PHOTOS: With 2 Weeks To Rosh Hashanah, Uman Is Abuzz With Preparations


With approximately two weeks to Rosh Hashanah, the area of the tziyun of Rav Nachman of Breslov in Uman is abuzz, as preparations are in earnest. Tens of thousands of mispallalim will be spending Rosh Hashanah at the tziyun, and accommodations are being prepared; including lodging and Yomtov meals.

The Jewish-owned Uman Express transportation company is ready, to transport passengers from the airport to the tziyun with its fleet of buses, minibuses and vans.

Ichud Breslov, the organization which undertakes the responsibility for the tziyun year-round, is also finalizing preparations, which includes the increase in manpower of United Hatzalah volunteers for the Yomtov, including physicians, paramedics and EMTs. Many of the volunteers arrive from Israel to provide the required manpower over Rosh Hashanah. The emergency number to dial in Ukraine for United Hatzalah is (+38) 063-800-1221. It is stressed the dispatch center operates in lines with instructions from rabbonim regarding Kedushas Shabbos.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem/Photo Credit: איחוד ברסלב באומן וביטחון אומן)

3 Responses

  1. Imagine if all these thousands of people decided to stay home just for one Rosh Hashanna and try davening in their own shul/ shteibel and spend Yom Tov with their entire family, instead of abandoning their large family and davening in a warehouse or a makeshift shul -chances they will experience such a calm Yom Tov that many probably wouldn’t go the following year. Its such a craze with so much baholoh and chaos before and during. From all the videos I’ve seen over the years it just seems that most…NOT all but most seem to miss the boat. Rosh Hashanna is not about concerts and kumzitzes and dancing and drinking and hoilelus and haircuts and all else..The avoida of Rosh hashanna and the days leading up is as far as I know are very different. For one thing if one doesn’t have the menuchas hanefesh one cannot maximize his R.H. I’m sorry but being in that chaos there is no way to have a proper R.H.

    My Rosh Hashanah is greater than everything. I cannot understand how it is that if my followers really believe in me they are not all meticulous about coming to me for Rosh Hashanah. No- one should be absent! My whole mission is Rosh Hashanah.
    Everyone , without exception, who counts himself as one of my followers or takes heed of what I say should come to me for Rosh Hashanah. Anyone who is worthy of being with me for Rosh Hashanah should be very happy: “Go your way, eat the fat and drink the sweet, for the joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10 ) .
    Chayey Moharan #403
    My Rosh Hashanah is something completely new – and God knows it is not something I inherited from my fathers. God Himself gave me the gift of knowing what Rosh Hashanah is. That all of you are dependent on my Rosh Hashanah goes without saying. The entire world depends on my Rosh Hashanah!
    Chayey Moharan #405
    During Rabbi Nachman’s lifetime it was the practice for his followers to gather around him each year for Rosh Hashanah. Just as they had come to him each year when he lived in Breslov, so in September 1810 several hundred traveled to Uman to be with him for what was to be the last Rosh Hashanah of his life.
    During this event Rabbi Nachman repeatedly emphasized the greatness and importance of his followers’ gathering around him on Rosh Hashanah. Reb Nosson understood that the Rebbe wanted his followers to gather by him even after his death.
    The next year Reb Nosson went to Uman for Rosh Hashanah together with about 60 of the Rebbe’s followers, thus instituting the annual Rosh Hashanah gathering of Breslover Chassidim. This continued until the mid 1930’s, when the communist repression made it impossible to continue the public prayers. Even so, secret Rosh Hashanah services were held in Uman even in the darkest years of the communist tyranny.
    The public Rosh Hashanah gathering in Uman resumed in 1988 attended by about 250 people. The following year the numbers grew to over a thousand and doubled the year afterwards, after which they increased exponentially every year to the point where today tens of thousands travel every year to Uman from Israel, Europe, America and other parts of the world in order to attend Rabbi Nachman’s Rosh Hashanah.

  3. @cool masmid: YOU SAID IT! “From all the videos I’ve seen over the years it just seems”. Thats right, you have never been there for RH, and Im assuming you never learned any of Rabbeinus seforim. Please come and learn what it means to live and learn your Jewish life together with Hashem. We can all do teshuva. A Git Yur

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