Mazel Tov to the Kaliver Rebbe Shlita

The Kaliver Rebbe, HaRav Menachem Mendel Taube Shlita has become a Chosson. The rebbe, 89, is engaged to Moras Sheindel Malinik, 55, of Kiryas Herzog in Bnei Brak.

The rebbe is well known for his Shema Yisrael Center in Yerushalayim and his emphasis on teaching all Jewish children to recite Shema, realizing that the modern State of Israel has wiped this posuk and a frum lifestyle from the minds of millions of children R”L. The rebbe has also opened a Holocaust Museum called ‘Shema Yisrael’, a tribute to the kedoshim of the Holocaust HY”D designed specifically for the chareidi tzibur.

Rebitzen Chana Sara ob”m was nifteres erev Chanukah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


13 Responses

  1. 1. I’m sure he realises what he’s doing you don’t have to question a godol #1,3
    2. The shidduch was made by a chossid of the rebbe in london the woman is a giyores and a true baal chese

  2. Dont question him hes a very holy man. when i was in Israel i used to go to his tish all the time, the kedusha was permeable

  3. The woman is not a giyores; I’ve known her for over 15 years, since before she moved to Israel. Her son learned in our yeshiva and is a fine ben Torah. Her name is Melnik, by the way, not Malinik.

  4. Who cares who she is! If she makes the Kaliver happy then I am all for it!! He desreves all the happiness he can get.

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