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  • in reply to: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet #638863

    To flatbush27 it doesn’t say anywhere in the Torah that paying a credit card bill, trading a stock or reading Yeshiva World News is Asur. If you learn the Torah and it has an effect on you and it has an effect on your Derech Hachayim there are many things on the Internet that are not assur. A Yid has a neamnus that what he does is kosher you have no right to assume that someone using the Internet is doing things that are assur. If that was your outlook then you would assume your local butcher or restaurateur are serving you treif at kosher prices because it increases their income. Of course in both cases it is possible that someone is doing things which are not yosher. To make that your assumption about every yid or every butcher is very foolish. The Internet is not Assur, You can do Assur things on the Internet. Smoking is Assur. There is no way that it can ever be Muttar. There is no comparison between the two. Moreover when someone who learns the whole day walks outside the Beis Medrash wearing yeshivish garb and lights up a cigarette he is doing an issur in public. He is outright embarrassing the torah he just learned and the institution he just walked out of. To the Majority of people who see him he is causing a Chillul Hashem and a Bezayon Hatorah. If his smoking harms others he is oiver even more Issurim Bein Adam Lchavero, which Yom Kippur is not Mechaper for. That is an outright crystal clear Issur. When someone is on the Internet there is no Issur taking place. If a person can’t control himself it is possible that he will see something he shouldn’t and obviously that is assur and is something the Tzibur should be concerned about on a Klal level but the actual Maysa only affects that person. It is wrong for you to make the assumption that every Yid on the Internet spend his whole day looking at things he shouldn’t be looking at. When someone smokes and disregards the suffering of those around them his aveira is in the open. There is no doubt that he is killing himself both physically and spiritually as well as harming others. Any one that cares for the Kavod of Klal Yisrael has a chiyuv to tell them to STOP. Your trying to rationalize this clearly assur and harmful behavior just makes you an accomplice to their crime and therefore an enabler of their Chilul Hashem.

    in reply to: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet #638862

    To flatbush27 you once again are making ignorant assumptions about me which are incorrect. You don’t know me. I learn two sedarim a day. No one supports me and my wife, we support ourselves. I have a college degree from one of the top universities in America that I obtained in a Yeshiva environment. I have two years of work experience. My wife and I decided that are marriage should start with a foundation that is based on Torah. I have taken a year off (possibly more) to learn after which I plan on continuing my career. The Internet is part of my life I take care of all of my business on it and it keeps me informed. Your naive assumptions reflect very poorly on yourself. Putting down the Internet is no way to say that smoking is ok, there is no comparison between the two. While it might be true that someone who is engrossed in Torah the whole day should not be on the Internet. I do know some people like that and they are truly special. Most of the people that I know are not on that level. I would be interested to know why you are on the Internet if you think it so bad. Would it be right for me to assume that your secular education ended at eighth grade. You are obviously not very intelligent, so STOP making assumptions about other people you don’t know. It just makes you look bad.

    in reply to: Smoking vs. Bochurim on the Internet #638836

    Since this post is about me I must reply to flatbush27. First of all I am not a bachur I am an Avrech. You shouldn’t make assumptions about people you don’t know. (Especially because all of your assumptions are wrong.) The same way I wouldn’t make an assumption about you since I don’t know you. There is no comparison between smoking and the Internet. I am not sure where you get the notion that there is a comparison. The Internet is Asur for the Tzibur in E’Y who have chosen to live a different lifestyle then their brethren in Chutz Laretz. Go to any halacha shiur for Amreicans in Israel and you will find many things which the poskim of Eretz Yisrael are very Machmir on, Which we Toshvei Chutz are not Machmir for, especially since we are mostly somech on the Psak of Rav Moshe. The facts are that most Avrechim in the Mir have American lines as well as Internet in their apartments. Obviously the Internet has both Maolos and Chasronos but every yid is a Neman is not yours or my place to judge what they are doing on the Internet. You don’t know where I come from. (thankfully not the Tri-State area) The Internet is my connection the outside world. I use it for News, Information, Paying Bills, and Investing. There is nowhere in the Torah Bksav or Bal Peh where it says those things are Asur. Smoking a Ciggarette is with out a doubt an issur Medoraisa of more then one lav. When you add on the effect of smoking in front of someone else it adds many more issurim.

    In your original post on this thread, you are concerned that someones spirituality is more important then their physical health. If you actually read my original post and actually read what I said, you would have seen that the message is that smoking in front of others is the worst form of destroying your spirituality. Being Oiver inyanim in Bein Adam Lchavero and causing a Chillul Hashem and Bezayon Hatorah are issurim that Yom Kippur is not MECHAPER for. What kind of oinshim can you expect in Shamyim for causing harm to a fellow yid. There are many pitfalls that one can run into on the Internet and I would hope no one ever does, but at least that person has the chance to correct any mistake he did by doing Teshuva. Unfortunately some one who harms others does not have that opportunity unless the other person is Moichel him and he pays that person the necessary damages that the Torah teaches us the Nizak is owed. My whole point is that is Pashut that someone who learns Torah all day should have the common sense not to harm others while he is smoking. Out Torah is a Toras Chaim you can be the biggest Masmid in the world who unfortunately is addicted to smoking, which the Torah that you are learning says is assur. When someone see’s you on the street with your black hat or long payos, you are representing the Torah you are learning. By smoking in public you are demonstrating that you have learnt nothing and that those that you follow have taught you nothing. That is an outright Chillul Hashem as far as I am concerned. If that is not true then any self respecting smoker who thinks he is a Yarei Shamyim should please smoke in private where no one can see him and eventually try very hard to quit.

