Dr. Randomex's first official Coffee Room studio (recording in progress)

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  • #614032

    Testing, one two… Testing, one, two…

    And a one two three four!

    ? ? ?, ? ? ?, ???, ? ? ?

    ? ! ? ? !

    ? ? ? ? ? ?, ? ? ? ? ? ?, ?? ?? ??, ? ?!


    I wonder who can tell what this is. It’s a very simple one to start off with.

    C#, C#, D, E, E, D, C#, B, A, A, B C#, C#, B, B.

    C#, C#, D, E, E, D, C#, B, A, A, B C#, B, A, A.

    B, C#, A, B, C#, D, C#, A, B, C#, D, C#, B, A, B, A, C#.

    C#, C#, D, E, E, D, C#, B, A, A, B C#, B, A, A.


    Ode to Joy- Beethoven

    🙂 right?


    Yep. Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, 125, well done

    I would post more but I’m afraid I’ve gotta go.


    How about this one, courtesy of HaLeiVi?

    c6 b16 a8 a8 a8 a8 a8 a8

    a8 d8 d8 c16 b16 c2

    e6 d16 c8 c8 c8 c8 c8 c8

    a8 d8 d8 c16 b16 a2

    e8 d8 e8 d8 d8 c8 c4

    c8 b8 a8 d8 d8 c16 b16 c4

    e8 d8 e8 d8 d8 c8 c4

    c8 a8 f8 f8 e2

    Why was “Alter” blocked? I found him amusing…

    Do you really want me to post the answer to that?

    Little Froggie


    How many of you play music? And what?

    Little Froggie


    Sorry, if it’s too personal, don’t reply! (don’t wanna start THAT again..)


    Yes! Why can’t you post the answer?


    Let’s just say I think randomex was asking a rhetorical question.



    He wasn’t asking you… 🙂

    Little Froggie:

    Two minutes isn’t long enough to assume people aren’t responding!

    Anyway, a while back, I made a list of musicians in this thread: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/random-facts-1

    live right – Piano

    Patur Aval Assur – Unknown, but not a mouth instrument. He feels that specifying his instrument would be giving away “too much personal information.”

    cozimjewish – Piano

    possibly RebYidd23 – Unknown

    Little Froggie – Keyboard and violin

    Writersoul – Flute

    HaLeiVi – Keyboard and harmonica

    Gamanit – Keyboard

    Torah613Torah – Piano [“poorly,” as of 10 months ago]

    LAB [lev aryeh boy] – Keyboard?

    Personally, I play Guitar Hero/Frets On Fire X/Phase Shift.


    Randomex, I (think) know what song it is but it doesn’t really have a name, does it? It’s “ai di di dum…”- some like mitzvah tantz song or something, no?


    Did I not make it to the musicians thread?????? I’m highly insulted. (turned up nose)



    (You could’ve edited that into your previous post, you know.)

    The fact is, you simply weren’t in that thread.

    Go ahead though, tell us what you play – the harp? :-7

    Patur Aval Assur

    Patur Aval Assur – Unknown, but not a mouth instrument. He feels that specifying his instrument would be giving away “too much personal information.”

    All I said there was that I was playing an instrument while reading a magazine, that I was playing an instrument while attempting to recite “The Road Not Taken”, and that I was playing an instrument while attempting to mentally recite “The Road Not Taken”. Presumably you are assuming that in order for me to be capable of talking the instrument could not have been a mouth instrument. A fair assumption, but only one out of my three incidents involved talking.


    “(You could’ve edited that into your previous post, you know.)”

    Randomex!!!!!!!!! You always make me feel stupid but you really, truly, crack me up. Truth is, I didn’t know. How do I do that?

    And did I get the song right or not??

    Nope- the harp, not yet. But I play the keyboard, piano, and a shtickel the guitar.



