Bombshell: Orders Revoked For Soldier Challenging President Obama

ussol1.jpgWorld Net Daily reports: A U.S. Army Reserve major from Florida scheduled to report for deployment to Afghanistan within days has had his military orders revoked after arguing he should not be required to serve under a president who has not proven his eligibility for office.

His attorney, Orly Taitz, confirmed to World Net Daily (WND) the military has rescinded his impending deployment orders.

“We won! We won before we even arrived,” she said with excitement. “It means that the military has nothing to show for Obama. It means that the military has directly responded by saying Obama is illegitimate – and they cannot fight it. Therefore, they are revoking the order!”

She continued, “They just said, ‘Order revoked.’ No explanation. No reasons – just revoked.”

A hearing on the questions raised by Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook, an engineer who told WND he wants to serve his country in Afghanistan, was scheduled for July 16 at 9:30 a.m.

“As an officer in the armed forces of the United States, it is [my] duty to gain clarification on any order we may believe illegal. With that said, if President Obama is found not to be a ‘natural-born citizen,’ he is not eligible to be commander-in-chief,” he told WND only hours after the case was filed.

“[Then] any order coming out of the presidency or his chain of command is illegal. Should I deploy, I would essentially be following an illegal [order]. If I happened to be captured by the enemy in a foreign land, I would not be privy to the Geneva Convention protections,” he said.

The order for the hearing in the federal court for the Middle District of Georgia from U.S. District Judge Clay D. Land said the hearing on the request for a temporary restraining order would be held Thursday.

Cook said without a legitimate president as commander-in-chief, members of the U.S. military in overseas actions could be determined to be “war criminals and subject to prosecution.”

He said the vast array of information about Obama that is not available to the public confirms to him “something is amiss.”

“That and the fact the individual who is occupying the White House has not been entirely truthful with anybody,” he said. “Every time anyone has made an inquiry, it has been either cast aside, it has been maligned, it has been laughed at or just dismissed summarily without further investigation.

“You know what. It would be so simple to solve. Just produce the long-form document, certificate of live birth,” he said.

Cook said he was scheduled to report for duty tomorrow, on July 15, to deploy to Afghanistan as part of President Obama’s plan to increase pressure of insurgent forces there.

He told WND he would be prepared for a backlash against him as a military officer, since members of the military swear to uphold and follow their orders. However, he noted that following an illegal order would be just as bad as failing to follow a legal order.

Named as defendants in the case are Col. Wanda Good, Col. Thomas Macdonald, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Obama, described as “de facto president of the United States.”

According to the court filing, Cook affirmed when he joined the military, he took the following oath: “I, Stefan Frederick Cook, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the president of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

According to the claim, “Plaintiff submits that it is implicit though not expressly stated that an officer is and should be subject to court-martial, because he will be derelict in the performance of his duties, if he does not inquire as to the lawfulness, the legality, the legitimacy of the orders which he has received, whether those orders are specific or general.”

The military courts offer no option for raising the question, so he turned to civilian courts to consider “a question of paramount constitutional and legal importance: the validity of the chain of command under a president whose election, eligibility, and constitutional status appear open to serious question.”

“Barack Hussein Obama, in order to prove his constitutional eligibility to serve as president, basically needs only produce a single unique historical document for the Plaintiff’s inspection and authentication: namely, the ‘long-form’ birth certificate which will confirm whether Barack Hussein Obama was in fact born to parents who were both citizens of the United States in Honolulu, Hawaii, in or about 1961,” explains the complaint.

Taitz said she will attend the hearing to amend the temporary restraining order to an injunction because more members of the military have joined the cause.

“We are going to be asking for release of Obama’s records because now this completely undermines the military. It revoked this order, but it can come up with another order tomorrow. It can come up with orders for other people,” she said. “Am I going to be flying around the country 1,000 times and paying the fees every time they issue an order?”

Taitz said the issue “must be resolved immediately,” and she will continue working to ensure Obama proves he is eligible for office.

“We’re going to be asking the judge to issue an order for Obama to provide his vital records to show he is legitimately president,” she said. “We’re going to say, we have orders every day, and we’ll have revocations every day. This issue has to be decided.”

She said there cannot be any harm to the president if he is legitimately holding office.

“If he is legitimate, then his vital records will prove it,” Taitz said. “If he is illegitimate, then he should not have been there in the first place.”

Asked what this decision means for every other serviceman who objects to deployment under a president who has not proven he is eligible for office, Taitz responded:

“Now, we can have each and every member of the military – each and every enlistee and officer – file something similar saying ‘I will not take orders until Obama is legitimately vetted.'”

Multiple questions have been raised about what that would mean to the 2008 election, to the orders and laws Obama has signed and other issues, including whether he then is a valid commander-in-chief of the military.

15 Responses

  1. Bombshell my foot – Basic UCMJ (Unified Code of Military Justice) – Such an argument attacking the Conmmander in Chief by any soldier, sailor, airman or marine is sanctionable – and especially so if made by an officer who should know better. Be it Bush 1, Bush 2, Clinton, Obama – it matters not – this guy was over the top – and I’d bet my pension he knows it.

