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  • in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168127

    This is based on what happened to me yesterday morning. 🙂

    Poseach Es Yadecha

    This morning upon waking

    I looked at my clock

    felt a rush of despair-

    the numbers filled me with shock.

    It seemed that today

    I was gonna be late.

    There was no hope I’d get to work

    by five past eight!

    Got into my car

    in a rush and a flurry

    I’d woken up five minutes ago-

    I had to hurry!

    I hate being late!

    It ruins my day.

    And so to Hashem

    I started to pray.

    “Gd,” I thought,

    wearily in my head,

    “please let me be on time!”

    I begged and I pled.

    It was then that it hit me-

    gave me quite a start!

    At this moment Gd’s pumping

    my ever beating heart.

    Letting me fill my lungs

    and digest my food

    encouraging me, helping me

    to stay in a good mood!

    And He’s not just doing

    all this for me;

    every second He does the same

    for each person I see!

    And each of them is praying

    each with their own request,

    hoping and begging

    for what they believe is best.

    I felt pretty silly then…

    He’s busy, that Gd of mine.

    He’s keeping the world spinning,

    so who cares if I’m on time?!

    Such a measley request,

    insignificant and small…

    He’s so busy with other things,

    taking care of it all!

    It’s not so important

    whether or not I’m on time,

    if the world is still running

    when the bell finally chimes.

    If hearts are still beating

    and people are growing

    I’ll be happy though I’m late

    you see, it’s all in the knowing!

    But… while this thinking is healthy

    it is admittedly flawed,

    because, you see, there’s this awesome thing about Gd…

    Do you know how much energy

    He requires to keep hearts pumping,

    the world spinning and all children

    laughing and jumping?

    To grow healthy crops

    to bring forth rain

    to satiate, to starve,

    to bring joy, to bring pain?

    To keep cycles going

    and the earth ever spinning,

    bringing lives to an end

    and still others a new beginning?

    Though for His attention

    there’s no higher demand,

    He accomplishes it all

    just like opening his hand!

    With the strength that’s required

    to move fingers from palm,

    He maintains equilibrium,

    keeping everything calm.

    So to add to His huge list

    one prayer, comparatively small,

    He’s listening, He’s caring,

    He wants to hear it all.

    For you see, you’re His child!

    The world’s running for you!

    He wants to help in every way

    that you need Him to.

    So you want to be on time?

    Go ahead! Ask away!

    He’ll help you if that’s how

    you’ll maximize your day.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168126

    Happy birthday 🙂 Amen… thank you for the bracha… I was going to add in an adjective to describe said bracha but I don’t think I can do it justice so I’m gonna leave it as is.

    Blabla, that’s great. Now just keep going no matter what. It may sometimes feel like you’re talking to a wall and that no one’s listening… but it only takes one time to knock down the wall!

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168121

    honestly… prolly doesn’t matter where I was a few months ago… don’t even know how much it’ll do, if anything, for our pal bla. I think this sort of thing is what you have to hear when you’re in a good place and get used to it so that when you’re in a bad place, you have this in your arsenal, should you need it. Still, yelling at Gd is something I only ever did out of desperation… and it helped exponentially.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168119

    blabla… this might sound bad but… to me it sounds like you and Gd need to have a little conversation. But don’t just talk. Yell. Scream. Cry. Ask Him why. Be real. You don’t have to be strong when you’re talking to Him. He’ll be strong for both of you. Know that now, when you’re in pain, He’s in pain too. He’s hurting because you’re hurting, yet He’s also making you hurt and Himself hurt for the sole purpose that somehow this is what’s best for you and all the other people involved. He really loves you.

    Much Hatzlacha…

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168110

    hehehe… so just sorta reading this stuff now for the first time (after already posting 2 poems, mind you 😉 and… blabla… man, can I relate. I’m in the same exact place. I always felt like scum watching it… still do, actually… but it wasn’t something I could stop. I couldn’t help it. I want to say I can’t help it… but that’s not true, so I’m not going to bother. I also felt all alone, because no one knew what I was doing, and who else could possibly be so screwed up as to do the same thing??? I never realized how tragically common it is, and maybe other people feel the same way that I do.

