DESPICABLE REMARKS: Rep. Clyburn Spits on Holocaust Survivors in Defense of Anti-Semitic Rep. Omar

Rep. James Clyburn (S.C.), the Democratic whip and a prominent member of the Congressional Black Caucus, made some appalling remarks in an interview with The Hill on Wednesday.

The following are excerpts from The Hill article:

Clyburn came to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s defense Wednesday, lamenting that many of the media reports surrounding the recent controversy have omitted mentioning that Omar, who was born in Somalia, had to flee the country to escape violence and spent four years in a Kenyan refugee camp before coming to the United States.

Her experience, Clyburn argued, is much more empirical — and powerful — than that of people who are generations removed from the Holocaust, Japanese internment camps during World War II and the other violent episodes that have marked history.

“I’m serious about that. There are people who tell me, ‘Well, my parents are Holocaust survivors.’ ‘My parents did this.’ It’s more personal with her,” Clyburn said. “I’ve talked to her, and I can tell you she is living through a lot of pain.”

Clyburn said that long talks with former Rep. Norman Mineta (D-Calif.), a Japanese-American who was interned during WWII, gave him a special appreciation for Omar’s experiences. And he rejected the idea that the Democrats’ resolution will single her out for condemnation.

“She won’t be targeted. We’re going to target those people who had her picture on the Twin Towers,” Clyburn said. “This resolution is going to be inclusive; it’s going to be expansive; and I might just try to add something to deal with that billboard that’s up in Pennsylvania this morning calling John Lewis and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus racists.”

[WATCH: NYC Mayor De Blasio SLAMS Omar For Remarks About Israel, Says Her Comments Are Anti-Semitic]

[VIDEOS & PHOTOS: Neturei Karta Visits US Capital to Support Anti-Semite Rep. Ilhan Omar, Meets Ocasio-Cortez & Others]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. orth. dems. will forget all this garbage in 2020. They should change their party to repub. now while the Dems antisemite hate is in the open

  2. Dem sc rep clayburn says he reapexts omar more than sons of holocaust survivors! What about the Picture of the Black Caucus and Obama meeting with Fahrakhan?!? Why was then presidential candidate Obama and the Black Caucus there with an anti Semitic rabble rouser of many years?!
    What does Omars experience as a Sudanese Refugee frm Sudanese MOSLEMS have to do with JEWS?!?!?
    And for a small people aving 6 Million Tortured to Death just because they were Jews just 7 decades ago is a Big THing – though it may not be to this Brother!
    Sure enough he looks at this as defending a fellow person of color (like he would do for Fahrakhan!) then caring of the insult and ininuation of Jewish supporters of Israel!

  3. What do Clyburn’s words even mean? How is it relevant that Omar had a hard childhood? How is her suffering, however bad it was, relevant to the topic of bigotry or hatred? She has never in her life suffered from that. Her childhood suffering was caused by Moslems, and if anything should have turned her into an “Islamophobe”. Clyburn seems to be implying that she suffered from “Islamophobia”, possibly perpetrated by Jews, which is simply a lie.

  4. > a Japanese-American who was interned during WWII

    Yep. The conditions of Japanese-American interned during WWII is how Omar’s refugee experience is compared, and no-one seems top have complained that this is a poor comparison. Thus implicitly they are admitting the comparison is valid, that her refugee experience is like Japanese-American interned during WWII.

  5. “It’s more personal with her”

    She was a child and despite what she went through, she suffered nothing like those, still alive today, who went through the loving care of Communist Russia (that is aside from the Holocaust) re-education and Gulag etc etc etc. – no “refugee camp” (which is paradise compared to what the Gulag was).

  6. “generations removed from the Holocaust”

    I have people in my own shul who are still alive (aside from my own mother who is still alive) who have personally survived under the Nazis through the Holocaust. Yet the same Democrat party wants reparations for Blacks for slavery that ended how many years BEFORE the Holocaust?

  7. What about the Picture of the Black Caucus and Obama meeting with Fahrakhan?!? Why was then presidential candidate Obama and the Black Caucus there with an anti Semitic rabble rouser of many years?!
    What does Omars experience as a Sudanese Refugee frm Sudanese MOSLEMS have to do with JEWS?!?!?
    And for a small people aving 6 Million Tortured to Death just because they were Jews just 7 decades ago is a Big THing – though it may not be to this Brother!
    Sure enough he looks at this as defending a fellow person of color (like he would do for Fahrakhan!) then caring of the insult and ininuation of Jewish supporters of Israel!

  8. What happened to Eliot Engel? Any reaction out of the snake? He suddenly lost his tongue? Eliot is still terribly “concerned” about backlash against the Muslim American community, if the little girl is kicked off the Foreign affairs committee? Where are the so-called Jews, Schumer, Nadler, & Schiff? Still busy with the Russian collusion.

  9. She’s in pain?? Well she has a funny way of showing it! This gives her a right to denigrate Jews, because she is in pain? The Jews didn’t do it to her – the Muslims did!!

  10. Funny to see comments from peleg supporters be outraged by this. Those who compare tzahal and police to the perpetrators of the Holocaust are doing the exact same.

    You are cheapening and corrupting what little is left of this generations memory of the Holocaust.

  11. I wonder why he didn’t reference the “people of color” being generations removed from slavery and segregation? But I don’t really wonder because we all know – they can cry racism FOREVER AND EVER.

    A cop can’t arrest a “person of color” without a major public backlash. He/ she must think 85 times before pulling the trigger on a black thug holding a weapon because of fears of backlash and losing his job.

  12. So she had to flee Somalia and lived in a refugee camp……ok, now how does that connect with her constant Anti-Semitic remarks? What; her fleeing Somalia gives her a free pass now?!

  13. For the past 50 years blacks have been the biggest anti-semites, when you look at demographics of where anti-semitism is most prevalent.

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