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Hamas is claiming – without providing a shred of proof – that it has begun giving necessary medications to the Israeli hostages still being held in Gaza, Qatar’s foreign ministry

Items get lost all the time on New York City’s subway tracks, but those items are usually not human legs. The NYPD is conducting an investigation after a human leg

Senior Health Ministry officials met on Tuesday with mayors and heads of authorities and described in detail the possible scenario that could ensue in Israel if an all-out war breaks

The IDF announced on Wednesday morning that an additional soldier lost his life while battling Hamas in Gaza. He has been identified as Staff Sgt. Avraham Wovagen HY’D, 21, of

About 40% of small business owners think 2024 will be a “make or break” year for their business, according to a survey by messaging service Slack. After several years of

Law enforcement agencies have infiltrated and disrupted LockBit, arresting two people involved with the prolific ransomware syndicate that has extracted $120 million from thousands of victims around the world, British,

The White House says it is preparing additional “major sanctions” on Russia in response to opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s death in an Arctic penal colony. National Security Council spokesman John

In a recent operation conducted by the IDF Paratrooper Brigade combat team, additional evidence of Hamas’ exploitation of civilian infrastructure for terrorist activities has come to light. The discovery of

Thank you for raising awareness about the important issue of reviews. If one looks online and sees the reviews written on our locally owned businesses, some of them are extremely

A Hezbollah drone fell in the yard of Moshe Davidovich, the head of the Mateh Asher Regional Council in the western Galil near Akko in northern Israel on Tuesday afternoon.

Despite a month of U.S.-led airstrikes, Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels remain capable of launching significant attacks — just this week, they seriously damaged a ship in a crucial strait and

A court in the Russian capital ruled Tuesday to keep Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich in custody pending his trial on espionage charges that he denies. The Moscow City

On Oct 7th, Naomi’s world crumbled. Her husband Aharon was shot that day by terrorists in his ambulance, saving lives with MDA.  Now, with 2 kids, she is left to

Yahye Sinwar, the rat-faced Hamas leader in Gaza, is reportedly suffering from a severe case of pneumonia, according to a report from N12 that cites sources from an anonymous Arab

A judge in Haiti responsible for investigating the July 2021 assassination of President Jovenel Moïse has indicted his widow, Martine Moïse, ex-prime minister Claude Joseph and the former chief of

In a comprehensive research initiative undertaken by the Global COVID Vaccine Safety project, nearly 100 million vaccinated individuals were analyzed, confirming increased risks for specific adverse effects, including myocarditis and

Air Force Special Operations Command said Tuesday it knows what failed on its CV-22B Osprey leading to a November crash in Japan that killed eight service members. But it still

Not content to have others tell their story, KnowUs, a project of Agudath Israel of America, has erected large billboards across the Manhattan skyline. The billboards, depicting a yarmulke-wearing teen

Taiwan on Tuesday protested China’s boarding of a tourist boat, as tensions rise around the Kinmen archipelago, which lies a short distance off China’s coast but is controlled by Taiwan.

Harav Dovid Cohen Shlita will deliver a shiur on “End-of-Life Issues and Halacha” for medical professionals, pre-health students, and the public. Rabbi Cohen is the recipient of the Rabbi Raphael

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