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Crown Heights: Yeshiva Bochur Viciously Assaulted

shimira.jpgOn Tuesday evening, October 16, a Bochur was viciously attacked outside of Chovevei Torah, (Lubavitcher Yeshiva Zal). The Bochur was innocently sitting alone on a bench on Eastern Parkway, when two black males approached him, one of them approached him front and began conversing with him, apparently to distract him, as the other attacked him from behind. The attackers, described as black males in their early twenties beat him relentlessly for several minutes, then fled for their lives, the attackers did not steal anything from him, they purely beat him out of anti-Semetic hatred. 
Following the attack, the Bochur, who is now listed in stable condition called Shmira, but unfortunately, the attackers were not yet found. Shmira units and and several units from the 77th precinct are continuing to search for the attackers.

Over the past several weeks, there have been racial beatings in Crown Heights, victims were attacked while walking on the streets,  severely beaten, and taken by Hatzalah to the hospital. Shmira is asking everyone to be aware of your surroundings, walk in well lit areas, and try not to walk alone.

Homeowners: please check your doors and windows to your home and garage and make sure it is properly lit at night and properly secure. All residents: please do not walk alone at night, and try to walk in pairs, and always be aware of your surroundings. If someone tries to walk up to you, and you feel threatened, run away or scream for help.

(Source: Chabad Info)

48 Responses

  1. This is a bad situation of course but, there is one viable solution that is not usually considered, although I don’t know why…Fight back! the only way
    thugs will stop random violence is if they know they will be counterattacked! That will make them think twice about arbitrary assault, not the threat of police. It’s too easy for them to run away. It’s time to bring back the JDL.


  3. once: Easier said than done. In both this and the Lakewood story, both victims were unexpectedly attacked. Hard to fight an enemy who spontaneously jumps you and is out for blood. Jews are by nature not fighters, and are B”H not ruthless. I would really hate to see us stoop that low for anyone to be afraid to start up. What will we gain? Street gangs between the yids and the bloods? I wish I could think of a solution to avoid these horrible incidences from occuring, but the only that comes to mind is teshuva,tefilla and tzedakah.

  4. Do you really think that a handful of jews with kahane chai t-shirts that have never thrown a punch in their lives let alone beat someone to near death, are really going to scare hundreds of blood thirsty, violence craving, drug addicted,jew hating, thugs?DO YOU?HUH? I couldn’t disagree with you more . This would only increase and induce more violence,(to some more innocent victims while the JDL would be sitting in some “Mendels cholent shop” which by the way you would be held accountable for.

  5. The problem in CH is that there is Shmira and Shomrim. If there were a unified front, and they merged in to one organization, things would be better.

  6. Oncefrum, Fighting JDL style will do more damage than good. What if after fighting back the thug shoots you?

    Will your next suggestion be to carry an illegal gun in NYC?

  7. Oncefrum,
    What brilliance. The bochur should have beaten both of them up. Why didn’t I think of that? Or better yet, take a random black person walking down the street and beat HIM up, that sure will solve the problem.

  8. Lkwd, BP, Crown Heights – all within a week & a half!

    I think it’s time to realize that there a big problem that needs to be dealt with before it gets worse, cholila.

  9. my friends,
    you live with goyim. aisav hates yaakov, period.
    eretz yisrael eretz yisrael eretz yisrael
    wake up already.
    the eagles wings your waiting for are airplanes!

  10. My husband is very close with one of the Shomrim in Crown Heights. The police precinct has recently started showing a racist, Anti-Semitic bias. R”L!

  11. Joseph, whats wrong in learning some self defence?
    And who is suggesting obtaining illegal firearms? Don’t we have a constitutional right to own a legal firearm ?

  12. Once Frum,
    what would your reponse be in such a situation, how would you fight back? An innocent fellow just got beaten and…..

  13. once frum….you are correct indeed…bring back the JDL…those that do these acts need to be taught proper lessons…just like the arabs they DO understand force

  14. Rav Mechel, not in NYC, at least as a practical matter. It is essentially impossible for the average citizen to obtain a license for a firearm in this city.

    In any event, firearms are not the Jewish way. The sword belongs to Eisev.

  15. dear mr sudog: i hate to break it to you eretz yisroel is not so safe either if not worse, it’s called golus and zionism

  16. There is a trend going on and I think this is sort of like an Al Queda thing going on. I would call the FBI and report these crimes.

    The last 25 incidents dating back three months, all attacks against jews were done by black males. There is definitley a link in my opinion.
    Lakewood, Flatbush, Boro Park, Crown Heights, Passaic NJ –all attacks done by black males.

