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9/11 2007 – 6 Years Later

911111.jpgClick on the image to view a 2 minute film of the moment which changed the world.

9 Responses

  1. Perhaps you can post the names of the yidden that were lost in the towers that day so we can all learn a mishna in their zechus today.

    Editors Note: Feel free to learn for them it will be a Zechus, but just to clarify – their Yartzheit is not today.

  2. May we always remember this as a sign that even though we are in a Medina Shel Chesed, we are still in Galus and we are not safe. May Hash-m bring Moshiach B’miheira.

  3. I will never forget what I saw that day from the other side of the river. It shook me to my core and made me realized that we are safe no where and we must keep our emunah in Hashem for we have none other.

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