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  • in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664623

    Dr. Pepper: Thanks.

    As for your statement

    minimal, (ripping off leaves)

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664617


    In addition you are harping on a minor point and missing the brilliance of the BMG idea.

    If BMG instituted that Tu B’shvat (freezer) boys can only date girls 21+. To date younger they must wait till Pesach. Then close to 400 boys a year will have a personal incentive to date close in age. Now that’s a effective, implementable idea that doesn’t cost a penny.

    (the perk for the out of towners is a minor addendum. This suggestion is THE silver bullet in the crisis..)

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664616


    from Rav Shteinman: “May Hashem strengthen you to find all sorts of ????.”

    However, I hate to burst your bubble but the close the age gap movement didn’t start with the kol korei and doesn’t end with the kol korei. The R”Y who are advising those involved, do not look in the kol korei for a mekor prior to attempting to implement the ideas.

    Re: out of town. That was a suggestion that happens to be very smart and sensible but isn’t a make it or break it. Giving 20 year olds from out of town an advantage will NOT prolong the crisis. Yes easing the age gap is basically the be all and end all.

    cherrybim: I’m sure if you contact the NASI organization they will tell you exactly who to speak in each school to get the info. Numbers can be manipulated (i guess if you say so). The obvious reality that there are far more older single girls than boys can not. If you don’t see that then i guess there not much to discuss. BYTW for someone who has worked with statistics and numbers their entire adult life, the Population x Age Gap theory should be obvious- as it is to Dr. Pepper- our in house math expert(s).

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664612

    Justin2: meaning they have been dating 3.5 years and 15% (3 boys) still left. That’s the equal of girls 22.5. They wish they were so lucky…. Let me know how many of of them are still around in a year and a half (5 yrs of dating).

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664611

    Mezonos Maven: I don’t think you begin to grasp the issue. There are definatly more single 20 year old boys than 20 year old girls because the boys at 20 haven’t even started dating. If you want to understand the age gap concept you have to realize that girls start dating at 19 and boys at 22. The fact that there are perhaps as many single 23 year old boys as 23 girls does not mean there is no crisis. It’s just sticking your head in the sand…..

    If we are able to encourage the 23 year old boys to date the 23 year old girls we will make a huge dent. Similarly if we are able to encourage the 26 year old boys to date the 26 year old girls.

    However, to say that having equal numbers of single 26 yr old boys to 26 old girls (don’t event think that’s true) means there is no problem is so off base…… How is it by the girls after after dating 6 yrs many are still single and the boys get married in a much shorter period of time.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664608

    Justin2: if you have the time please collect data on the other classes from your yeshiva.

    Please understand that comparing girls HS graduating 2001 and boys HS graduating 2001 is comparing apples and oranges. Girls HS 2001 are now 26 having been dating (aprox) 7 years. Boys HS 2001 age 26 (in right-wing HS) are dating 3-4 years (thus the equivalent of girls 22-23).

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664606

    Tzippi: The argument for giving out of town this perk (not that is HAS to be that way) is that out of town is hit significantly harder than in town. (In a boys “market” given the choice of a couple of girls, a boy will most likely prefer in-town to out-of-town). Please remember, it is not a question of ALL or NOTHING (as you sometimes seem to argue). In addition if the out of town communities stand to benefit significantly they could use their collective influence to encourage BMG to make the change.

    cherrybim: your argument is factually incorrect. The girls who are not looking for kollel guys are no better off that the girls who are i.e. the schools where the girls are less likely to pursue kollel guys do NOT have better percentages as your argument suggests.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664603

    Mezonos Maven: The girls schools keep very accurate and up to date data on their alumni. The boys schools do not and therefore it is not easy to get accurate data from the HS. However post HS and EY yeshivos like BMG do have accurate data. In bmg boys that came (and started dating) 5 yrs ago (the equivalent of 24 yr old girls) are less than 2% single. Other post HS EY yeshivos have similar results althoug their data is not as up to date.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664600

    Other suggestions:

    Best one by a long shot is altering slightly the the BMG “freezer”. Tu B’shvat boys can only date girls 21+. To date younger they must wait till Pesach. (perhaps out of town 20 year old girls should also be allowed) It’s the boys choice – wait or date close in age.

