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Eretz Yisroel Gets New Free Daily Newspaper

yom chadash.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) The first edition of ‘Yom Chadash’, a free daily newspaper for the Chareidi community, was distributed on Thursday. The new paper will be distributed from Sunday to Thursday and will compete with the existing daily Yated Ne’eman and Hamodia newspapers.

The front page announces “the newspaper for all the Chareidi communities” on a bright red background. The editorial on page 2 declares its intentions, such as “providing reports and news in due humility and recognition that a newspaper is not a vessel or value in itself.” Or: “A means of expression directed by all Israel’s sages for all shades of the Chareidi public.”

The paper’s main headline reads: “Brochos ‘Haderech’ from Gedoley Yisroel Shlita.” Underneath, color photos of Maran Hagoen Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz Shlita, and Maran Hagoen Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita appear, looking at editions of the new paper.

9 Responses

  1. i find it hard to believe it will remain free forever. i guess once they establish a readership they will ask for a price to get it.

  2. Agreed. Look up “vessel” in the dictionary. I doubt it says “newspaper” as a meaning. Why – did you previously think a newspaper was a vessel? And its certainly not a “value in itself.” Everyone knows that its not a “value in itself.” Few things are…

  3. Let’s hope they’ll be successful and be able to also come out with a free USA edition and email edition so the word can get out to everyone what Jewish opinion and news realy is.
    Kosher news and correct information,without having to pay extra. Let the advertizements cover the costs and the opinions of our gedolim get more publicity.

  4. It actually says (loose translation) … with humility, and recognition that the paper is but a vessel, with no intrinsic value, it is a vessel whose purpose is to give the public, with trust, a source of news and serve as an expression for the guidance of the Gedolim…

    to #5; It should be fiscally viable with advertising revenue. I almost created such a publication, with a twist, a couple of years ago. With siyatta dishmaya, the circumstances prevented the project at the time.

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