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Prague Officals To Restore Ban On Neo-Nazi March

ss2.jpgAccording to the Associated Press, the Prague City Hall has said that it has restored a ban on a march planned for next month by a neo-Nazi group through the Czech capital’s Jewish quarter – as reported HERE on YW. It is unknown if the counter demonstration by the Jewish Community of Prague [reported HERE on YW] will continue as scheduled, or will be cancelled.

4 Responses

  1. I find it more disturbing that there are now nazi gangs terrorizing jews in Israel! I personally know of a group of young yeshiva bochurim who were attacked on a shabbos evening stroll, in Carmiel, by two russian nazi boys and one nazi girl! These nazis train vigoriously for their attacks! The girl beat one of the bochurim so badly, he had to be hospitalized!
    Should jewish youths be taught to defend themselves?

  2. #2,
    “Should Jewish youths be taught to defend themselves?” OF COURSE! Remember, there is a mitzvah in the Torah to protect yourself- u’shemartem es nafshosechem?
    The fact that young children are not taught to defend themselves is a big error on the parent’s part. Every child should know that if their life is in danger they should know how to defend themselves and hopefully if they are succesful they can then tell the cops the exact story what happened.
    Others who are witnessing it should not stand idly by as their fellow Jew is being harmed, remember, another mitzvah in the Torah- lo sachmod al dam ra’echa.
    IY”H, we should only hear good news from now on.

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