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  • in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2200029

    Reb Simcha,

    The way I look at it is that people know that the Mechira is not that good and it would definitely not hurt to be machmir. Maybe it’s possible to be meikel but their ego doesn’t let them be “meikel” so they need to find an excuse to call it a “chumra” so they dig up something called “buying from yidden” that wasn’t relevant to them when the price, quality, or convenience was slightly better somewhere else. Not only do they pat themselves on the back with their new invented chumra to davka buy questionably sold chometz they also refuse to accommodate those that are machmir and start to bash them zealously.

    Not that every person who believes this idea has this reason, but somewhere down the road someone invented this lomdos for this reason and some people find it convenient to buy into this lomdos, some people are confused, and some people truly believe that the sale is fine and for some reason continue to use the excuse of buying from Yidden which they don’t need because they hold it’s ok even if it would be specifically from Goyim. (of course, many people who are meikel to buy the chometz do not use this excuse and do not bash the machmirim. They don’t mind considering themselves the meikel or simply one of the sides)

    In reality, it has no connection because the chumra has nothing to do with buying. It’s only that you cannot eat the food. I buy some food from Yidden and then don’t eat it when I realize that the product has an issue and I do not return it. I also don’t eat gifts that I receive that have this issue. It only can indirectly cause you to need to buy from Goyim because the Yidden were not supplying what you eat. That’s like saying that I shouldn’t go on a diet because it may cause me to buy less nosh from Yidden.

    The original post was about trying to buy from Yidden. I have an option to buy from Goyim but I would rather buy from a Yid. So I am looking for a store that supplies what I need. If I can find a store that at least makes it clear what was sold and what was not, I would want to support such a store.

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199746

    No problem find it exciting, but it also was a real question and the answer seems to be that no one here knows of such a place.

    “There are much more efficient ways to find that information”
    Anyone in shul can say “Why are you asking me? Ask in a forum online”

    2 months after Pesach is when you start thinking that it should be possible to shop without having to check dates. For the first few weeks, it’s just a temporary issue so no problem but after some time when the shelves are still stocked with old food that lasts a long time with some stores even selling them past date, it’s like Ad Musai? There are plenty of things in the store that were not just sold this year, they were sold last year too, and maybe even the year before that.

    for a tshuva, Reb ubiquitin mentioned the Maaseh Rav, that doesn’t mean there is no other side but I think that counts as something for starters.

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199656

    Should each person evaluate his Chumros to see if they make sense? Sure

    This applies to the chumra of not eating temporarily sold chometz as well as the chumra of buying from yidden that don’t accommodate your needs as well as the chumra of “emunas chachamim” in the meikel over the machmir.

    But the wildest chumra of them all is the “chumra” to bash other people’s chumras or to specifically not accommodate to them. This Chumra needs to be most carefully re-evaluated. I don’t think anyone is as sure of themselves as Bais Shamai were and Chazal tell us that Bais Shamai would accommodate Bais Hillel because as much as they stuck to the truth, they also stuck to peace.

    For some reason, when it comes to other people’s even baseless Kulas most people go with “live and let live” and tend to mind their own business. On the other hand when someone has a not even so baseless chumra, suddenly the “live and let live” attitude tends to go out the window.

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199295

    I appreciate everyone’s input here. Thank you.

    Of course, there are those that held of the Mechira and many customers don’t mind buying Chometz that was sold. However, there are some Yidden that do mind buying Chometz that was sold.

    The right thing for a store to do is to be transparent and let the “machmirim” know what was sold so that they should not end up buying what they don’t want to buy. If they would at least do that, they would be being respectful and fair to the “machmirim” and they would deserve the support of the “machmirim”. If they choose not to be considerate of the “machmirim”, they are being unfair to the “machmirim” as well as choosing to allow the “machmirim” to take their business elsewhere. Maybe they think that the business of the “machmirim” is not significant enough to make a difference to them. If that’s the case, the “machmirim” have no reason to continue their loyalty to the shop. If they don’t want the “machmirim”‘s business that’s their choice. The “machmirim” also have the option to choose where they want to shop. You only have a Mitzva to buy from a Yid if the Yid wants your business.

    If I would know of a store that does cater to my needs, I would like to patronize that store. I think there could be such a store out there and that’s why I was asking to hear if anyone here knows of such a store.

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199105


    If I (and my Rabbeim) disagree with getting the best tasting and cheapest snacks that still would not allow me to disrespect his concern that he does care about the taste and saving a few cents. The same thing works with Chumras.

