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Trump Moves To DEFUND NYC And Other Anarchist’ Cities

President Donald Trump is taking steps to revoke federal funds from New York City and other cities he says are descending into ‘anarchy’, according to a new report.

Trump on Wednesday signed a five-page memo ordering all federal agencies to send reports to the White House Office of Management and Budget on federal funds going to four cities that can be redirected, according to the New York Post.

In addition to New York, the memo names Seattle, Washington DC and Portland, Oregon as potential targets for revocation of federal funds.

‘My Administration will not allow Federal tax dollars to fund cities that allow themselves to deteriorate into lawless zones,’ Trump says in the memo, according to the Post.


36 Responses

  1. NY is second only to California in the amount of taxes it gives to the federal govt. This is all politics and corruption. To the Jewish supporters that live in blue states if he would be able to carry this out do not think it would terrible affect on the community.

  2. In our democracy the recission of appropriated funds can only be a recommendation of the president. It takes the approval of both the house and the senate for it to actually happen. This vote must take place within 45 days of the presidents request. (Impound Control Act of 1974)

  3. You’re happy askonim? Which side are you on? You have the best president to the jews and you go on the side of the antiamerican radical left communist demonrats. History will judge you.

  4. NYC should withhold all federal tax. NYC pays far more out than it recieves in. In the meantime, someone should try to explain to Trump that people in NYC are Americans. He has a hard time accepting that black and brown people are also citizens but if someone in his office draws some picture to explain it, he might understand.

  5. Way to go. They throw away our tax dollars on crazy pensions, waste, etc and then expect the feds to bail them out
    Then they want to defund the NYPD.
    Force them to change
    Save NYS and NYC

  6. Reb Eliezer, you are a rasha. You ignore that Biden supporters have been burning our cities for weeks. Burning, looting, rioting. And not only does Biden support it, Kamala’s staffers have been paying the bail of the rioters. You ignore the actual statistics on police killings.

    I will daven for your refuah shlayma.

  7. Which police can kill without being responsible? Police get investigated and arrested anytime they kill with or without justification. What are you talking about Reb Eliezer

  8. Nice try, Reb Eliezer. You spew the narrative of the Dems. Now, let’s apply a bit of something called thought, logic, and fact.

    Police that use weapons must file reports for every single bullet. If a weapon is used in a manner that doesn’t follow procedure, there are consequences. And there are plenty of situations in which police were charged with murder. Cops do not get away with murder like the mainstream media and the liberal Dems claim. There is simply no truth to back that up.

    I’m not sure what you mean by vigilantes. There have been many vigilantes in our history that accomplished much good. I might not advocate anyone taking law into their own hands. But sometimes, just sometimes, there is benefit from this. And those that get caught face the music. They do not get away with murder.

    There is simply nothing logical in comparing any of that with the brazen lawlessness of the riots in these leftist-controlled cities. It is nothing less than brazen chutzpah to order police to stand back and allow these animals to destroy property. It is even worse, a crime against humanity, to support these savages by supplying them with materials, and by causing arrests to be dismissed by these liberal, treasonous, America-hating judges.

    Now, let’s talk about anarchy. If you only want to repeat the Democratic narrative trash, I feel bad for you. Please share your name and mother’s name so we can all daven for your refuah.

  9. NYC is anything but lawless. We are headed towards 383 homicides this year. That corresponds to a homicide rate of 4.6 per 100,000 residents. The most recent national data are from 2018, but the majority of states had higher homicide rates than that, including Trump’s new home state of Florida.

  10. Charliehall, yay! You learned math and statistics in college? Don’t ram it down our throats. Wake up and see the actual numbers of recent shootings in a city gone rampant, that once used to be the great NYC. Don’t let the vile leftist media twist your dumb over-intelligent booksmart mind with this statistics gibberish.

  11. Mr. Trump, first and foremost DEFUND OUR MARXIST MAYOR! And help fund the rest of NYC that wants to return to the good old days of law, order, and prosperity before De Blasio rared his ugly head.
    Thank you, Mr. President

  12. The Jewish liberals on this site (everyone knows who you are) are proof that liberalism is a mental disorder. No amount of facts, logic or hakoras hatov matters to them

    Refuah Shliema

  13. not enough,the President should declare an emergency and send in the 82nd brigade ,arrest this filthy traitorous America hating communist Deblasio together with all the city council gangsters,put them in front of a military tribunal for the crime of insurrection and treason,when found guilty hang all the rats or put them in front of a firing squad,should do the same to the rest of DemonRat treasonous sanctuary cities.

  14. NY pays far more in federal income tax then it receives in federal funding. For all of you socialism haters: should NYers stop paying Federal income tax?

    This will hurt the Jewish communities in these cities. Supporting Trump in this endeavor is cutting off your nose to spite your face. You get to “stick it to the libs” while losing school funding, access to food stamps, access to affordable housing, etc- all things many in our community need and use but will have no access to once these cities have no money to pay for it.

