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Severe Overcrowding in Netanya Separate Beach Reported

If some believe the separate beach in Ashdod is terribly crowded, as reported by YWN-Israel, then they should take a look at the separate beach in Netanya and be grateful. This is what visitors to the northern beach report, as they explain conditions in Netanya’s beach are far worse.

According to a Kikar Shabbos report, based on photos of that beach, the situation for Netanya’s religious and chareidi tzibur are far worse than in Ashdod, especially these days, during bein hazmanim.

Speaking with Kikar Shabbos, Avraham, a resident of Jerusalem who has been vacationing in Netanya every summer for 20 years, explains, “This is a city where the percentage of vacationers from the chareidi community is among the highest in the country, and it is the only separate beach in the city.”

“The situation there is shocking by any standard, crowded and dirty, full of inspectors walking around the beach, but mostly, people pouring beers, etc. The lifeguards cannot deal with the load, and I have often heard them say so on many days with my own ears. It is a miracle that children are not drowned there.”

“In recent years, the city’s image has improved immeasurably, renovation of squares and promenades in the amount of millions of shekels, and the city’s money is reflected in the pictures I took …”

“In the eyes of the city’s residents who are not Torah observant, all the beaches are empty and calm. However, at the segregated beach, this disgraceful situation is clearly seen from every house in the city that has a view of the sea. In the eyes of anyone who observes this phenomenon, it would appear the chareidi community is worth less. In addition, the level of low level of maintenance, and the condition of the showers and the level of cleanliness is below any and all acceptable standards”.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. Unfortunately more cases of drowning are happening at home or in hotels then on a charedi over crowded beach.
    Mind boggling!

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