    At the bottom of each of your posts, there is, from left to right: a (relative) time-stamp (e.g., POSTED 5 MINUTES AGO),

    a “#” symbol, which holds a link to that specific post (that’s where PAA and I get them), and,

    for the first 25 minutes after you’ve put up the post (whether it has been approved or not), an EDIT button. Clicking that will re-open the post for writing. Be aware, though:

    1. If it was an already-approved post, editing it will send it back into moderation, and in the case of rejection, it is not only the edit that will disappear, but the entire post.

    2. Editing a post will not cause it to be time-stamped later – it will always keep the original time-stamp.

    3. If the 25 minutes run out while you are editing, when you click the publish button (“Edit Post”), you will get the error message “Sorry[;/:] post is too old.” (I’ve forgotten which symbol it is.)

    P.S. This is a symbol for “tongue-in-cheek:” :-7


    One’s enough! That’s as illogical as your claim at the time* that what you said could’ve meant you were “playing a record,” which I refuted**.

    (That one’s going to look pretty strange out of context…)




    ibid., following post.

    Patur Aval Assur

    I don’t think it’s illogical at all. Especially considering that there are at least three other people here who play multiple instruments. Which makes sense because various instruments are fundamentally similar to other instruments. What you should have said is that I play at least one unknown non-mouth instrument, thereby leaving open other possibilities.



    The song can be found here – http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/shark-in-mikvah – but I’ll reprint it.

    Ai yai, yai yai, yai yai, yai yai

    There’s a, shark in the, Mikva

    Ai yai, yai yai, yai yai, yai yai

    There’s a, shark in the, Mikva

    Ai yai yai it doesn’t bite

    Ai yai yai it doesn’t fight

    Ai yai yai it doesn’t bite

    It just gives me a fright

    HaLeiVi noted that he was sorry for leaving out the beams.

    (I was about to ask you to explain what that meant, then realized

    I could Google it.)


    Point taken. So, will you reveal the truth now as well,

    “l’maan ha’emes*?”




    O. (my mouth is open, again. I hurt the fly already- he’s dead.)

    Guess I missed the joke. (hanging my head, pride bit deflated.)But I was right anyhow, just didn’t know about the shark bit. (regaining my composure, a little bit.)


    Randomex, this one’s for you:

    E E F E D C

    D D F E C A

    B C D C B C D E…..

    and then,

    A D E F E D F E A C

    D E F E D F A E E

    D E F E D F E A C

    A F E D E F D E

    CIJ- can you relate?



    Guess I missed the joke. (hanging my head, pride bit deflated.)

    What joke? What’s all that about?



    I can’t deal with something like that at the present time, and probably not for the foreseeable future, either. Sorry!


    Randomex- The shark in the mikva one.

    🙁 After all my hard work.:'(

    Okay, anyone else then?



    No worries, Eftach! I have no information about that song

    other than HaLeiVi’s post, and while it’s obviously meant to be humorous, I don’t have any idea what other than the subject matter might make it funny.

    Did you see the editing instructions?

    Just for you, I’m going to try to figure the song out by intervals on a “The Wiggles™” toy guitar. But can you perhaps tell me what it’s first note is likely to be (there are 8 notes) so that I can play the correct notes?

    Patur Aval Assur


    I hope that song is not in response to my portrayal of you in my story.


    Randomex: Yes, thanks.

    “But can you perhaps tell me what it’s first note is likely to be (there are 8 notes) so that I can play the correct notes?”

    I’m not sure what you’re asking other than the first note being E…(I play by ear so don’t really know the official lingo.)

    PAA: Did you figure out the song? And are you referring to your portrayal of me as teacher on the fieldtrip? Were you guessing without knowing which song? If you know which song, in what way did you think you made fun of me?



    Can you help me out, not with the name, but maybe with the rhythm or spacing or some such? I’m using a child’s plaything – only one tone at a time is possible, which I think can mess with the feel of the piece if some notes are pressed too close together… or whatever! I’m tired.

    Please don’t post the name of the song, audience…

    Patur Aval Assur


    I figured it out. I was assuming that you might have been offended by my portrayal of you, and thus you chose this song.


    I don’t know anything about rhythm or spacing.


    Randomex- its 4/4. And I was playing it in regular C.