    I’m so aware of my yetzer hara for it… right from the beginning I can feel him. But in my mind I tell him, hush. I try and keep him quiet. Sometimes I win… but sometimes I fail.

    I think the reason I fail is because, after all, the argument is all in my head. Sometimes, when I’m alone in my room and feel like watching some of the yuck, I say out loud, “No way! I’m not doing this!” and that seems to help. It takes the fight out of my head and makes it something more real. It’s something that’s actually happening.

    Because this fight really is taking place. It’s NOT just in your head, no matter how crazy it sounds.

    And even if it is all in your head… it effects your soul. In other words, not worth it.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168109

    G-d Loves You

    An opaque fog in front of me,

    A hazy mist behind,

    So where am I to turn?

    My path I need to find.

    A future stretches before me

    Of decisions to be made,

    Where do I go? What do I do?

    The past was not at times the best,

    But still I learned, I loved and laughed,

    Perhaps I ought turn back.

    But now that time is done.

    And gone is the time for fun.

    I have no choice, no say at all.

    Into a fearsome, vast black hole.

    And the decisions that I do make?

    They haunt me night and day,

    Yet another torturous stumbling block

    Intent on barring my way.

    Why does G-d hate me? I wonder,

    As my strength saps and I tire.

    My every action has a consequence

    And all my plans backfire.

    I never seem to get my way

    Because when, for a moment, I do,

    Something else pops up to ruin things

    And greater troubles stew.

    I wryly think about our G-d,

    Just watching as I choke?

    For someone wise once told me something

    That gets me through each day.

    She told me that G-d loves me.

    He loves me and He cares!

    He wants for me to gain!

    Like one day she made her bus

    As He loves each and every one of us.

    From then on I saw it more and more,

    A clear, ever present fact.

    How G-d easily pulls the strings,

    Maneuvering my every act.

    Essentially I do have a choice

    Which is best for my soul.

    So if I see Him in good things,

    Why is it that in troubled times

    I so desperately seek to hide?

    If anything I should go out,

    My arms outstretched wide,

    Allowing Him to take the reigns

    While in His warm embrace I hide.

    But that is not quite how it works,

    I too must do my part.

    And frantic becomes my ever beating heart.

    I doubt His involvement in my life.

    I doubt I have His care.

    And then I hear that voice again,

    That floats in the back of my mind.

    It strengthens me, I think clearly.

    So though the struggle may be fierce

    And though it may be long,

    I know that I can do this,

    I will someday see the light.

    Has been just beyond my sight.

    G-d is holding your hand.

    Just close your eyes – believe!

    In all that which you perceive.

    When you see G-d on your side.

    Sit back, enjoy the ride.

    in reply to: ATT POETRY PEOPLE #1168090

    The Puppet

    Merely a puppet, that’s all you are

    in the hands of the puppeteer.

    He is mysterious, he is evil;

    it’s him that you must fear.

    For quietly he’s whispering,

    he’s bossing you around,

    silently manipulating you each day

    until the day you reach the ground.

    A slick and subtle presence,

    his will overcomes your own.

    He started off small but over time

    you’ve surrendered and he’s grown.

    He is always silently lurking

    waiting for your fall and your plunder…

    his cheer when you finally do fail,

    an overwhelming, silent thunder.

    Each time you cave he gets bigger

    and even bigger than before

    until finally he’s just so big

    that you can’t fight him anymore.

    Your hands are not your hands

    they move despite your will

    they rise and fall without consent

    they move with precision, skill.

    In your mind you’re shrieking,

    “Stop! No! This isn’t what I want to do!”

    Yet still they lift, they move about

    regardless of whether you want them to.

    It feels terrible, you feel dirty.

    You know that it’s not really you…

    Or is it? That voice inside your head

    Sure sounds a lot like you do…

    Then it gets confusing.

    What’s the truth? What is real?

    But the voice inside is whispering…

    “Quit thinking, would you? Just sit back and feel.”

    And feel you do… not a thought in your head

    and boy, does it feel good…

    until it’s too late… it’s over…

    if you could undo it, you would.

    Because now you feel terrible.

