Yeshivah. the bochurim are sadly scared to stop them since they get voilent to the bochurim too.

    in this case, two riff raff’s proably went into the yeshivah, broke into a room and threw the microve. although i did not see this actually happen, i have seen similar actions in the past and can guess this happened here too.

    the police then charge the yeshivah, often pulling innocent bochurim from their beds. i remember a previous demeonstration when the police went wild in the dormitory and indiscriminately tear gassed many very innocent bochurim sleeping in bed.

    may Hashem have rachmonos on these lost neshomos and guide them back home.

  8. Klal yisroel is fed of these so called frumers Eideh Hachareidis who are busy runing our youth and making a chilul hashem.

    Why don’t they rather go and make a kiddush hashem and or pay for seminars to get yiden closer to hashem ( there are a group of chasidim like BELZ that never go to hafgones but rather are mekarev thousands of yiden to hkb”h via their tesuvah movements

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