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  • in reply to: PETA #624509

    in addition, I wanted to mention re: peta, these people are lowly dirty disgusting people. They hold that we have no rights to use animals but they give much less respect to humans. I’ll leave the rest unsaid.

    in reply to: Is 3 Cups of Coffee a Day Too Much? #803330

    Hi, couple points.

    “mayan dvash”, I remember a study where they considered more than 12 cups as big coffee consumption.

    I can relate that it is harder to quit coffee than cigarettes.

    Try cutting down by putting less and less coffee into cup, slowly (patixonichku).

    After quitting around 6 months ago, I feel less tired all day. I quit because I noticed my dependence on coffee, even though I barely was drinking 3 cups a day.

    All the best! Remember to pick your battles.

    in reply to: PETA #624508



    Our zaidies also beleived the sun went around the earth The maharal (nesivos olam nesiv 14) and r yonasan eybshits among them (yaaros dvash 1:4) and this has been proven as a fact to be wrong.

    What do you mean? Do you realize that the sun actually does revolve around the earth? It is relative, as in the principle of relativity, Einstein. Helio or geocentrism is a matter of perspective, not reality. For a simple example, if you turn on a pocket battery-powered fan, the blade spins AROUND the base, but if you grab the blade, the base spins. The sun and earth are both “flying through space” and move in a line more than one revolving another, if you step back far enough. We do live on the earth so it can properly be said that the sun and stars revolve around the earth.

    B’kitzur, to say that they were wrong, IMHO is supercilious and false.

    in reply to: Is YWN addictive? #635622

    I agree with Y W Editor. It is addictive. This can be explained that relative to other sites, for a yeshivish person, there is a much larger percentage and volume of relevant issues and items of concern and interest.

    I just put this site,, on my blacklist with parental controls! No shailas.

    in reply to: Kosher Hangouts #634386

    Chas Vechalila!! Ein Apatropis l’arayos!

    in reply to: NEW TOPIC: Computer Crisis? #621981

    feivel, I don’t read dpreview usually. I’d suggest going to very good experiences there. But lemaisa, yeshivish tech advise is de beste zach!

    Agav, I had a problem with my mic recently o my Dell 1505 with SigmaTel audio card. I finally got this worked out yesterday. It was like this, whenever you plug in the mic a window pops up asking which action to take. I checked the box; don’t ask again. Since then mic didn’t work. Bekitzur you have to go to control panel> SigmaTel Audio> check box ‘allow reconfiguration pop ups’ Finally, it works!

    Gtg, Hatzlacha!

    in reply to: NEW TOPIC: Computer Crisis? #621966

    Great idea. Some of us (including photographers..) are expert programmers etc.

    in reply to: More Seminary Response #623919

    please have some seichel. ONE? seminary makes you cook 1 meal a day, so that’s not some. Do you mean that the girls eat pizza, ice cream, shwarma and rib steaks every day with their parents’ credit card? Is that good? I don’t mean tasty. Some seminaries take money and don’t provide food on Shabbos, but the girls get fed by local Kollel families. That too is great. One fifth of the food is sponsored by donors who make do and share their meager meal.

    About laundry, I definately agree.

    in reply to: More Seminary Response #623913

    I agree that for some girls it can be a much needed chizuk to spend time in Eretz Yisroel in an atmosphere of Kedusha.

    There is an initiative to make a program that is both a great chizzuk and also cost-friendly. A seminary can be based in a suburb or city not in Jerusalem, yet a religious location, for example Beitar, Kiryat Sefer etc. The year should be from Sukkos to Pesach, saving money by less flying and cheaper season. A shorter year costs less too. I haven’t time to write much now, but the idea is that seminar can be reat but some of the current options are a huge waste of money and entail spiritual risk.

    I am curious to know what the girls who are flying right now to Israel would say if asked;

    1) what is the main reason that they want to go?

    2) What do they hope to accomplish there?

    3) Are they aware of potential pitfalls?

    That’s it for now.

    just one more point regarding what some wrote that seminary helps Shidduchim chances. It is not necessarily true. I have friends who are only maskim to hear about girls who have not gone to seminary. If you do what is right, al pi daas torah, Hashem will arrange the right Shidduch b’shaa tova, amen!

    ps. the views written here are not necessarily those of my wife, who went to seminary…

    in reply to: Still Fuming At Rabbi Belsky And Mishpacha #621536

    but you said who did they think they are for telling others to stay. Who do you think you are for writing in such chutzpa???? And why do you assume that it was better for someone to do aliya and lose his yiddishkeit than die listening to his Rosh Hayeshiva as a fru yid.

    Agav, about Kastner, it seems like (some of) you are maybe his frum cousins so are personally nogeah, lets drop the issue.

    in reply to: Web scam – HDcameraworld #620860

    no proof whatsoever that this is run by yidden at all!! Chillul Hashem to write and post such…

    in reply to: Out Of The Mailbag: (Taking Issue With School Administration) #627651

    just to add,

    1. I do feel your pain at the shock and traumatic treatment by someone whom they apparently respected. I’ve been there too and the damage is almost irreparable, but to categorize and say, as one here did, that “They [sic] are amoral rabbis just as there are amoral baalei batim” I think is false. People who devote their lives to Torah learning and dissemination are, in general, affected for the good in moral spheres.

    2. Another point we must bear in mind is that if we lose money or have aggravation, it is not without Hashem’s will. All pain and suffering is dearly counted above, nothing forgotten. This may not diminish you feelings of anger and loss but you should not lose your focus.

    in reply to: Out Of The Mailbag: (Taking Issue With School Administration) #627650

    I agree with yid613, your letter mirrors my reaction upon reading this.

    I’ve worked in many mosdos and businesses, and have advised many along the way. You have to get a clear contract when you begin work. It also is imperative to know who you are dealing with. How can you begin teaching somewhere without getting references from those who have been there. I have gotten “tricked” a couple of times but it was really my fault. There are 2 perspectives at play and you are bound to have misunderstandings if you are not clear up-front.

    That said, how dare you write this letter and malign Mosdos the world over?!? You felt you had to let out some resentment for what befell your poor daughters, but where is your feeling of culpability? I am not proposing blaming the victim alone, but how can you and the other commenters make such generalizations and stereotypical slander??

    Anecdotal points are sweet, and yes, of course there are problems, issues and crises in the schools, but why are you paskening on everyone? Why be chote umachti es harabim, malshin umikatreig on Klal Yisroel with some drivel? Even in your own cases, there are 2 sides in every Din Torah and you fail to emote another perspective.

    May you live to learn from your mistakes and others and move on in life without remaining with a persecution complex to hamper your life’s purpose here.

    Have much nachas from your entire Mishpacha, and a great Shabbos!

    in reply to: Broke Bochurim Going to Friend’s Weddings #627052

    Are you going for your own enjoyment or to be mesameach Chasan and Kalla? Can you not afford to pay for a bus ride? Are you giving the new couple a sizable check to assist in their expenses? If not, can you not at least sponsor your own ride??

    in reply to: Acceptance Committees in Charedi communities in Eretz Yisrael #619901

    to bklnmom, I’ve lived in one of these communities for 9 years and it is crucial for a committee. Families move in because they can’t afford rent in other places and destroy the atmosphere. This city was built by a for charedim. That is who they plan and market for and most people who live there came specifically for this reason. You can not compare to Germany in ww2. No more need be said. Kol Tuv!

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