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New Arrangements For Sloatsburg Davening Area

sloats.jpgMany YWN readers recall the many problems which occurred in the summer of 2007, at the Thursday night Mincha/Maariv gathering location at the Sloatsburg Rest Area (on the NY State Thruway). YWN had posted letters and warnings from the NYS DOT and the NY State Police pleading with everyone to cooperate – or the area would be shut down. Much hard work was put into keeping this area open to the thousands of folks travelling to the Catskills. Numerous meetings and planning went into it, and all that was needed was a bit of cooperation from the people who are using it.

Boruch hashem, everyone cooperated in 2008, and now Askonim are asking for your cooperation in the the summer of 2009.

YWN has spoken extensively with Mr. Richard Newhouse, who is the Assistant NY Division Director of Operations with the NYS Thruway Authority, and with Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police regarding this issue.

Due to the tremendous crowds and traffic caused by the Minyanim, the Thruway Authority will no longer allow the street level parking area for davening. All minyanim will now take place on the second level parking area which is level with the second floor restrooms. In the event of rain, minyanim will be allowed in the stairwell.

Everyone who will be participating in the Minyanim is urged to drive directly to the second floor – and not park on any grassy area – or your cars will be towed immediately from the tow truck which will be stationed at the rest area specifically to deal with this problem. It is interesting to note, that the second floor is much better suited for the Heimish Oilam’s needs, as there is much more privacy, Tzinus, and easier access to the rest rooms (which are located on the same level).

Additionally, there will be zero tolerance by the Thruway Authority and the NYSP regarding the selling of food. As YWN had reported last summer, Rabbi Freilich was working tirelessly to arrange for one vending machine to sell Kosher Le’Mehadrin products inside the building. This idea has finally come to fruition, with one machine selling Kosher products.

There will also be zero tolerance with people collecting Tzedakah (AKA: panhandlers) – which is illegal.

There was a recent meeting between the NYS Thruway Authority, Askonim, and New York State Police Officials – including NYSP Troop T Major Robert Meyers, & Captain Eveleyn Mallerd. Rabbi Morton Friedman (Chaplain for the State Troopers PBA) who gave his time each Thursday night during the summer of 2008 to ensure that things run smoothly at the area, will I”H once again be present at the Mincha Area, and will liaison with Thruway Inspectors and the community to ensure that everyone follows the simple instructions.

Rabbi Freilich is asking everyone for their cooperation. “Please use the area which was so wonderfully given to us by the NYS DOT – for Davening ONLY. Do not make a Chillul Hashem by ignoring their complaints which will result in this Mincha / Maariv area being shut down,” Rabbi Freilich told YWN.

Each Thursday night, there will be two inspectors from the Thruway Authority stationed at the Sloatsburg Rest Area – along with Rabbi Mordechai Friedman, to oversee the operation.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer!

(YWN Sullivan County News Desk – 2009)

11 Responses

  1. L’aniyas dati this entire operation is absurd. Is it really so difficult to plan a trip while insuring that mincha and/or maariv can be davened before departing or after arriving at ones destination?

    The inyan of having a makom kavuah for teffilah is because keviyus shows importance. These on the run catch a minyan places are the antithesis of kviyus and show the [lack of]chashivus that the daveners give to being omed lifnay hamelech.

  2. And if the alternative (for whatever reason) is to daven b’yechidus, then this is preferable.

    Don’t rush to judge others.

  3. LkwdGuy, I guess your holy attitude wont allow you to daven in Satmar on Forest or that shul on Squankum because most of the minyanim are for convenience sake more than anything else.

  4. LkwdGuy, so I guess you don’t believe in shuls like Shomer Shabbos, Sefardishe Shul, Rabbi Landau’s, Rabbi Frankels etc. I guess you’re not a aveil either, nor should you be. I would still disagree with you, because there is definitely a kvius makom, especially this time around (on the second level).

