300 Aveilim: Misaskim’s Warehouses Empty, First Time Ever

misaskim.jpgBrooklyn, NY – The phones at Misaskim keep on ringing today with family members of aveilim, requesting a Gemach Nichumim delivery for their newly bereaved family members. For the first time in Misaskim’s history, their warehouses were empty on most items needed in the homes of Aveilim. This week, which has brought along with it a record-breaking amount of niftarim in Jewish communities throughout the tri-state area, R”L, has once again highlighted Misaskim’s pivotal role in our community.

Misaskim’s Gemach Nichumim, the project that has crowned Misaskim with the title “The Shiva Chair Organization,” typically provides aveilim with all the necessities-and many more extras that make the week of shiva a little more comfortable, a little more comforting. Besides for shiva chairs, sifrei Torah and siddurim, the aveilim receive Tylenol, air conditioners, water coolers, folding beds, fax machines, cordless phones, coat racks, tape recorders-and so many more amenities that give the aveilim the feeling that someone is there, someone cares. Misaskim rents five warehouses in Boro Park, Flatbush, Monsey, Lakewood and Kiryas Yoel to store the Nichum Aveilim Gemach apparatus and emergency response equipment and operates a fleet of eight trucks to transport the equipment to communities throughout the tri-state area.

In the average week, Misaskim makes an average of seventy pick-ups and deliveries to thirty-five shiva homes. After Sukkos and Pesach, when all the people who’ve lost a family member R”L can only sit down to shiva motzei Yom Tov, Misaskim usually has an overload of deliveries. However, Misaskim is equipped for these hectic days with its typical efficiency and expertise. Never have the volunteers told a family, “No, we don’t have.”

Today is different. With over three hundred aveilim sitting shiva in more than forty locations, Misaskim’s warehouses are empty. Unfortunately, the amount of people sitting shiva this week, after a short two-day Yom Tov, exceeds the post-Sukkos and Pesach total. And since these aveilim have only begun sitting shiva this past Sunday, the warehouse will remain empty until this coming Sundays pick-ups. There is not a single shiva chair left. A first time occurrence in Misaskim’s history. Mr. S., a Misaskim volunteer comments, “While it’s difficult to stare tragedy in the eye time and again, it is good to know that we can make a difference for people facing their lives darkest hour. May Hashem provide us with opportunities to gladden the hearts of yidden on many joyous occasions.”

(Meir Lewittis – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. wow-its amazing what misaskim does!!
    i went to be menachem avel this week and i saw all the different things misaskim delivered,i never realized how amazing they were!!the aveilim had low leather chairs, and folding chairs.etc.
    When someones family member is niftar r”l they dont want to be busy with all the little details,and misaskim is always there for them!!and they do it so generously-they do chesed the right way!!!\in the zchus of misaskims chessed,may their warehouses always be full and may moshiach come bimhayra viyameinu amen!!

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