Rep Ed Towns Meets With Flatbush Residents

YW-ED Towns Flatbush Meeting-018.jpg(Click HERE for photos) Congressman Ed Towns held a public meeting this past Monday evening in Flatbush, where local residents got to voice their complaints, and discuss issues that they feel need to be dealt with. In addition to the Congressman, representatives from the NYPD, the NYC Sanitation Department, and US Postal Services, attended the meeting – which was held at a Shul on Bedford Avenue near Avenue I.

Issues regarding the post office on Nostrand, tickets issued to homeowners by the Sanitation Police – for no apparent reason, no cooperation from the NYC Parks Department regarding tree issues – as well as many other issues were addressed.

One concerned resident asked the Congressman to work on behalf of the community to secure grants for security at Yeshivos, Shuls, and other houses of worship. 

Many people publicly stood up and thanked the Congressman for supporting of the State of Israel – for which he is well known.

Towns represents the 10th Congressional District of New York, encompassing the neighborhoods of East New York, Canarsie, Brownsville, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Cypress Hills, Clinton Hill, Mill Basin, Midwood, downtown Brooklyn, Boreum Hill, as well as parts of Fort Greene and Williamsburg.

(Photos by YWN photographer Raphael Grynsztajn)

5 Responses

  1. What an inappropriate venue for such a meeting! (V’dai Lachakima…) Back when I lived in Brooklyn, I heard many a hilchos shabbos shiur in the same shul.

  2. ywn_junkie: You are right. And because he is known to be a big talmid chacham, I will not mention his name or the Shul name. He knows much, much more than me. It is just disappointing, that’s all. As important as this meeting was, there are other venues in the neighborhood, and other shuls have social halls, and catering halls.

  3. I’m sure he is a prominent Rav and guess what? Even prominent Rabbonim make mistakes. This was definitely a wrong venue and a bizayon. Men and women (Goyim noch de tzi) sitting together, drinking coffee, and with their backs to the Aron Kodesh, no more than a foot away???!!!??? A total disgrace. That said, it’s good to see the relationship the Yidden have with him. I hope they accomplished alot and we owe him thanks for meeting with us to discuss issues pertaining to our community and for all the help he does.

  4. To ego:

    Drinking coffee? Hmmm Don’t think so.

    How is that a total disgrace?
    For someone to talk about making
    the community better, Jewish Or NOT.

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