    Close to 400 boys with a personal incentive to date close in age. Now that’s a effective, implementable idea that doesn’t cost a penny.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664599

    Tzippi: Much Appreciated

    Next school

    2000 27 years old 15 still single-98 graduates =15.3%

    2001 26 yrs old 21-97 =21.6%

    2002 25 yrs old 28-88=25%

    2003 24 yrs old 29-104=37.5%

    Totals for that school 93-387=24% (crazy!!!)

    another school

    2000 6-54=11.1%

    2001 3-54=5.5%

    2002 9-58 =15.51%

    2003 8- 56 =14.3%

    Totals for this school 26-222=11.7% better that the previous one but still unacceptable..

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664597

    I mean to say that you clearly are not happy with the present educatuonal system. You have decided that that is critical to the shidduch crisis. I am sure the R”Y regret not having consulted with you prior to signing the letter, but they respectfully disagree.

    What the R”Y realize is that the best way to resolve the shidduch issue as well as so many of the issues you raise is by evening out the numbers. When it’s not a boys market they can’t make demands etc.

    What does overhauling the entire educatuonal system have to do with the issue of the boys getting married and the girls getting left out…. Why do you choose the shidduch crisis as the place to grind you ax.

    If you can show one SIGNIFICANT correlation between any of your points and how the boys get married (to girls) and many girls still say single – I will let up.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664595

    Mezonos Maven: They have to me and they will to you if you only ask. Also, ask the boys themselves. Many (including very very good boys) will readily admit that their time in EY was not nearly as productive as their time before and after. This should be decided on a individual basis NOT doing what the “oilam” does.

    AZ- 70 R”Y

    Tzippi- ???

    But I agree the boys that do well let them stay its the boys that would do better let and encourage them to go earlier/stay shorter etc.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664592

    mybat: no hope is a very strong term. But as things stand there are not enough boys to go around. Yes it is very very tragic. The longer we as a community sit on our collective hands the more girls will fall victim. Hashem hasn’t forgoteen, we are being blind.

    Tzippi: The boys that go to EY after a couple of years in bais medrash in America typically go first at around 21 and return on average at 22.5 many closer to 23. It is hard to argue that it would be a travesty if boys on average returned at 21.75/22, would it?? Considering the upside (the boys own time in EY is not always so great/the shidduch crisis) it’s really a no brainer and many many R”Y know this.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664586

    Tzippi: If boys only went and stayed in EY as long as their learning was productive and not because of the system/”what the oilam does”; then we would have many many more boys starting to date slightly earlier. This is one of the worst kept secrets in the yeshiva oilam, the boys know it and the rebbeim know BUT change is never easy and usually takes time.

    It’s a shame that this process of change is costing many girls their chance, but we can’t force change….

    Justin: I’m just wondering how in the world u would know who your by basherte is? For the record the Arizal writes that bas ploni l’ploni is only true till a boy is 18. (not that I have any interest in debating the irrelevant (for the purposes of our discussin) haskafa issue of bas ploni l’ploni)

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664581

    Mezonos Maven:

    1) the number of nebach older boys PALES in comparison to the number of older girls which is why it is considered a girls crisis. The boys that are older and still single could take a girls every night of the week if the so choose. So while the pain of being single is there for boys as well, the numbers dictate that hundreds of girls have not shot.

    2) Interesting you talk about what the R”Y did or didn’t sign. And what if I told you that many R”Y believe boys should come back earlier but aren’t ready to sign such a public statement because the boys are not ready to listen??? You’ll probable call me a liar- that is until a year from now when presto many R”Y are encouraging their boys to curtail their time in EY somewhat.

    Here’s a suggestion. Instead of pontificating, try speaking to R”Y when you happen to see them. I’ll think you will be surprised by what MANY will say. I know -because I have.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664572

    rescue: there should be equal numbers of older single boys (not good) and girls (good). It’s just not the facts on the ground. Nice theory but totally doesn’t explain the phenoman.

    What you are claiming is that there are more good girls than good boys and your are offering explanations why you think that is so.

    I still ask you. WHO are all the “not” good boys marrying. Because they are by and large getting married.

    I don’t care if the girls left over are “good” or “not good” girls. Either way it’s unacceptable if there is anything we can do about it.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664571

    Cherrybim: Statistics may lie – single girls never getting married never having children don’t.

    Tzippi: YES YES YES. Mandating is not necessary. I won’t bore you with the math but if we are successful in having more close in age shidduchim to the tune of average one month closer than last year – the problem for THIS years entering girls will be solved. We will need to continuously close the gap by one month per year (and help each entering year) until we are about average age gap one year.

    Eminently doable if we only paid attention. It’s doesn’t mean all marriages have to be close in age, just significantly more than in the past. B”H much has been done but as a community we are a far way from being finished.