    When the Chachamim made the Knas they did not make an exception for if he “meant well” the halacha is that even if it was באונס the Knas would apply. My understanding of the reasoning for this is that if they would allow an exception then people would claim that it was באונס and their yetzer hara would make them give excuses due to the huge losses that he might incur. Now that the Chachamim made the Knas, it is not enough for him and his Rav to find a Kula, he will need to convince all his customers that it is Lechatchila.

    That might be why the way the Chachamim made the Knas in the form of an Issur hanaah instead of saying that his Rabbi should give him a fine, is that this makes the public opinion matter instead of supervision by just one person who can potentially be too meikel out of pity for the individual or be bribed or misled.

    Maybe the fact that 90% of the tzibur is happy to buy sold Chametz indicates that the sale is not so bad, but maybe the fact that (let’s say) 10% of the tzibur does not want to buy from the sold Chametz indicates that the sale is not so Lechatchila. The way the Knas works, in reality, is that the business that keeps Chometz over Pesach will lose customers as they will go to other Yidden or to Goyim. The better the heter is, the fewer customers will be lost.

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199001


    2 points:
    #1 I don’t think it’s being meikel, just like there is a mitzva to buy from a Yid, it’s a Mitzva to sell to a Yid and not to cheat a Yid etc. The Mitzva to buy from a Yid doesn’t mean that he can force you to buy what you don’t want. Just like you can’t force him to sell you something that he doesn’t want to or for a lower price than he is willing to do. If he is not supplying an important aspect that you require, you don’t need to buy from him. The way business is meant to work is that you give me what I want and I give you what you want.
    #2 This isn’t to make myself feel good, this is important to me. Just like for someone else that taste and quality or price are very important to them. For someone who needs Wise brand onion rings because to him (or his kids) Leibers onion rings don’t taste as good or are too expensive, I can say that he is buying a Goyish company over a Jewish one just to make himself feel good. but that would be disrespecting his needs and feelings because to him it is not an option to buy the Leibers onion rings because the slight difference in taste or the few cents in price is very important to him. To others, the taste or cost is much less significant than the improved Kashrus.

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2198995


    Correct 99

    If the shop intends to mix it so that “machmirim” shouldn’t know what’s what and by doing that, they want the “machmirim” to consider it בטל, then it shouldn’t be בטל.

    You could “kler” if it’s done intentionally or not, but there is a possibility that they are aware of the problems and are intentionally trying to create a heter (or intentionally trying to circumvent the Knas/boycot that the Chachamim made to deter them from avoiding proper biur chometz and obviously the Chachamim would not allow such easy loopholes מה הועילו חכמים בתקנתם)

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2198951

    When “I want” is for Gashmius reasons, then it’s a goyishe attitude, but when the “I want” is to keep the Halacha better, that’s a Yiddish attitude.

    It’s interesting when people try to bash chumras by suddenly remembering a mitzva to buy from Jews, and when they have a “Gashmiyus chumra” like wanting better quality or better prices then it’s suddenly fine and they themselves get most of their purchases from goyim online or in-store.

    I personally try to buy from Yidden even when the quality and price are worse, but if they refuse to supply the Chumras that I want, that’s when I stop feeling obligated to patronize them. It’s the same for everyone, we all have the same attitude toward Jewish shops – You help me and I’ll help you. To me “helping me” means supplying the Kashrus standards that I want. I don’t care so much about the quality and price. Some people are willing to settle for minimum Kashrus standards while needing maximum quality and minimum price.

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2198943

    He meant אין מבטלין איסור לכתחילה
    see יורה דעה סימן פ”ט סעיף ה וסעיף ו

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2198692

    I will just buy from Walmart. They are also cheaper on basics like flour, noodles, etc.

    I just would rather give a yid parnassah but only if he gives me the products that I want.

    It looks like no one knows of such a store, so I’ll get it from Walmart.

    It’s that simple – if you sell to a Goy before Pesach, I’ll buy from a Goy after Pesach.

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2198607

    I think it could be worth it for a store to get customers by giving them what they want. Many people buy from Goyim only because they can’t find a Jewish store that is willing to supply them with what they want. Attempting to sell someone something that they do not want is sinnas chanam as well as bad from a business perspective. You can’t refuse to supply the products that your customer wants and then complain when he takes his business elsewhere.
    מי שנוהג באיזה דבר איסור מכח שסובר שדינא הוא הכי או מכח חומרא שהחמיר על עצמו מותר לאכול עם אחרים שנוהגין בו היתר דודאי לא יאכילוהו דבר שהוא נוהג בו איסור (rama yore deah 119)
    אע”פ שנחלקו בית שמאי ובית הלל מודעי להו ופרשי דאהבה וריעות נוהגים זה (Yevamos 14B)
    It doesn’t make a difference if the chumra is right or wrong, a consumer should be allowed to only purchase and eat what they want.

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