    The thing is, which tone should I assume the eight tones the toy produces start on? If I assume it’s A-A, then A=1, B=2, etc. But if

    it goes from C to C, then A=6, B=7, C=?, D=2…

    That’s why I mentioned intervals. But come to think of it, if your key note isn’t A, the same thing would apply… or would it? I’m not even a musician! You (or PAA) can just tell me what the song is, and it’ll probably turn out that I’ve never heard of it.


    Hey cool- I just googled it and I see it was already posted here! http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/coffeeroom/topic/lyrics-to#post-223072


    Good job, Patur 😉


    “Personally, I play Guitar Hero/Frets On Fire X/Phase Shift.”

    According to my former English teacher, “personally” was used incorrectly in this sentence.

    Little Froggie

    What’s so incorrect about “personally”. Is he also a frog?


    I took the risk of seeing the name of the song, and it worked out!

    Please don’t post the name of the song, readers – if anyone wants

    to know, they’ll follow the link.

    Yes, I’ve gotten to work – more details later.


    little froggie – I sure hope not;) Apparently personally should only be used in the sense “I didn’t take it personally” etc. When I would write/say “Personally, I believe…..” for example, she would get annoyed and tell me that the statement was tautological because if it was my belief, then obviously it was personal.


    eftach – lol its really funny we have a whole class joke about that song! Yes icr ;P

    Thanx for making me smile! 😀


    at first I thought it was G-d save the queen btw 😀 (dworry – just for first few secs before I worked out timing)


    CIJ- “eftach – lol its really funny we have a whole class joke about that song! “

    It’s probably a joke universal to girls’ classes. 🙂


    Who doesn’t love this one?

    E A C B, A G

    A, A G

    E F G, A G D. D E F E D F D

    E F E, D C D E

    A lady I was visiting in the hospital once asked us to play it and she started crying…


    (like that)

    *The punctuation my efforts at stringing together parts and where to pause/stop.


    Who doesn’t love this one?

    E A C B, A G

    A, A G

    E F G, A G D. D E F E D F D

    E F E, D C D E

    A lady I was visiting in the hospital once asked us to play it and she started crying…


    (like that)

    *The punctuation my efforts at stringing together parts and where to pause/stop.



    I don't know anything about rhythm or spacing.

    I should’ve said tempo and phrasing. Any help here?

    Again, I request that no one post the song title or

    identifying information.

    I couldn’t help seeng this “clue,” though:

    Popa, (pouting) RebYidd23 is making fun of me (sniffle).

    RebYidd, see my song in Randomex’s recording studio thread.



    Patur Aval Assur

    “I should’ve said tempo and phrasing.”

    I don’t know anything about that either. I don’t know anything about music or music theory. The only thing I know (and I only know this from empirical investigation) is that any tune can be played starting with any note.


    Is no one going to try and figure out my song????????????????

    (My mouth is turning into a downward semi-circle.) ;(

    vayoel moshe

    Can someone explain what this is???

    Little Froggie

    VM, This is a site where people feel free to let loose, express themselves a bit, be mechazek others, get chizuk, give someone a reason to smile, brighten someone’s day (or night), debate and engage in serious dialogue over serious and not so serious pressing matters, have DMC, and also etc. That’s what this is!!

    Little Froggie

    eftach, it’s quite hard without notation. No note length, no octave indication etc. (I’m starting to cry..)


    Eftach – your (first) song has been stuck in my head ever since I read your post!! I was doodling it all over my notebook in school, my seatmate thought I was nuts 😉 (that’s when she started making fun of me ;P)

    vayoel moshe

    @Little froggie I understand that. I mean this specific thread I don’t understand what this


    LF- That’s not an excuse. I was able to figure out sirvoddmort’s song without all that. You listen to the pattern of notes. But don’t cry, wait- here’s a tissue for you (psst, Randomex, how can I find a tissue on the keyboard? A clean one.)

    CIJ- Sing along, c’mon, loud! “Why, does everybody make so much fun of me….tralalala…Oh how I wish someone…(with major facial expressions of pain)….”

    (randomex, where’s the musical notes now?)

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