  15. We are in the second half of 2020 and you are giving numbers from 2018? Maybe responding to the immediate threat is something more vital than years old data. And lawlessness and “deaths” goes way beyond a technical definition of homicide rate (as if even the homicide statistics are even reliable – as if Democrats don’t lie and cover up for themselves as we have seen so openly).

  16. Crime rates in the country had been steadily and vastly declining until the trump presidency. There is no anarchy anywhere, there is completely preposterous criminal activity by a small number of criminals in a handful of cities in just a tiny area in those cities.

  17. J92 If he follows the procedures set forth in the Impound Control Act of 1974 it would be possible only if the House and Senate vote to approve it within 45 days of his initial request. His edict does not constitute a request to enforce this Act. It’s just smoke that (as evidenced here) appeals to his base who would prefer to ignore any laws they disagree with.

  18. I’m confused!
    On the one hand the bums need to be hurt! I fully agree! Hurt them hard! But….. if the prez stops the funding he is in essence hurting us, the people who are victims in this all. It’s like when he revoked the Global Entry privileges of New Yorkers! I was very, very disappointed in him then. He hurt me! I had to wait on long lines when I underwent the screening process for that privilege and I paid money! The privilege hurt me – not de Blasio nor Cuomo! We, the citizens are getting punished twice! We have to live with the crimes these bums are guilty of and we’re going to lose the funds! And these elected officials will not care one iota to help us. They’ll blame the president! I’m perplexed!

  19. Its sad that there are still some posters who believe anything the Trumpkopf says in his so called “Executive” order. Amil Zola correctly noted the legal requirements to withhold funds appropriated by Congress and that will never happen since one and possibly both houses of Congress will reject any such effort.
    P.S. data for the first 6 months of 2019 show that Texas, Oklahoma and several other “Red” states have higher murder rates than New York.

  20. Well there is also the 10th amendment. It’s pretty basic, the House has the power of the purse. The Impound Control Act is an end run.

    I’d take this all with a good dose of salt. After all last month he promised to reveal his healthcare plan in two weeks. That too has gone by the wayside.

  21. AO, markjw, and Luna all repeat the tired old lie that “NY pays far more in federal income tax then it receives in federal funding”. NY does not pay any taxes at all. New Yorkers pay whatever taxes they owe, and they don’t do it with any expectation of federal subsidies to the city, or of federal spending in the city.

    This Democrat talking point depends on several fallacies:
    1. All money belonging to New Yorkers really belongs to the city and the state, so all the taxes New Yorkers pay are really paid by the city and the state. The actual taxpayers are merely the city and state governments’ slaves.
    2.When the federal government buys someone’s goods or services that is a subsidy to the city and state where that person happens to live.
    3. The amount the federal government spends with residents of each city or state ought to be in proportion to the amount of taxes it collects from (other) residents of that city or state.
    4. Actual federal subsidies to city and state governments are the same as the above, and also ought to be in that same proportion.
    5. Federal subsidies to individuals ought also to be in proportion to the taxes collected from different individuals who happen to live in the same city or state.
    All this is of course complete nonsense. Taxes are collected from individuals according to objective criteria, without regard to where they happen to live. Federal spending is (or ought to be) wherever they happen to sell whatever it is that the federal government wants to buy. If the government wants pineapples it should buy them in Hawaii, not wherever people happened to pay the most taxes. Subsidies, both to governments and to individuals, ought also to follow objective criteria, but often depend instead on political influence.

    Meanwhile “Reb Eliezer”, charliehall, and the always execrable “rt” all lie about what is going on all around us. There is no problem of police or viiglante violence. It is simply not happening. There IS a problem of certain local governments and district attorneys openly allowing and encouraging criminals, especially black ones, to do whatever they like with impunity. They are allowing and encouraging criminals to defy the police, to take over control of the streets, and to engage in whatever violence they like. “Whose streets? Our streets.” That is the very definition of anarchy.

    NYC’s rapidly rising murder rate is merely a symptom, not the problem itself. The problem is the loss of police control over criminal populations, because of DAs who selectively refuse to prosecute them (but harshly prosecute anyone who dares to defy the mob), and mayors who order police not to arrest them in the first place, or deliberately discourage them from doing so, while threatening them with prosecution if they take the risks necessary to enforce the law. That is happening in NYC; it is not happening in Florida.

  22. Oh, and there’s Amil Zola’s strange obsession with how the president can control spending. He has no need to impound appropriations; there are many many grants that are subject to discretion, to a greater or lesser extent, and he can refuse to make these grants to cities that are showing that they don’t deserve them. For instance grants to help law enforcement are obviously wasted on cities that refuse to perform that duty.

  23. Please stop repeating the myth that New York gives far more in taxes to the federal government than it receives. This is true only if one includes Social Security and Medicare payments, which are paid not to the states but to individuals. Any retiree with any sense doesn’t stay in New York. There are comparatively few military bases and defense contractors in New York, which also skews the picture.

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