    (C.H shmira member)

  17. rabboisai,have you noticed how in the last few years,the racial make up of the police department has changed? do you realize that 75% of new recruits in the nypd are blacks and latinos.
    if you think things are bad now,wait a few more years.
    the handwriting is on the wall for every one to see,in a few years from now jews will have no place in n.y.c,and especially in crown heights.
    ITS TIME TO GO HOME our one only country,that g-d almighty gave to us ,is waiting for us with outstrched hands

  18. In terms of carrying weapons, chazal say habo lehorgecha hashkaim vehorgo. If the situation is dangerous enough, responsible individuals should be allowed to carry weapons to be used in emergency circumstances.

    The gemora in Shabbos discusses whether weapons are a garment so that wearing them wouldn’t constitute carrying. The Gemara is not talking about army members but seems to be talking about the average person.

    Individuals definitely can be armed. Gedolei Torah should be consulted about a general policy.

  19. Genug Shoin
    zionism ahin zionism aher, its a posuk in the torah :tomid einei hashem elokecha boh mereishis hashonoh ad achris hashono”, not believing in the posuk or questioning it is kefirah!

  20. Has anyone ever heard the slogan “never again”? Why should we continually allow ourselves to be attacked? Not actively defending ourselves is probably a bigger sin than indulging in violence. What happened to ‘Vneshmartem meod’? And ‘haboo lehorgokh hashkem lehorgoi’? Fight fire with fire, is what I say. And I never said that the victim should have been able to defend himself in this case, it’s just that some people feel that they can attack random jews at will because they know they are too lame to defend, like lemelekh.

  21. I don’t know how it is in NY, but here in California, you can get a license for a concealed handgun. Not everyone needs one, but if something like this happens and the attacker is shot, it will send a message that they better stop messing around. Right now people are powerless. Shomrim can’t really prevent anything, just respond after it has happened.

  22. Oncefrum,
    “Never again” has been said over the last two thousand years countless times, and where has it gotten us?
    “Never again” should we do the averos that caused the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash. All these tzaros are a direct result of the Churban.

  23. you live with goyim. aisav hates yaakov, period.
    eretz yisrael eretz yisrael eretz yisrael
    I understand – it is safer to live next to and among Arabs who want to kill us and throw us off our land than among drugged lowlives who occasionally want to steal some money for drugs.

  24. Hashem is clearly sending us a message not to feel so complacent and secure in the goldene medinah
    And tell me what is going on in yenne medine, the ONLY place where I have felt discrimination because of my haimishe dress and appearance.

  25. Eretz Yisroel is much safer I feel so much safer here B’H not saying that nothing happens. It’s even brought down don’t know where but that before Moshiach comes it will be safer here. Whover said it’s worse try it out it fits so well there is nothing like it. sudog couldn’t have said it better.

  26. Joseph,
    While I am not suggesting for you or anyone else to carry a gun, your statement of “firearms are not the Jewish way” is so idiotic that I am not sure if you were serious or not. Zint ven zant eer givaren dee naye poisuk?

    What constitutes “Jewish way” I dont recall learning anywhere, ever, anything about us not carrying arms. In Eretz Yisroel today there are thousands of very frum charedim with guns (not in the army) and I know quite a few in the States as well.

  27. It always boggles my mind when African Americans who are always screaming ‘racism’ release their frustrations on other minorities! Therre are plenty of Neo Nazi or Right wingers around, why dont they practice agression on them?

  28. yochi, the sword beongs to Eisev not Yaakov.

    Of course self-defense is essential, but generally obtaining or carrying a firearm will do a Jew a lot more harm then good. This point has been made by many Gedolim.

    Of course there are exceptions. But such is the rule.

  29. “why does it have to say “2 black” who cares what color they were!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Uh, honestyid, it’s called reporting. As in, two asian males, three caucasian females, 2 black males…

    On second thought, why does it “have to say” males, who cares what gender they are! Total gender bigotry.

  30. post #20 – while you are giving benefit of the doubt as to the intentions of the “gentleman of good standing within the community” who savagely beat the Yeshiva Bochur. why not go a little further – perhaps this bochur who was reported as just sitting on a park bench was really threatening these “fine upstanding men” and they were only using self defense.

    so what is the probability on a scale of 1 thru 10 where 10 is the most likely: minus 10!

  31. itzik and genug shoiun,
    you both missed the point!
    eretz yisrael is where Hashem wants the Jewish people to live. Not America. nekuda!
    It’s just a matter of how “loud will He have to turn up the volume” until you “hayinu kicholmim” jews wake up. Unfortunately the beatings from asav aren’t “loud enough”.

