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Op-Ed: An Open Letter to Michael Savage (nee Weiner)

yweDear Michael:

We were very saddened by your nationally-syndicated talk-radio show this past Monday, April ninth.

On your show, heard by eight million people on almost 200 radio stations, you viciously attacked the most fundamental commandment of the Jewish religion—Ritual Circumcision, Bris Milah.

Bris Milah initiates the Jewish child into the Covenant of Abraham and entitles him to participate in all the 613 commandments of the Torah—Without Bris Milah, the Jewish child is a religious cripple. To the religious Jew, for whom serving G-D is the only activity that gives meaning to his life, being uncircumcised is a great tragedy.

By spreading the lie to eight million people that Bris Milah is physically and psychologically harmful, you did serious harm to thousands of Jews who accept your word as if it were holy writ.

Sadly, many religiously-ignorant, innocent Jews will follow your lead and abandon BrisMILAH, the Covenant between G-D and the Jewish People.

You have now joined the infamous ranks of the Jewish Quislings and the enemies of the Jewish People: The Greeks, the Romans, the Crusaders, the Russian communists, and…the Nazis—yes, the Nazis—all of whom made it their special mission to ban Bris Milah, the foundation of the Jewish Nation.

Your pious protestations that you were not going after Bris Milah in general; that you were merely calling for the elimination of a procedure—Metzitzah b’Peh—which, in your “holy” and very ignorant opinion, had become outdated, was exposed as a lie on your show the very next day—Tuesday—when you agreed with your caller, Rachel, that ALL Bris Milah should be stopped, because you considered it the physical an psychological mutilation of a helpless child, similar to the genital mutilation of Moslem girls

You pitiful attempt to quote the Old Testament, in order to bolster your arguments, demonstrated conclusively, to any authentic scholar knowledgeable in Jewish Law and Custom, that you are a Jewish ignoramus.

For thousands of years brilliant Jewish sages, such as Maimonides, have mined the rich heritage of the written and oral law (the Talmud and commentaries), in order to develop the corpus of Jewish Law and custom as it is practiced today.

Your contention that we should transform our Laws and customs to suit today’s “modern times” smacks of political correctness, which you have always opposed.

Would you now also agree with Liberals and Progressives that the American Constitution should be “reinterpreted” to suit left-wing sensibilities?

Yes, Michael, we do make legitimate adjustments in Jewish Law and custom, as times dictate. But these changes are done most carefully in the manner dictated by our Torah “Constitution.” We don’t make these changes lightly, and we never accept proposals for change from dilettante Jewish ignorami.

“Getting with the times” has always been the battle cry of the assimilationists who sought to make Judaism politically correct. Where are they today?

Gone, without a trace, lost among the nations of the world!

Where are the Jews who have held on loyally to the Torah and to G-D for thousands of years, under all kinds of persecution?

Doing quite well, thank you!

p.s. Maybe the British knew more than they realized when the banned you from entering their country.

–William The BrisMILAH Anti-Defamation League

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. I understand those who were disappointed with the show and i agree with you.I myself wanted to email a Mr. Michael savage.On the other hand i disagree with what what said in this letter posted above. There were many harsh comments written such as comparing him to a Nazi and the “p.s.” written and the bottom.We Jews must understand we are living in galus and the goyim (and even the secular Jews such as Bloomberg)are out to harm us.I think a follow up apology letter should be sent including a request that that he apologize to the Jewish nation.I am also puzzled as to why this letter was posted to the public,it can lead to lots of damage such as it becoming big news in the social media.
    feel free to comment on what i have written.

  2. I am ashamed to admit it, but I occaisionally listen to Michael Savage on the radio. I listen to him for the same reason that so many people (including me) slow down at auto accidents, fascinated by the damage to vehicles and the possibility of a glimpse at a twisted corpse. Mr. Savage is the intellectual equivalent of a hideous auto accident – twisted logic, twisted facts, chaos and human suffering. I find his ignorance and misguided passion so entertaining, like watching a person on crutches falling down stairs. His show is food for the basest part of my soul. I hasten to say that I do not take him seriously – he is a monumental fool, monumentally malicious, monumentally misguided. He is a radio clown – he needs no make-up, and he is, at root, far more sad than funny. I was listening for part of his screed against Bris Milah, and I wondered how his screed would be received by his frum audience.

    I have been troubled from time to time when I read YWN commenters referring to him with respect, as if he is an authority for anything other than his own misguided opinions. I therefore consider his shameful and ignorant assault on a cornerstone of Judaism as a warning to frum Jews who respect or share his views (other than on Bris Milah) that nothing he says should be treated as anything other than a perverse form of entertainment.

  3. One thing we learn from Michael Savage (may he do teshuvah or burn in purgatory), is that rabbeim and parents need to educate their children on how to answer difficult questions in Judaism with quick speed (not debating). I mean, doesn’t it say in Pirkei Avos that a person should know how to answer an apikoros. Debating missionaries is not a smart thing to do. If a missionary asks a person, “Do you want to hear the words of Jes.?” he should respond politely, “No thank you.” If the missionary persists tell her, “I already have a religion, why don’t you find someone who doesn’t have a religion to follow.” If the missionary wants to provoke a person and starts a debate with a question that’s too difficult for him to answer, he should simply tell her, “Can you please ask someone who is more qualified than me and debate with him?” If the missionary continues debating with you, he should walk away. Believe me it’s worse to try to answer the question that the missionary poses before a person and say, “The reason is…” and stumble in the middle or he answers it and then she asks the person to explain his answer and he doesn’t know how to. Both would cause you to make a fool out of yourself and a chillul Hashem. Also Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan zt”l in his called “The Real Messiah” which talks about missionaries says “The missionaries always switch topics if they feel/ think that you are stumping them. You might feel like you are winning in the beginning, but you will lose in the end (because they will always switch topics in middle)

  4. his name is michael weiner, a sad pathetic dog owner obuiously not married,who talks about himself ,his food his hates his cravings .what a sad pathetic ignoramous with a very twisted world view.He goes through the headlines on line live. What an unariginal thinker.An angry teapot.WABC will dump him shortly,how do I know?? almost nobody calls him JUST LISTEN.That will zip his lip,and flush the dirty lush…….on

  5. First i ask everyone to stop bringing the nazi to every argument. i dont know the right words to describe what they did. We should not compare them to a dumb talk show host. Michael does not know Torah . he is so arrogant , I never heard anyone praise himself so much. He thinks he knows all after reading few lines from the Torah . You cannot debate such a person , he cannot hear you. King Solomon said don’t argue with a fool.

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