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  • in reply to: Are Chareidi women judges the wave of the future? #1475958

    Yes, Chareidi women, as they have in the past, are and will continue to enter and excel in all business and professional fields, as they are responsible for leading and supporting their families. They should all have hatzlacha, BE”H.

    On another note, regarding arkaos, all the big chareidi machlokisim have been and are fought out in arkaos, not in bais din. This includes, Satmar, Bobov and Ponevez. So these charedie women judges will have their hands full.

    in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1466237

    See RAMBAM Hilchos Sanhedrin, Perek Daled, Halacha Yud Alif. He writes how the Sanhedrin can be established Bizman Hazeh. The RIDVAZ writes that the chachmei Tzfas tried this in the 1500s, and failed (He disagreed with the Chachmei Tzfas). The RAMBAM continues that once the Sanhedrin is established, they can proceed to do all that’s required to re-build the Bais Hamekdash, including determining and appointing a Melech who is a descendant of Bais Dovid, and annointing him with the Shemen Hamishchah, which they will make. Thats the definition of the Mashiach – A melech who is a descendant of Dovid HaMelech and annointed with the Shemen Hamishcha. No Navie is required for any of this according to the RAMBAM. also see Hilchos Bais Habicheerah for how to perform all thats necessary in Yerushalayim. No Navie required.

    in reply to: Building the Beis HaMikdash #1465350

    It can be done but it requires a Sanhedrin. The Sanhedrin requires Rabbonim with Smichah, which no longer exists bizman hazeh. According to the Rambam who speaks about this, Smichah can be re-established if the majority of the Gedolei Rabbonim in eretz Yisroel, confer Smichah on one Rov, and he in turn will give Smichah to others etc. Once a Sanhedrin is established they will determine and solve all the issues. You can check this out in the Rambam.
    this has been tried in the 1500s by Mare Be Rav (Rav Yosef Karo’s Rebbe) and failed.
    Rav Henken Zatzal wrote about this as well.


    I checked the machzor vitri. Here is the source. Machzor Vitri chelek 2:496
    It states that the minhag was for the chosson and kallah to sit next to each other, and for the guests to dance around them. Nothing about male guests dancing with the kallah, that is a goyishe minhag.


    Please let me know where in the machzor vitri this minhag is mentioned.


    No, the name of the shevet is Yosef, not Joseph

    in reply to: Choson & Kallah Walking Together Into Wedding Hall – Jewish or Gentile? #1450859

    The name Joseph is a name that came from the Goyim.
    Some goyishe minhagim that are performed at Jewish weddings are.
    1. The mitzva tantz. Its a custom in eastern europe for the male guests to dance with the bride at the end of the wedding. This is completely goyish.
    2. Mezinka dance with brooms and flower garlands. This is a Pagan custom

    in reply to: Why Would a Girl Even Want to Learn Talmud? #1441638

    I dont have a SA or RAMBAM in front of me, but I believe the only issur is for a Father to teach his daughter, nowhere is there any issur brought down for a woman to pick up a gemara and learn on her own, with friends, or with teachers. As long as its not her Father teaching her.

    in reply to: Single girls wearing ring on ring finger #1438066

    Yes, it will make stupid yentas think shes engaged. Who cares!!???

    in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1430770

    Baltimore –
    The Olas Shmuel states that if women light, they make a bracha like by all other mitzvos that they perform (funny that this needs to be said). Not exactly correct. many mitzvos assei they do as aino mezuvah veoseh (but they of course make a brachah), while neiros cahnukah they are mitzuvah veoseh (and they make a brachah). The Chasam Sofer is inexplicable. the Gemara states that women are obligated to light neiros chanukah, and they lit outside and kol kavudah bas melech existed then as well, so why didnt the gemara state the reason of the Chasam Sofer if that is applicable?

    edited- be nice please

    in reply to: Explaining to girls that only boys light the Chanukah Menorah #1430749

    Most mitzvos asseis shehazman grama women are obligated to perform, for various reasons that the torah and chazal obligated them for. For example, the mitzvos of the seder, purim etc. As the gemara clearly states women were also involved in the nes, so they are obligated to light.

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