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Democrats Anxious Over Biden’s Plummeting Poll Numbers

Joe Biden | (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

Democrats, already facing a tough midterm election season, are becoming increasingly worried that President Joe Biden’s consistently falling poll numbers will drag them down with him.

To the surprise and chagrin of the White House, Biden’s polling hasn’t improved despite the Russia-Ukraine war, a growing economy, and decreasing unemployment. Instead, Americans are becoming increasingly focused on 40-year-high inflation and soaring gas prices.

The most recent poll from Marist College found Biden with a dismal 39 percent approval rating, down 8 points from his rating immediately after delivering the State of the Union address, in which he bashed Putin over the war.

“It’s bad,” a Democratic strategist told The Hill. “You have an energy crisis that’s paralyzing and inflation is at a 40-year high and we’re heading into a recession. The problem is simple. The American people have lost confidence in him.”

“High gas prices are one of the biggest anchors on presidential approval,” said Gallup senior editor Jeff Jones, who noted that high gas prices significantly hurt George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter in the polls, as well.

“I’m not shocked at all by the numbers because they look exactly what normal looks like,” said Jim Kessler, an executive at Democratic think tank Third Way. “The question is, given a lot of the good news in the country — the jobs numbers, businesses opening, the masks are off, the Russians are in full panic, America is astride the top of the world — can we do better? Can we do better than normal? And I think the disappointment right now is we’re not.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)


4 Responses

  1. Big deal.

    Obama had horrible numbers and got reelected, and Trump had horrible numbers and would have been reelected except that he ran an inept campaign and more or less kicked the ball into his own goal. And Trump is still going full force in attacking Republicans instead of turning his fury on the Democrats.

    The war induced shortages give Biden cover when blamed for inflation (even if it was the Democrats liberal spending that is the problem). If Trump leads the Republicans into the next election, many Republicans who were Neo-Cons (and/or Reaganites) will vote Democrat or abstain rather than support Trump’s “America first” isolationism – all Biden has to do is be more hawkish than Trump.

  2. Sadly akuperma is right on the money.
    This dope has to only allow for franking and the Keystone Pipeline and all will turn around: but he won’t do it!

  3. Please everyone We need Democrats so they could give companies like masbia more business because people can’t afford to buy food for Pesach with these every day low prices, and lets not forget all these jobs that Biden is creating so more people don’t have food stamps, and can’t even afford to pay for food, after the government charges income tax, gas tax, tolles, parking tickets if you don’t have a half hour to look for parking 5 blocks away from your house.
    Don’t forget to go the grocery in the morning for your chickens or they will be out of stock.




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