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STUNNING VICTORY: Orthodox Jew Wins Mayoral Race In Surfside Florida

In a stunning victory, Shlomo Danzinger was elected Tuesday to replace Surfside Mayor Charles Burkett, the Florida Scoop is reporting.

Burkett came in third place, despite having the most campaign money of all candidates.

Danzinger, a business owner, won his surprise victory against two current elected officials who were in office during the Surfside building collapse, which claimed the lives of 98 people.

Burkett and Vice Mayor Tina Paul lost the mayor race by less than 40 votes.

Florida Scoop says Shlomo is a Lubavitcher and activist in the Surfside and Bal Harbor Community. He moved from Crown Heights in 2010.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Why not leave it to the people of that community to determine whether or not it is good news. I hope he does a great job there as the community has been through a lot in recent memory.

  2. Hey YWN what’s going on? the headline should be HUGE KIDUSH HASHEM! STUNNING VICTORY… after all an orthodox Jew achieved something this is a classical KIDUSH HASHEM according to YWN standards. At least you should once and for all explain what you consider a Kidush Hashem and what not.

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