  32. from the article “the attackers did not steal anything from him, they purely beat him”

    EASY TARGET FOR WHAT??? it is pure “get the Jew” and nothing else! no different from Lakewood, Miami, Australia and other locales.

    by trying to downplay the fact that the victim just happened to be a Jew and just as easily could have been a lone defenseless African American or Hispanic is absurd! do you really believe they would have given such a beat down to a white priest just to give a beat down to someone? do you really believe if it was a fellow like them, they would have done what they did?

  33. Joseph # 36,
    Once again, you are making things up.
    Which gedolim said that we should not have fire arms? Swords belong to Eisav? Maybe to go out and commit crimes… We have been shechting with pretty serious knifes, when frum people go camping or such, they cant take a gun with them?

  34. yochi, many Gedolim. I’ll thro the question back to you. Which Gedolim encourage Yidden to have firearms? None that I am aware of.

    If you know of a Godol who encourages firearms, please let us all know.

  35. dear sudog, i couldn’t agree and disagree more, true that’s where hashem wants us to live but your point was that it’s safer in eretz yisrael because there is no violence and that’s why i am saying zionism because if you read a little history up till current events you might just realize how violent they are to the average peorson and thats not even talking about the teror in israel so don’t start sying you should move to eretz yisrael because it is safer

  36. dear grump dont be such a grump, no one is talking about the maaloh of living in eretz yisrael i can also quote psukim about living here the issue here is safety, and i enjoy the way you throw around kefira like your talking about chicken soup just for your information that pasuk has nothing to do with living in eretz yisrael or not, its a maaloh about eretz yisrael and thats it, and if someone disagrees with zionism he is not disagreeing with that pasuk at all it has nothing to do with each other, hope you see the light GUT SHABBOS

  37. Joseph,
    You ask which Gedolim encourage firearms?
    Well, which Gedolim encourage reading the NYT or being on this blog, or making a BBQ, or leaving shul before Aleynu to go to a kiddush elsewhere etc, etc, etc

    You/we never asked Gedolim before we did that, vus epes yetzt? I learned in Yeshiva in E.Y, I never once saw any Godol, Tzadik, Rosh Yeshiva etc complain about the gun the police man or soldier standing next to him was holding, although they were always Jewish, many times chareydish. So are you telling me that some times its muttar and sometimes assur? And YOU are the one to decide when its muttar and when its assur!!

  38. like i said genug shine,
    you missed the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and as per your imature comment to grump, you’re essentially saying “to the dumps with the diamonds i’m offering you–i’d prefer to roll around in the dung.”

  39. Genug Shoin even with all that it’s safer here I feel much safer here. Moshiach won’t come to chutz laoretz but to E.Y. Hakdusha

  40. Genug Shoin / Itzik
    We don”t know what is safer for us or not (The yidden in europe /germany felt very safe there too in the thirties) and you are right the malos of eretz yisrael is not the issue at hand.
    However let me share a story i heard over thirty years ago about the time I moved to Eretz Yisroel myself:
    A bochur learning in Ponovizh was going back to America after learning there a number of years, and went to gezeigin zich with the masgiach Reb Chatzkel, the masgiach asked him why he is going back to america what if Mashiach comes next week, so the bochur answered him i will just come back again, so reb Chatzkel told him it does not work that simple, for example if a person makes a kiddush in his shul he gives a klap on the bimah after davening and everyone is invited, it doesnt make a difference who he knows exactly or not everyone in shul is invited, when you daven in a different shul however then you are invited by special invitation only there are no klaps there, two people from that shul, 5 from that shteeble etc. so too said reb Chatzkel , when Moshiach comes living in Eretz Yisroel you are automatically invited like the klap in the shul bimah, living in Chutz laratz however you need a special invitation, are you sure you will be invited back….
    That is the point at hand, it has nothing to do with yes zionism not zionism, with all the yeshivos and shuls in america hashem wants Eretz yisrael, like yidden of yesteryear used to go be choinen es aforo live even the end of their lives there to be buried there.
    Safety we dont know what is safer only Hashem knows, we just have to do whats is right…
    So even if we ourselves are not zoiche to live there and be mekayem mitzvoseah there, at least look up to, respect and realize the maloh of the ones that are.
    And if it is takeh not safer there, even more so be mekaneh that mesiras nefesh of the yidden living there, all for the advancement of real ruchniyos living in “Palterin shel melech”

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