Belzer Rebbe Shlita: Kosher Internet for Those who Must be Online

The Belzer Rebbe Shlita on motzei Shavuos addressed his chassidim in the Grand Yerushalayim Beis Medrash, telling them that we are now in the time of “Kimu V’Kiblu” and as such, we must realize the Internet brings many “nisyanos” (challenges) to us and for those requiring connectivity to earn a livelihood, must opt for one of the kosher options available today – to distance oneself from the “open internet” and all the threats associated with it.

Addressing the khal following havdalah, a proclamation was made public, signed by all members of the Machzikei Hadas Beis Din, referring to the need to limit dangers as per the Rebbe Shlita, and to continue efforts in tandem with the Rabbinical Communications Committee which oversees kosher cellular telephones towards providing kosher internet to those whose lives demand connectivity.

A new system with a higher filtering ability is running in pilot mode to meet the needs of those who must be connected or use email, adding the Badatz is aware that the success of filtered systems to date depends greatly on the cooperation of an end-user, stressing the many dangers associated with Internet access. The rabbanim Shlita are not giving a blanket ‘hechsher’ to Internet use, explaining they are aware one cannot be ‘me’taher es ha’sheretz’ (purify the contaminated) and therefore, there is no blanket approval regarding Internet use, even filtered as it may be.

In another publication released by the Machzikei Hadas Beis Din, reference is made to those who “have no alternative” and must be connected to the Internet to earn a livelihood – urging them to change over to the new pilot filtered system which limits risks to exposure to to’eva. The badatz notice is also addressing those who just use email.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

9 Responses

  1. I am waiting for the longest time for a kosher internet, that has speed & is up to date…that means not crashing every other day..
    I once used one of the KOSHER connections, but it didn’t work many times & even when yes -very slowly.
    HALEVAI ….

  2. Can someone enlighten me on the filtering sights which they use in the USA. Untill now I was using Covenanteyes but need to change and just need some advice.

  3. Everyone speaks of the dangers of the environment. So what about the dangers of bad parenting or poor teaching, aren’t parents and rabbeim also an environment?

  4. I use k9 – it’s free, doesn’t slow down my computer, and I haven’t been able to beat it. (not garunteeing for a really motivated kid – but it seems very secure) just google k9.

  5. Get real now! If one wishes to do an aveira, R”L, chalilo, there are many things he can do. Filters are there to add protection to an otherwise motivated individual. If one travels to the GWB through the city, he preferably should opt for the FDR vs. the west Side hyway simply for k’dusha reasons. The Satan is as sprei and as sly as ever, Unlike us, he doesn’t slow with age! If one wishes to be protected, one should have some real kavana at Krias sh’ma’s posuk V’lo Sosuru, in this week’s parsha incidentally. One must work on elevating his own level of k’dusha and then all these filters have a chance of working. #8 suggests keeping the computer in public view ~ how right he is. I know a nursing home buyer who only goes on-line for purchasing and what have you, when accompanied by a shomer. Not always an option for many! Say a tefillah before going on line and remind yourself constantly “Ayin Ro-eh, V’ozen Shomaas”

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