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Statement By President Bush On International Day of Commemoration

bush21.jpgOn the third International Day of Commemoration, we remember and mourn the victims of the Holocaust.

I was deeply moved by my recent visit to Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust Museum. Sixty-three years after the liberation of Auschwitz, we must continue to educate ourselves about the lessons of the Holocaust, and honor those whose lives were taken as a result of a totalitarian ideology that embraced a national policy of violent hatred, bigotry, and extermination. It is also our responsibility to honor the survivors and those courageous souls who refused to be bystanders, and instead risked their own lives to try to save the Nazis’ intended victims.

Remembering the victims, heroes, and lessons of the Holocaust remains important today. We must continue to condemn the resurgence of anti-Semitism, that same virulent intolerance that led to the Holocaust, and we must combat bigotry and hatred in all forms, in America and abroad. Today provides a sobering reminder that evil exists and a call that when we find evil we must resist it.

May God bless the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. And may we never forget.

7 Responses

  1. I’m just not gettint this.. Mr. Bush is so amased by the YAD VESHEM & all what when wrong in the 2nd world war…& on the other hand he is just not stopping to push Erets Yisreal to make PEACE & to let themselfs again from thease those cursed arebs R “l & that’s in the same time that Isreal is already threatend by Iran…
    em I seeing some thing that he’s not??
    somo one please explain!!!!

  2. President Bush unfortunately is all bluster and no substance. Actions speak louder than words.

    How easily many are seduced by a few kind words about the Holocaust that may not even be sincere.

    You can’t make a brocha on a president. He doesn’t have absolute power like a real melech would have.

  3. President Bush is our best friend in the Oval Office since at least President Ronald Reagan.

    He is one of the few external friends we have.

  4. The few w other recent friends we had in the Oval Office, in addition to George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan, were Richard M. Nixon (who DID much for us despite the tapes) and Harry Truman.

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