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Bloomberg: Paterson Needs To Make Senate Pick Soon

The latest new in the New York Senate sweepstakes involving Caroline Kennedy has Mayor Michael Bloomberg issuing a direct message to Gov. David Paterson: get a move on it!

“I think the governor should make a decision reasonably quickly because this is just getting out of control and everybody is focusing on the wrong things,” Bloomberg told CBS2 during a morning news conference.

Paterson’s office responded by saying a decision will be made as soon as the job is open.

“Gov. Paterson has made it clear that he will move quickly to fill New York’s Senate seat once the position becomes officially vacant,” a spokesperson said.

Since announcing her senatorial ambitions last week, Kennedy has been lauded by some and picked at by others. Over the weekend, some New York politicians very publically questioned readiness and experience for the job.

Even some in her own party.

“We should have someone in there who doesn’t have to learn the process,” said Democrat and former Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro.

And in the words of Congressman Gary Ackerman (D-Nassau/Queens): “They basically Sarah Palin-ized her. They’re answering questions that you have to submit in writing, she’s not talking to reporters as she makes this grand tour.”

It is through those questions and answers by her spokesperson that we are getting her first glimpse of her positions on issues. According to published reports, she supports the right to same-gender marriage, opposes the death penalty, is in favor of gun control and restoring a ban on assault weapons, and supports the auto industry bailout passed by the House.

But for on prominent New York politician, it comes down this:

“Caroline Kennedy is eminently qualified to be Senator. She’s not the only one,” said Bloomberg.

Over the weekend, Kennedy’s aides avoided answering whether she would support the Democratic candidate for New York City mayor in 2009. On Monday, a spokesman for Kennedy said she would support the Democrat, and not her friend, the mayor.

Though he was very complimentary of her work, Bloomberg stopped short of giving an endorsement.

“I’m not endorsing Caroline Kennedy. I’ve said again and again that the governor is lucky to have multiple candidates who are qualified to pick from,” he said.

Still, he had plenty of pleasant words for the potential senator.

“She is intelligent, competent, knows as much about the issues I think as most people that have run for senator and senators in the past,” he said. “But I think these things are just politics, somebody trying to promote their own interests whether it’s for themselves or somebody else, and the fact that she comes from a family with an illustrious history of service to this country, you certainly shouldn’t hold it against her.

“She is known because of it, she has conducted her life in an exemplary manner, she should be judged however on her ability. And I think on that basis Caroline Kennedy will do just fine,” he said.

(Source: WCBSTV)

3 Responses

  1. There is a MORE crucial issue that Gov. Paterson must grapple with. Will appointing Kennedy help or hurt him when he attempts to run for election? Paterson didn’t earn his present position under his own name – Spitzer did. Thus far, Gov Paterson is viewed favorably. That is why he threw out a trial balloon – Kennedy. Looking at the mixed reviews this “strawman” is drawing, it is easy to see that most people want someone who has the clout to get necessary aid for New York in these difficult time. This is no time for visions of ancient “Camelot”. Paterson will probably decide not to choose a neophyte in order make it possible for him to win his OWN term in office.

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