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Assemblyman Schaer Convenes Meetings With Medical Examiners To Discuss Autopsies And Religious Considerations

schaer1.jpgAssemblyman Gary S. Schaer (D-Passaic), in partnership with Agudath Israel of America, convened two meetings over the past two months which have brought top leaders from the Jewish community together with leading officials in county and state medical examiner’s offices. The purposes of the meetings were to present the Jewish perspective on autopsies and ensuring the dignity of the deceased.

“While New Jersey already has strong legislation that protects the rights of religiously observant residents, these meetings serve as forums that allow those involved to gain a greater appreciation for the needs of the observant Jewish community,” said Assemblyman Schaer who recently authored several pieces of legislation aimed at religious accommodation that were signed into law. “It is my hope that New Jersey will continue to serve as a model to all other states when it comes to sensitivity to religious concerns.”

In all but seven states, religious decedants who die of unknown causes can be autopsied. States which have state Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRA) do not have explicit laws governing autopsy, but families of religious decedants can potentially use the RFRA to protect their religious rights. In all states, autopsies are still performed in cases of compelling public necessity. New Jersey law has specific autopsy legislation protecting religious rights.

Among others, the meetings included Rabbi Elchonon Zone, the Director and founder of the Chevra Kadisha of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens and the National Association of Chevros Kadisha, Rabbi  A.D. Motzen, Ohio Regional Director of Agudath Israel, and NJ Agudath Israel Director Josh Pruzansky.

Additional meetings will be formalized in the coming months to further discuss these important issues.

One Response

  1. Correction. Rabbi Zohn, was not the founder of the Queens Vaad Chevra Kadisha. He did reinvigorate the group when it was in difficulty many years ago.

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