    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664564

    cherry bim:

    The issue you raised determines which girls – NOT how many. Same for the issue rescue raised.. (besides the obvious point that there are no hard data to even determine if your points are true at all).

    One famous myth is that girls from lkwd had a difficult time, not so rich etc etc. The school data shows that to be absolutely FALSE. I can’t disclose names of schools or numbers but suffice it to say that their lkwd HS alumni is not any worse off than the brooklyn schools. My point being that convenient theories don’t necessarily make for truth. Besides for the fact that yours and rescue are simply irrelevant.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664562


    Trust me the poeple who are spending their time on the issue have looked at the mortality rates and other sociological factor. What is clearly the number one issue is population gorwth x age gap. Do you deny that or are you simply unaware?


    Who are all the “not” good boys marrying?? Because almost all the boys seem to be married..

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664558

    aaryd621: Please realize these are not MY points, just points that I have spent time bringing to the CR attention. 70 R”Y seem to feel they are valid and legit, and frankly they are self evident.

    Without going around in circles I’m curios whether you think the points are “foolish” from a haskafic standpoint, or because you don’t believe that the there are far more girls in the dating pool?

    cherrybim: they boys are meeting (girls), and marrying (girls), and yet many many girls remain single. Far more than the boys. Please explain that phenomena…

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680926

    Jothar: correct. Oversupply is far from the problem

    And yet the boys (almost) all get married relatively quickly. How does that happen???

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664553

    I am greatly honored (not) by all the acknowledgments. Could we please stay to the thread??

    in reply to: Shidduchin as a Business #663418

    Jotahr: To whom was your last comment directed

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680923

    Not if in one case (real estate) the fee makes all the other efforts worthwhile. In that case its reasonable to not pay for the service. If the fee upon successful result (shadchan) doesn’t make it worthwhile for all the unsuccessful efforts – than it isappropriate to pay for the service – not just a modest fee upon successful result.

    in reply to: Shidduchin as a Business #663416

    Bemused, well said.


    “Why do “professional” shadchanim THINK and EXPECT that they should get paid????

    Do I get paid for davening every day? Saying a bracha before and after I eat something? If so, please tell me to whom do I go to, so I can collect? I won’t have to work anymore and I’ll retire.”

    Just curious what would happen if you tried that line on your hairdresser, (chesed) gardener (chesed), childs tutor (chesed), grocery store (chesed), you get my drift. Since when do YOU have the right to determine where and when someone else should spend thier time to help YOU and then demand that they do it as a chesed??

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680921


    Certainly a shadchan that chases after a boy/girl wouldn’t expect to get paid when they get the boy/girl to listen to their suggestion. However I don’t know what planet you live on. The shadchanim I know whose phones ring incessantly by people begging for their attention and their help, ceratinly wouldn’t constitute chasing after those people.

    oomis1105: It seems like you also are not with reality.

    “I would love to see a truly GREAT shadchan refuse to take mroe than $500 for the shidduch. I am betting that she would get more people coming to her, and the others would be forced to lower their fees.”

    Do you think shadchanim have a problem with poeple coming to them????? They wish they had fewer people hounding them. Why don’t you pay a visit to even a semi active shadchan and spend a day in their home. They are NOT looking for more people to work on. They by and large can’t say no when people beg them for help..

    Bemused: Real Estate broker- bad analogy.

    Real estate brokers make far more than 2,000 on a copmleted sale. Say on a 500,000 home 4% commision thats a nice $15,000. On a 1 million dollar home that’s $30,000. Surely if shadchanim received that on a average shidduch it would be worth more than their while for all the non succesful attempts.

    However receiving a total of 2g-3g (high end) for a succesful shidduch creates a need to pay for the service not just the result.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664547

    Dr Pepper:

    The people involved with the NASI project would love to have talented capable people join their team. They would definatley welcome you input and assistance. At present it consists of a very small handful of unbelievably dedicated people under direct leadership of leading Roshei Yesiva. Your help would be invaluable. Contact them!


    It is posted on the yw website – september 24th 2009

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680915


    If you think that is never okay to hound another jew please explain how it has become acceptable to treat the shadchanim that way. There is no other way to explain what they endure.

    As for the specific amount:

    That should be determined by a free market like everything else in our society. Why have we decided that a token hakaras hatov (which by the way even that almost never comes) is sufficient.

    Truth be told the shadchanim do it to themselves. If they weren’t so nice and kind they wouldn’t be taken advantage of. By and large they are very nice and bashful and don’t have it in them to ask for fair compensation, therefore they are abused.

