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  • in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190515

    I dont really feel like i need to answer up to you. you clearly showed how little you know mrs BJJ go learn some more chovos livavos and stop trying to make gayros with no BEIS DIN thats right beis din u were right u dnt need a rabbi u need a BEIS DIN. keeping mitzvos does nothing. in fact a goy that keeps shabbos is chayiv misah!!!!

    How on earth do YOU know that shes shomer torah umtzvos?

    now to talk about bein hazmanim rebbitzin machanech, its acctually not a break its btwn zmanim as it is called, due to the fact that high volume learning cant be done 24/7 by a sane human being. no rebbe will ever tell a bocher to learn a full day on bein hazmanim. in fact its part of the mesorah of the yeshiva system dating years back.

    it sounds to me like ur son or brother nebach didnt plan a bein hazmanim ACTIVITY besides for sedorim in the morning and night, therefore you feel bein hazmanim is wrong and should be taken away. i feel for you may hashem guide your relative to the right mechanech for some help!!

    thanx for your suggestion to do 4 or 5 blatt thats more than we did a whole summer zman. and if mothers would understand that learning is NOT THE SAME AS READING A NOVEL us bouchrim would be able to learn be’iyan!!

    now lets talk about motza sheim ra.

    in shmiras halashon it clearly states that loshon hora about a goy is muter, (although not suggested so that it shouldnt lead to talking about others.)it is no secret that the geirus wasnt good but as u said you need to be a posek to publicise such a thing. but dont worry that was already taken care of by the cheif rabbi of isreal!

    i hope ur suggestion for waiting for the nine days was written by your 3 old son. if a mature adult actually felt it was lashon hora it would have been worded ini a way of “hochiyach tochiyach as amisecha” to try to be mekadesh sheim shamayim and not in a shtuch format. if u dont no what “hochiyach tochiyach” is, than ask whoever gave you the advice about how much bouchrim should be learning to help you.

    good night please dont be upset. this is not meant to anger anyone

    rather i feel i must protect the yeshiva system that wasa under attack by unqualified indivisuals!!

    in reply to: What is Trump Thinking? #1164214

    Charliehall, everything you say is true.

    but, when the alternative is a rotzaiach a shakrin a ganev and someone who should be in jail do we really have a choice?

    To stay at home is NOT an option

    Rav Moshe feinstien said u have to vote

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190509

    if haskel the rascel (quote from Rav Gifter) didn’t do a kosher geirus than what is jewish about her

    ur allowed to say loshon hora about a goy kaal v’chomer if it will affect you, ur country, ur leader/president it might even be a mitzvah

    in reply to: What is Trump Thinking? #1164207

    Not quite Sparkly is he was prez during the holocaust he would have benn able to show hisa true colors without the whole world screaming at him

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190507

    Sparkly what makes you think trump is good for israel or jews

    yes maybe he said so but he talks with his big mouth and dosn’t stop he’ll say anything he wants to get your vote

    and BTW his daughter is not jewish according to the rabbinute so that’s no sign of supporting jews

    Chelsea Clinton (hillarys daughter) also married a jew

    in reply to: Who's Worse – Trump or Clinton? #1190503

    Well alls well and that end well. I mean Well??? is Trump winning well?? Hes better than Hillary but is that good? that just means America is caught in a catch 22. but is that good???????

    which reminds me iof the joke hillary and trump we’re on a boat who was saved?


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