  5. To LkwdGuy:
    You are %100 right!

    To #5:
    The places you mention, are different because they have Kedushas Bais Haknesess. They were built for that reason. The Sechina resides in those mikomos regardless of wether or not there is a Minyan taking place.

  6. Wow, I didn’t realize what I was suggesting was controversial.

    And if the alternative (for whatever reason) is to daven b’yechidus, then this is preferable.

    Debatable. Bear in mind that congregating at this location has in the past contributed to what YW refered to as an “utter disgrace and chillul hashem”. Is the mailah of a bdievedigeh tefillah betzibur really worth that risk? I don’t know, ask your rov.

    LkwdGuy has such a nice lechatchila point.

    This newspaper is taking care of the bdieved olam in a wonderful way.

    See above. Additionally, it appears from earlier reporting on this site that the location is used for minyanim by thousands of people over the course of the summer. Are there so many people really in a bdieved situation?

    LkwdGuy, I guess your holy attitude wont allow you to daven in Satmar on Forest or that shul on Squankum because most of the minyanim are for convenience sake more than anything else.

    ML, true to your namesake you have trouble disagreeing without using a condescending tone. Regardless, Satmar and Kol Shimshon are batei kenisios/batei midrashos. One can choose to daven there in a kviyusdikeh manner, i.e., sitting at a table with a siddur in front of them, proper kavana, etc.

  7. Joe Y, when was the last time you learned Pirkei Avos? Learn the third perek. To summarize, where ever people congregate leshaim shamayim, the Shechina is there.

  8. LkwdGuy – “Is it really so difficult to plan a trip while insuring that mincha and/or maariv can be davened before departing or after arriving at ones destination?”

    The answer for many people is YES. There are people who work in Northern NJ, Long Island, Queens, etc. and leave to the country straight from work. Most places outside of Boro PArk, Lakewood, etc. do not have minyan factories. Where else would they daven Mincha/Maariv?

    If it wasn’t for Sloatsburg, there would be hundreds of people davening BeYechidus.

  9. #1, LkwdGuy, deep thinking.

    Look up the Teshuvas Bais Efraim, Orach Chaim if a car (horse/wagon) is a reshus bifnei atzmoi. If it is, then the car is a Kvias Makom and the 2nd Floor on Sloatsburg is Koine that Kvias Makom via the Car.

    On the other hand if a car is NOT a Reshus Bifnei Atzmoi, so as a result it’s no Kvias Makom, thus it’s not koine a Kvias Makom on the 2nd Floor of Sloatsburg.

    One may may also reverse the above reasoning; if it is a Rshus Bifnei Atzmoi, it CANNOT make a Kvias Makom on any level since it in itself is a seperate Reshus. If however, it is NOT a reshus befnei atzmoi, then it’s part of the pavement and by parking on level 2, it’s making a Kvias Makom for Tefile.

    On the other hand, the main parking on the first floor, is a Kvias Makom for Klal Yisroel since way back, so one is yoitze Kvias Makom Litfile Lchol Hadeiyos.

    But to take it one step further, If Rabbi B. Frielich says we’re not allowed to use it as a Place to Daven, then his opposition as the one in charge of this Issue and being the shliach of Klal Yisroel, NEGATES the Kvias Makom even on the first Floor.

    However, if you will daven 3 tefilos, one after the other, i.e. Shachris, Mincha and Maariv that should Make it for a Kvias Makom. In retrospect, this too may not help since Shacrin and Mincha is on one day and Maariv the next day. So the only solution would be to daven there Maariv (1st or 2nd is irrelevant) and Shachris/Mincha the following morning (remember now by us the day follows the night except for KODOSHIM.) this surely will make for a Kvias Makom. But then you will need for Rabbi frielich to intervene with the NYS Police to build a Hotel for us (again 1st or 2nd level irrelevant) so we can have 3 tefilos in succession on same day.

    Something to think about. HEMSHECH YUVOI!

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