    If you and others really care about others spirituality, then you should speak up about the Chilul Hashem of supposedly Yeshivish people smoking recklessly with out regard for any one else.

    in reply to: Speaking Out Against Smoking in Yerushalyim #635247

    To Daniel Breslauer Thank You for your post. Your story shows why something must be done about this. The reason I wrote this post is because of the difficulty I have breathing when I inhale cigarette smoke. Obviously your case is much worse. It reminds me of a freind I had in high school who father was a chain smoker when he was a child and do to that he developed a severe case of asthma. People that smoke in public are harming other people. How much suffering do innocent bystanders have to go through. When you harm another person you are a Mazik. Smokers in Israel have no regard for their fellow Yid. You can’t have the attitude that everyone does it so it is ok. It is interesting in the link you posted the Gedolim only talked about smoking itself no one mentioned about the effects it has when done in front of others or the issurim Bain Adom Lchavero involved. It must be that it is pashut that you should have common sense to know that you don’t blow poisonous gasses into other people faces. We don’t need Gedolim to tell us this any person who is a frum jew and especially someone that learns the whole day should be able to deduce this on their own.

    On another front once again you don’t know who I am. I am not sure why you even assume I am a bachur. As you are all testament due to your commenting on this site, you all use the Internet. I have been using the Internet for years it is part of my daily life. Almost every one that I know in the Mir has an American line and with it the Internet. It is the only way to stay connected with the world especially when you can’t speak Hebrew. What someone does on the Internet is their own nisayon. It is not my place to tell someone what they should do or not. But when someone is doing something that affects you as well as others, shouldn’t there be a chiyuv to speak up. I personally can’t take people smoking in my face anymore.

    in reply to: Speaking Out Against Smoking in Yerushalyim #635239

    To all who have supported me Thank You. We need the silent majority to speak up about this problem. To all those that have been attacking me, you are all part of the problem. You don’t know anything about me, so to question my behavior is just makes you sound unintelligent. Just for the record I have not been to an Internet Cafe once since I have been in Israel. The main point of my article is how smoking effects others. I am not expecting every smoker to quit cold turkey tomorrow. However, please respect those around you. It is clear that smoking is deadly. If you have to smoke do it in private, where you are only harming your own body and nefesh. At least one day hopefully you will do teshuvah for the harm that you have brought on yourself. That is something that is up to each individual. However, If you smoke recklessly and harm others Teshuvah will not help for the many serious isurei doreisa that you are oiver Yom Kipur is not Mechaper for Bain Adam Lchavero. There are many things which individuals do privately that are not right. It is not my place to criticize them or tell them what to do. Our Gedolim can speak out about things which silently harm Klal Yisrael. We are not on the level to judge someone when we don’t have the slightest clue who they are. When someone does something in the open and is harming other people there is a chiyuv to protest.

    Please we need the silent majority of non-smokers to speak up. When you see someone smoking near you or inside a building go up to them and tell them to go away and stop. Don’t just sit idle by and say there is nothing you can do. Please Klal Yisrael take a stand.

    in reply to: Speaking Out Against Smoking in Yerushalyim #635196

    To Mottel1 thanks for the support. I just had a Hoarah from the current Daf Yomi. “Adom Muad Loalem” The gemara says you have a chiyuv to lock up your wild ox so that it will damage someone else’s property. How much more so do you have a chiyuv to control yourself when you are being a blatant Mazik. Once again how many Isurim is a smoker oiver. I am not asking them to stop (though they should make that decision on their own using a little seichel and hard work to over come their addiction) just please don’t smoke in front of me.

    in reply to: Speaking Out Against Smoking in Yerushalyim #635173

    To random88 it is kind of hard to not inhale smoke when someone is walking right in front of you or towards you. When someone smokes in a stall next to you in a bathroom it is not a smell it is a mamashus of smoke that is deadly. Someone who lacks a concern for his fellow Jew and is callous enough to smoke next to another person is oiver the worst Isurei Doresia’s in the Torah. It seems you are pretty dumb.

    To Jo Jo cigarettes are a gateway drug. Look around near the Mir you don’t just see people smoking cigarettes. It starts with cigarettes and drinking and eventually leads to hard drugs. Think about it. Your kids in Brisk and the Mir are ruining their future and the future of any family they hope to build.

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