Sephardic Jews Claim Their Properties In Algeria

According to a report by the the Echorouk, Sephardic Jews have started asking a number of Arab countries including Algeria to compensate them for alleged properties they left in their native countries after they made Aliya to Israel.

According to the report, the New York-based World Sephardi Federation (WSF) has recently distributed 150,000 formulas to Jews who come from Arab countries such as Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Iraq, Mauritania, Sudan and Syria to push them to claim their properties.

The federation has prepared a list of the involved Jews’ names. This initiative is meant for making an inventory of all alleged Jews’ properties in Algeria.

More than 60,000 formulas were distributed to Algeria’s Jews who are mostly living now in France and the United States of America.

These lists have been submitted to former Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu to present them to the Israeli government.

According to Algeria’s Jews website, the Jewish community driven from Algeria considers to bring an action to put political and “intellectual” pressure on Algeria and force it to meet their demands.

5 Responses

  1. Dear justajew were not looking for peace with the arabs yimach shmom there’s enough intermarriage between the holy yidden and those arabs in israel already and thats without peace imagine how much more so with peace, rather how about we have kavanah when we daven for moshiach every single day

  2. How about davening for peace instead of more bloodshed? How about davening for the Muslim world to come to their senses and overthrow the radicalism that is taking over? Do we really need more war and death? Is that what Jews pray for?

  3. Allen in blog 2, are you really davening for Arabs to blow themselves up? Are you Crazy! Do you want heavy casaulties? What I daven for is a war between themselves. (i.e. the Fatah Hamas war)

  4. B”H its about time my grandfather has miles of land outside of Tangiers and yet my family never claimed it. If all the Sephardi Jews claim there land they’ll be no land left for the Arabs. And Mediternian or theyll just blow all of themselves up bezrat hashem. All arabs are considred from Esav according to some sources! May they all rot in h… or be are slaves when masiach comes bexrat hashem!

  5. Its about time after 50 years of sephardim going through spiritual persacutions from 1948 and forward and being second class jewish citizens. Its great to see action taken by the Sepharadim for claiming property in Arab lands. That’s not enough though this article is great to here but if one knows what currently goes on today in israel with in the Sephardi world by getting into schools etc… one would be disgusted. We should not only declare our properties but declare our freedom of rights with in all the Jews. There is no reson why we can not all get along things are b”h getting better in the world the sinat hinam that jews have today amungst eachother is sick from lubavitchers, to litvish, sepharsi, chasidish whatever its time to stop and claim our yachdut amungst eachother. There is only one thing we can do is to pray to the “Bore Olam,” and nothing else!

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