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  • in reply to: Any Ideas for a New Jewish Music CD? #1071751

    Dovid Gabay’s latest cd

    in reply to: Being able to Fargin; Nature or Nurture? #620049

    jent1150 forgive me for not responding to your comment earlier but I do not spend 24/7 reading and writing in the coffee room. It is my intention to limit my reading of the comments written with the intention of stopping. But that doesn’t “poof solve the problem” as you so put it. The problem is the “miyusdike” rhetoric that is bandied about and will continue to be bandied about whether I read it or not. The fact that members of klal yosroel can behave in such a disrespectful manner to their fellow jew is very distressing and is preventing the coming of Moshiach for ALL of klal yisroel, not just those individuals who read and write this trash.

    in reply to: Being able to Fargin; Nature or Nurture? #620014

    I am assuming this won’t be posted because the last time I wrote this, it was not: IT IS TIME TO SHUT DOWN THIS ABOMINABLE COFFEE ROOM. There is nothing wrong with healthy civil debate but what occurs on this website borders on rishus. The namecalling and vitriol is unbecoming a website that purports to be Yeshivish!

    in reply to: Should pro-freikeit commentors be given a voice? #625903

    This whole thread is sickening. illini07, don’t even distinguish what some of these ignoramuses say by responding. The baryonim (zealots) that started this thread or wrote in support should remember to read about Churban Bayis Sheni this Tisha B’Av, specifically about the lengths that Rabbi Yochanan Ben Zakai had to go to to meet with Vespasian because of people like you.

    in reply to: Out Of The Mailbag: (Do As I Do) #620167

    very well said. unfortunately, I think the responses will be just as they always are; totally judgmental and rude!


    While tznius is definitely an issue to be dealt with in our community, I am annoyed when people attribute all of klal yisroel’s problems to the failure of women to behave in a tzniosdike manner. There are,unfortunately, many challenges that face our community and attributing it all to tznius (and usually women’s tznius) is simplistic and just passing the buck. I agree with all who say that we should evaluate ourselves first before we attack others. We all have things we need to improve on, especially our relationships with one another.(bain adom l’chaveiro)

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