A Mishpacha from Tifrach which were returning home last night from their son’s Sheva Brachos, was involved in a serious motor vehicle collision. The accident occurred on the Be’er Sheva / Ofakim Highway, when the car spun-out of control, crashed into a barrier, overturned, and burst into flames. Hatzolah Israel informed Yeshivaworld that the father was listed in critical condition, and placed on life-support. One son was listed in serious condition, and four other children were treated for light injuries. The cause of the crash is being investigated by police. (The Chosson is a Talmid in Yeshivas Me’or Hatalmud / Rechovot.) Please be Mispallel for Daniel Yackov ben Dorah.
3 Responses
Is the name Ben Dorah or Devorah and it was a typo mistake??
Refuah Shleimah!! May they all have a fast & complete recovery!!
Is his mother’s name Dvora or Dora?
Oy vey, hashem yiracham.