    Doesn’t excuse the abusers.

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680913

    I guess the consensus is that there is nothing wrong with expectingdemandinghounding someone (a shacdchan) to put time and energy into helping me (my child) and not offer anything in return for their efforts – unless i get what i want.

    How selfish.. but maybe it’s just me.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664534

    aaryd621: Seems like you know better that a lot of very chosheve people (perhaps the roshei yeshiva just all forgot that gemara). hmm

    For the record (not that your comment even deserves a response)

    It also says who will be rich who will be poor

    Close down all tzedaka organizations – hashem takes of everything there are no needy

    it also says who will be a talmid chachom and who will not

    close down all educational instittuations – hashem takes care of everything

    it also says when a person will die

    close down hatzala and all medical services – hashem takes care of everything

    Frankly the response when someone else is in a difficult situation should be what can I do to help. NOT why bother helping – hashem takes care of everything.

    I Wonder after 120 when we are asked why we didn’t do anything-how’s this for an answer

    ME?? G-D you take care of everything, I was waiting for you to solve the problem.

    As the Chief Rabbi of England Zatzal said “The question is not where was G-D – The question is where were WE

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664533


    I have never claimed that all the ideas/suggestions were signed on by the 70 Roshei Yeshiva. Clearly not every idea can be presented to such a large body for endorsement. The 70 Roshei Yeshiva signed on to the the general idea of what the problem is and what needs to be done. Rav Shteinma wrote “May Hashem strengthen you to find all sorts of ????”

    How to achieve the goal is a very good question. There are very well respected Roshei Yeshiva who are advising the people who are investing their energies to come up with effective suggestions. I will let them know that you would like to be added to their think tank. They appreciate any and all feedback/help.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664524

    A viewpoint that is aligned with what 70 Roshei Yeshiva would like to see happen. Why would I drop the ball based on some anonymous bloggers. The day the roshei yeshiva recommend stopping the push to close the age gap -is the day I will.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664523

    cherrybim: I’m glad you think the situation is hyterical. Try speaking to families with older single daughters.

    Call me a dreamer, that’s fine. Since when is it assur to attempt to help fellow members of klal yiroel – even if there are those that think you will not be successful. I am not asking for your time money effort – but please don’t belittle those who care. For the record 70 roshei yeshiva signed a letter encouarging more close in age shidduchim. I don’t think it’s kavod to refer to their intent as a fantasy. Surely their judgment is at least as good as yours.

    Naysayers are a time a dozen..

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664520

    Artchill: I re-read your post. Are you alleging that the school I posted is falsified?

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664517

    Artchill: item number 3 and 4 are blatantly false.

    The Roshei Yeshiva wrote Primary reason not sole reason,

    I have proposed (fair) wages for their labor, I never proposed lawyers wages.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664512

    “there’s at least one in every family, and on every block.”

    Every block maybe, every family is certainly an exaggeration unless you are referring to extended family like cousins in which case it is probably not that far off but I don’t know of anyone who has this kind of data.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664510

    cherrybim: The ribbono shel oilam expects us to do our best. The rest is up to him. Quitting on Klal yisroel isn’t an option.

    Apparently 70 Roshei Yeshiva thought it’s a worthwhile endeavor. FYI progress has been made in the real world, every little bit counts. If the cr is behind the times – I really don’t care.

    Tzippi: families with one or more older single daughters IS a risk factor for shalom bayis. Try speaking to some parents who are in that position and ask them about the ruach in their home.

    Rav Shteinman puplicly stated that this is one of the greatest tragedys facing the jewish people today. I’ll take that as a call to action.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664501

    It’s NOT the CR oilem that I really care about – sorry jax. If you don’t like the topic feel free to ignore. Apparently there are many people who do care about the issue.

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680910

    Have you ever met a car saleman who was hounded from morning till night day after day to find him just the right car?

    “if shadchanim had the audacity to ask for fees upfront for their efforts, they would become FORMERLY successful shadchanim.”

    You obviously are very distant from active shadchanim. You can rest assured they would have plenty of people still banging down their doors (phones), and the few that would choose not to would be a welcome break for the shadchanim. Perhaps by being slightly “very slightly) less busy they might even enjoy 10 min of quiet time with their families each day.

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680908

    artchill: in other words selfish!! If I benefit I will pay but if its the shadchan benefit I won’t. You can be sure that if the shadchanim weren’t so nice and stated their fees up front for their efforts- many people WOULD start paying.