    You know it was wrong.

    But you listened to that voice…

    got caught up in his song.

    Next time, you say, it’ll be different.

    Next time you’ll fight back…

    but then next time rolls around

    and it’s strength that you lack.

    Fighting back takes effort

    you must firmly say “NO!”

    take a stand, walk away

    rather than sit back, caught up in the show.

    Honestly… I’m still there now.

    So I can’t really advise…

    I do think the key though

    is simply to realize

    that no matter how entrenched you are

    in the bad, the physical,

    HE is not YOU

    For you are pure. You are spiritual.

    You are so much more.

    It’s up to you to overcome…

    or add lines to his tally

    of battles he’s won.

    Don’t be a number.

    Don’t be a statistic…

    Don’t let yourself fall

    in the hands of someone so sadistic.

    Rise up and cut the strings

    the knife’s right there in your hand

    it’s up to you my dear one…

    for it’s you alone who can.

    in reply to: Seminary #846730

    Hi there, so I’m new to this posting sitch but I figured I’d jump on in even though it’s after applications are due (right?) cuz applying is really only the first part… the actual decision of where to go is equally hard… and since calorie hasn’t gotten ’round to answering your questions about ateres, I wanted to.

    1.What were you or other people at the seminary looking for in a seminary when deciding?

    When I applied, I applied to Ateres and Seminar. Both are known to have diverse crowds, lots of different types of girls from different backgrounds, and there’s a lot of academic wiggle room (Ateres, having tracks, and Seminar also having different levels). Seminar is known to be a warm and out of towny place as is Ateres. I chose to go to Ateres ultimately because my principal said that it was, what he would consider more out of the box. Ateres is also a much smaller seminary so there’s a lot more individualized attention in the classes. There’s less than half the girls there than in Seminar. These were all really big things that had me leaning towards Ateres, but what really helped me make up my mind was…

    2.How important is the interview/How intense,etc.- reading of rashi?

    My Ateres interview was the best interview ever. I met with Rabbi Belsky and Mrs. Sokol at their hotel and I was totally comfertable at once. In fact, I was smiling the whole time. I don’t really know why… I just couldn’t help it!!! Anyway, I was totally expecting the whole chumash rashi ramban kli yakar deal… and I didn’t get it. I was super nervous for no real reason…! They asked me one simple question: “If you could make your own seminary, what would you call it? What types of teachers would you have? What types of classes? Girls? etc…” They really wanted to see if what I wanted and what they had to offer worked out. They asked what types of lessons would I have in my seminary, what values would there be, etc.

    I just loved their style… the interview gave me the impression that at Ateres they care more that they’re getting GOOD girls as opposed to girls whos test grades have deemed them “smart”.

    (The Seminar interview, for those who are wondering, was more straightfoward. I read from the chumash, a rashi, and a kli yakar. I also had to fill out a questionarre in hebrew while I was in the waiting room.)

    3.What is the style of teaching? Discussion, lecture, classroom setting, chavrusa??

    Ateres has all different styles. Mrs. Herenstein’s class is full of discussion, she definitely encourages it, and in pretty much all the other classes there is plenty of discussion as well, though probably not nearly as much. We have lectureres come for around an hour once a week to speak about different topics. They are fantastic!! Of course there is classroom setting as well. Lastly, there is also studying b’chevrusa. How many chevrusas you have though differs on what class you’re in. If you’re in class one you work with one other girl in your class and if you need help, a prep tutor is there to address your question. If you’re in class two or three then you work with a group of girls in your class as well as a prep tutor.

    4.What type of classes are there?

    All sorts!! There’s chumash, navi, tehillim, megillos, hilchos brachos, hilchos shabbos, va’adim be’tefilah, torahs habayis, a class on ikrei emunah,chovos halevavos, ma’agal hashana, machshava, yesodos … there’s a holocaust class, a teachers class… there’s a lot but you’ll find that in any seminary.

    5.Can you choose your classes?

    Not really. There are a few classes that are optional but those are all REALLY good and definitely worth taking anyway. Class one has to take those though. Still, there are 2 classes (I think…) that are optional for even class one.

    6.How much work is there? Tests?

