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AUDIO: Trump Surprise Calls Rush Limbaugh For 30th Anniversary, Calls People in DC ‘Evil’

President Donald Trump called into Rush Limbaugh’s radio show Wednesday, to suprise the conservative radio host for the 30th anniversary of his show.

“This is your favorite president and I think you are fantastic,” Trump said. “So I just want to congratulate you. Thirty years. Just do it for another 30 years, after that you can take it easy.”

As Limbaugh lauded Trump for defying expectations and shaking up the Washington political establishment, the president remarked “you’ve got a lot of bad people in Washington.”

“You knew that a long time ago frankly before I knew it,” Trump said. “I had no idea how evil some of them are, but you have a lot of great people too.”

4 Responses

  1. “yeshiva ” world news has now earned its place amongst the prominent fake-news media outlets like CNN and NBC
    “yeshiva” (btw, there isn’t and i haven’t ever seen anything yeshiva related on this fake-news website, other than bashing yehsivalite that have kepeidah not to sit next to women on airplanes (not getting involved if its a right thing to do or wrong thing, but ywn liberally will bash , or when they bash peleg yeshiva bochurim)
    anyways, to put evil in quotation marks – that is the fakery!! bec your hinting that trump is being extreme, and also, trump said many things in that conversation, why are you choosing one small statement and presenting it as if this was his main point and he’s off the wall
    i would strongly suggest ywn either change their name to fake world news, or to become a little more truthful

  2. id like to laud ywn for posting jack’s comment I totally agree with jacks comment. so you are a bunch of shteiminists, halevai. do you think therefore you should bash those that go with rav shmuel and to cast them in a negative light at every turn is that the way of yehiva velt. would the yated do something like that they only do that to open orthodoxy and all litoeles.

    casting trump in a negative light is that good for yidden why cant you leave out an agenda and it would be an enjoyable site to come to

    the term yeshiva world somehow associated this with yeshiva leit and that is terrible.

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