    Most salesman do not have their phones ringing from 7am-1am. It’s the reverse they go out and make the calls hoping to make a sale. People calling shadchanim asking, begging, demanding (due to frustration) their help, should be ready to pay for what they are asking them to do on their behalf.

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680905

    It should be no different than the other expenses incurred in the dating process: rental cars, cleaners, parking, hairdressers, manicures??, entertainment, etc. Certainly people take all kinds of factors into account when deciding whether to continue to pursue a specific shidduch forward. Why do we suddenly get all jumpy when the idea is to pay the shadchan (less than the rental car).

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664495

    Didn’t know that posting accurate data is shouting. How does one shout in a CR anyway?

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680903


    Would you consider a scenario where the boy and girl go out more than a couple of times simply a “silly suggestion” from a “yenta”? I beg to differ. Clearly it was on the mark and as such the shadchan did what can they can be expected to do.

    Perhaps we can debate whether the threashold a real good idea is 3 dates 5 dates 10 dates (probably on different dating styles). But you would agree that not only when a date results in marriage has a shadchan provided a legitimate service. Ones unhappiness with the result – so long as it is not due to the shadchans not doing their job – should not diminish from the shadchans right to compensation.

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680901

    Oomis1105: Since when does a persons schooling decide whether or not they deserve to be reimbursed for their services. Perhaps it decides how MUCH not IF. I don’t advocate shadchanim charging $350 (lawyers fees) per hour that they spend on a individual person. But why are you sooo comfortable with expecting them to do it for free.

    When and where one does chesed it their own personal choice, the community has NO right to expect individuals to expend such extensive effort on their behalf for free.

    Bemused: Hard doesn’t mean impossible. Gotta start somewhere- the ywcr is nice place to start bringing this “breakthrough” concept to peoples consciousness

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664493

    Tzippi: The facts are the facts. Hiding our head in the sand is NOT going to make it go away.

    Joseph: I am quite friendly with the very special people involved with NASI – which is how I came to become familiar with the issue. (hope this doesn’t constitute personal information)

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680894

    Tzippi: Before qouting sources. I’m just curious whether you checked the sources before paying your shaitel macher, mechanic, lawyer, manucuristetc. What is going on????

    And last time I checked lawyers fees where quite high-whether or not they win the case. Why do we take such advantage of the shadchanim?

    Bemused: I agree with you a hundred percent and it’s high time the custom changed.

    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680889

    Bemused: It’s nice to see that some people get it. I have actually encouraged various shadchanim to read this thread and they are flabbergasted by the attitudes people express here.

    I disagree with you on one point and that is why should a shadchan NOT be compensated for all the time and effert involved when they go out 3/4/5 times and then break it off. The shadchan invested time and energy and deserves to be fairly compensated. There are many many fields where one pays for the time energy and skilll invested in providing the service, whether or not the result is what the parties wished for. The only determining factor is whether the the person providing the service did their role propely.

    Shadchanim can NOT guarantee marriage. (perhpas our mistake lie in expecting shadchanim to get our children married???) All they can do is suggest appropriate ideas and put in the time and effort to bring that suggestion to fruition. Surely if the boy and girl chose to meet 3/4/5 times it was a very legit suggestion.

    Why do they not got paid for that????

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664489

    NO. This data is being kept under the strictest confidence. School and girls names will not be disclosed to the public.

    in reply to: YOU can Resolve the Shidduch Crisis #664487

    Another School:

    2000 (27 yrs old) 6 still single out of 46 graduates=13%

    2001 (26 yrs old) 6-30=20%

    2002 (25 yrs old) 3-21=14.28%

    2003 (24 yrs old) 9-30=30%

    Total of girls who have been dating between 5-8 Yrs and still unmarried


    in reply to: Shadchanus – How Much? #680884

    numerous typos pls repost

    The reason Shadchanim do not state the compensation they would like to receive upfront, is NOT because they are looking to take advantage at the end -but rather because they are by and large a bashful group when it comes to asking for money. Being that there is such a “es kumpt mir” attidute regarding our dealings with shadchanim, they feel like they are being grubby if they were to discuss any kind of money when they are first called.

    For some reason plumbers, mechanincs electricians don’t have that problem. Might it just be that WE create the atmosphere that makes shadchanim uncomfortable about discussing money.

    Everyone here (seems to) agrees with the unbelievable time and effort shadchanim put into redding shidduchim. why is is so hard to recognize that they should be made to feel that they deserve the compensation and that when they receive it they should not be made to feel like beggers.

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