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HUGE NEWS FOR LAKEWOOD: Beth Medrash Govoha Under Contract to Buy 42 Acres of Land from Georgian Court University

After two years of negotiations, Georgian Court University has come to terms for the sale of 42 acres of mostly unused property to Beth Medrash Govoha, which is expected to use the land for additional housing units and a daycare center, Lakewood Alerts reported.

Georgian Court University plans to use the proceeds of the sale to advance four areas of growth, including the construction of a new nursing and health sciences building.


4 Responses

  1. Beth Medrash Govoha is also allowing a 140 foot cell tower on the Georgian Court property in order to accommodate the phone service of the BMG students.

  2. The developers of these new housing units could assure that even MORE lots might be approved for badly needed housing in the future if they design their developments with some positive architectural/visual features (e.g. open space, diversity in frontage elements, landscaping, etc) rather than row upon row of square boxes focused on squeezing in as many units as the zoning allows. This would benefit both the future residents as well as neighboring communities. While I’m not naive to believe that there will always be some anti-semitism manifest in opposition to new housing developments, some of that opposition could potentially be mitigated by the positive visual and functional design elements of the development proposal.

  3. While kollel families struggle to feed their children and pay inflated tuitions, the BMG Corporation is investing in huge swaths of real-estate and partnering with the University.

    BMG should learn from the University, THEY are building housing for their students and staff. While OUR needs are ignored. Fend for yourself is not the Torah derech.

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