    We definitely have our reports but the amount of reports and the material covered in the reports you have to discuss depends on what class you’re in. The actual amount of work depends on the class but there isn’t really that much all together. There is no busy work, really. I think the most you have is prep but classes 2 and 3 have class time to do their prep with tutors so it’s very manageable. We definitely have tests and they’re not easy but we don’t have so many comparatively… or at least I don’t think so.

    An important thing I want to note… everyone knows who is in which class but it really makes no difference socially!!! Most of my closest friends were not in my class!

    7.Is the seminary about getting as much done as possible or learning as much as possible out of each thing? Are tests and work a side factor and they really just want the girls to learn or is work a big factor of importance to the seminary?

    The first year in Ateres there were NO TESTS. They tried it out as an experiment. But it was a failure. After that they started giving tests.

    I think that’s proof enough that Ateres is more about what the girls get out of it, how they grow, who they become, then their grades.

    8.How hard is it? How hard is hard?

    I like your question… it’s very well phrased. Of course hard is relative…

    Anyway… I don’t think comparitively Ateres is a very hard seminary. One good thing about it is that it’s tracked (there are 3 different levels or 2 different levels, depending on the class) so whatever level you’re at you’re being pushed to grow… the idea is not to push you too hard. Class is meant to make you think. But they don’t want to stress you out. If you find yourself having trouble, the staff is very accomodating and more than willing to help you, to make things work.

    I said before that Ateres has different tracks, but in actuality, there are maaaaaany different tracks. If a girl would have trouble with the track she was placed in then she has the option to switch to a lower track, or mrs. Sokol would help that girl in modifying the track that she’s in to make it more manageable for her. Often times, a girl is intelectually at a certain level but her skills are not quite there yet so she’ll sit in a higher class but have the workload of a lower class. A lot of girls found this very helpful!

    You can literally ask anything. People wouldn’t look down on you for asking a question… if you’re asking it generally means you want to know for a reason, for yourself, for your own growth. If you’re not asking you either haven’t thought of it or you don’t really care to know the answer because no matter what answer you get, it won’t effect your daily life and how you think.

    10.The girls who go there is their focus on learning more textually or learning more and growing more spiritually?

    Definitely spiritually I think, but I can honestly tell you that my textual skills grew exponentially as well! B”H!!

    Everyone’s different… Depends on the girl. We had everyone from giyores to semi chassidish.

    12.Are they all about the outside or do they focus on the inside as well?

    I don’t really know what you mean by that… can you clarify?

    They definitely focus on middos, on getting to know yourself… but what exaclty do you mean by outside?

    13.How big of a mix of people is it? Is it hard to find your place?

    There’s a big mix, lots of different types, but it’s not hard to find your place at all. I was so comfertable there right away… everyone is friends with everyone. There’s no judgements… no peer pressure… you can just be you. It’s a very good environment for figuring out exactly who YOU is…

    14.Do they go on trips? Do they go to Europe?

    We definitely went on plenty of tiyulim but they don’t go to Europe.

    15.Are their rules strict? What are some of their rules?

    They don’t have many rules but the ones they do have are enforced. For example, you can’t walk around the dorm in pants. The madrichot will send you back to your room to put on a skirt. Curfew is a big deal as well, you have to be on time. If you need it you can definitely get late curfew with permission.

    16.Do they have a uniform?

    They have a dress code: long pleated skirts, oxford shirts, solid dark sweater.

    17.What is the status of the dorm?

    It’s in the building and it is the best place in the world to be!!!

    Would you care to clarify? Anything specifically you meant by “status”?

    When I was there there were weeks that were in and weeks when we had to be out but now the dorm is never closed, you can always stay in, but some weeks they’ll provide meals and some you’ll have to find them in the surrounding neighborhoods. Ramot is a great place to be though! Plenty of Americans if you’re nervous about the hebrew… Also, it’s a far walk and it’s not flat, but many girls would walk to ramat eshkol and sanhedria for meals…

    19.How many meals are given?

    All of ’em!

    Hope this helps!!! 🙂 If you have any questions… feel free to ask! Hatzlacha in choosing the right place for you!!

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