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Two Israelis Missing After Myanmar Cyclone Hit

cyclone2.jpgTwo Israelis who were in Myanmar at the time of the devastating cyclone hit earlier this week have still not contacted their families in Israel, the Jerusalem Post reports. However, it is possible that since there are basically no telephone lines available, they have been unable to contact their families.

Meanwhile, the White House said that the U.S. will send more than $3 million to help victims of the cyclone – up from an initial emergency contribution of $250,000.

The additional commitment of funds comes as Myanmar continues to resist entry for a U.S. disaster assessment team. The Bush administration insists that permission for such a team to enter the Southeast Asian nation and look at the damage would allow quicker and larger aid contributions.

At least 22,000 people were reported dead and over 40,000 were still missing.

One Response

  1. Let’s hope the world sees this as Hashem’s way of sending us a message. Let’s hope that Israel will be recognized for the aid it is sending despite its own troubles.

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