Authorities in Tennessee are investigating a racist and antisemitic manifesto reportedly linked to a school shooting at Antioch High School in Nashville on Wednesday. The suspected shooter, 17-year-old student Solomon Henderson, allegedly killed one fellow student before taking his own life during the incident.
According to reports, Henderson posted a livestream of the shooting and shared extremist materials on social media before the attack. These posts, which have since been removed, contained hateful statements praising Adolf Hitler and antisemitic far-right commentator Candace Owens, denouncing “race-mixing,” and referencing previous school shootings, including a 2023 attack at a Nashville Christian school.
“Candace Owens has influenced me above all each time she spoke I was stunned by her insights and her own views helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over the Jewish question,” the school shooter wrote.
Investigators believe Henderson was radicalized online, with his alleged manifesto borrowing heavily from far-right sources, including the Terrorgram Collective and a manifesto by Matthew Harris, who was arrested in 2022 for mass shooting threats. Carla Hill of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism called the materials a mix of “anti-Black content, antisemitism, and violent ideologies.”
The manifesto also included propaganda from the Goyim Defense League and plagiarized content from the manifesto of the 2019 New Zealand mosque shooter. Henderson, who was Black, reportedly expressed shame about his race in the materials.
Oren Segal, VP of the ADL Center on Extremism, highlighted the dangers of online radicalization. “These spaces glorify violent fantasies and extremist ideologies, fueling real-world violence,” he said.
The livestreaming platform Kick confirmed that the shooting was partially streamed on its platform and removed the content immediately. “Violence has no place on KICK,” the company said in a statement, pledging to assist law enforcement.
The attack joins a grim list of violent acts influenced by far-right extremism, including the 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and other mass killings in Buffalo, Germany, and New Zealand.
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
2 Responses
Not insane. EVIL.
A Black who supports Hitler (who favored re-enslaving American blacks, and who modelled his anti-Semitic legislation in the 1930s on America’s “Jim Crow” laws) is clearly insane (perhaps criminally insane but definitely mesuganah).