  2. # John McCain (born 1936), who ran for the Republican party nomination in 2000 and was the Republican nominee in 2008, was born in Colón, Panama, near (but not part of ) the Panama Canal Zone of two U.S. parents, who were at the time serving at the Coco Solo Naval Air Station. In March 2008 McCain was held eligible for Presidency in an opinion paper by former Solicitor General Ted Olson and Harvard Law Professor Laurence H. Tribe. In April 2008 the U.S. Senate approved a non-binding resolution recognizing McCain’s status as a natural born citizen. In September 2008 U.S. District Judge William Alsup stated obiter in his ruling that it is “highly probable” that McCain is a natural born citizen, although he acknowledged the possibility that the applicable laws had been enacted after the fact and applied only retroactively. These views have been criticized by Gabriel J. Chin, Professor of Law at the University of Arizona, who argues that McCain was at birth a citizen of Panama and was only retroactively declared a born citizen under 8 U.S.C. § 1403, because at the time of his birth and with regard to the Canal Zone the Supreme Court’s Insular Cases overruled the Naturalization Act of 1795, which would otherwise have declared McCain a U.S. citizen immediately at birth. In any case, the US Foreign Affairs Manual states that “it has never been determined definitively by a court whether a person who acquired U.S. citizenship by birth abroad to U.S. citizens is a natural born citizen […]”.

  3. #1 “wolffman” – this is not an “attack”. It is a perfectly legitimate request to be sure that the occupant of the Oval Office is legitimate so that the orders coming from that office are legal. The question now is, will proof of his “legitimacy” be forthcoming, or not. If not, you can “bet your pension” that thousands more military people will not be prepared to follow his orders!

  4. A “natural” born citizen, as opposed to one who started off life as a foreigner and was naturalized. If you believe these anti-Obama stories, you probably believe that Israel is behind 9-11, and the market crash was caused by a cabal of Jewish bankers in Brooklyn.

    If a soldier says he won’t follow orders, he is worthless as a soldier, regardless as to whether he is a principled traitor or a mere coward, or both. In some countries (or this one, at different times), he ends up in front of a firing squad. In the US, he probably gets a less than honorable discharge, with loss of rank and benefits.

  5. 2, NEVER rely on wikipedia as halocha l’moshe mi’sinai!

    Besides at least McCain was born on US property. The annointed one can’t prove to everyone that he was born anywhere even Hawaii where he claims he was born.

  6. Some people can’t stop whining they lost the election fair and square (unlike McCain and Palen, and most normal Republicans). They are sore losers.

    While one can argue that Obama’s parents’ marriage was illegal, there isn’t a lick of evidence that his mother (from a good old stock, slave owning, WASP family) just “found him” in some foreign street – which is the only way he wouldn’t be a natural-born citizen (bastards are citizens in the US). All you need is ONE American parent to be natural born.

    If you believe that only a pure blooded Aryan can lead a country, Obama just will never be acceptable – it’s a sign that America is no longer the white nation it used to be (I’ld argue that when they gave us civil rights 200 years ago it was a sign they were off the bigotted derekh, but a somewhat black president proves it). But if you feel this way, how can you stand to look at yourself in the mirror – white supremists (the ones who started this nonsense) don’t like Jews either (or don’t you read history books).

  7. nfgo2

    Don’t be silly.
    She can’t just make up a story and thousands of websites will be reporting it with no evidence.
    If you are right, why will there be no court in Georgia tomorrow against this officer?

    Wake up!

    You slept enough during the past 8 months when attorneys were working their way up to the courts to present this case. Yes the leftist media chose to ignore this very important issue, buy now their time is up! Truth has prevailed! Like it or not!!!
    You ain’t seen nothing yet!

  8. akuperma im not a big “conspiracy theory” type of person, but what bothers me here is why mr obama spent over $1,000,000 in order not to show a simple document.

  9. to #9. Is everything about race for you? Did you vote for Obama because he’s black? Or did you evaluate his platform and decide you supported it? I didn’t vote for him because he proposed a lot of socialist ideas and sounded more interested in appeasing arab countries than with supporting Israel. Looks like I was right about him. Were you?

  10. Unfortunately although ths sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory it really might not be and just adds to the pachad of whats going on. mir darf tshuva tuhn.

  11. no real media is reporting this because it would put a dent in their leftist ideology which they fought so hard to crown during the campaign. The media reports what’s good for them, regardless of ratings. This is a classic example, no?

    besides, L’chol dor V’dor …… we all know that when someone tries to hurt Bnei Yisroel it’s like “poking HaSh-em eyes.” Hussein won’t last for long if he keeps up this pressure with Israel. The higher they get, the harder they fall. Think of how embarrassing it would be for him if he was revoked as President.

    I was a little suspicious why he was doing so much so fast into his presidency. i.e.: the meetings with Israel, the traveling to other nations, getting a lot of traveling done with his wife. These events just happen to be too close together – too fast. No president has ever given Israel such strict and short timelines to act. Even threatening no funding if Israel doesn’t comply. It would seem as if he knew it was just a matter of time before someone figures this out. So let’s say he was a natural born citizen. According to the story above, he has to prove that his parents are both citizens as well. Do they also have to be natural born citizens?

  12. The guy is a reservist. In his civilian career, he worked on a defense contract. Got fired for his caper. Losing his job probably worse than getting a summary court martial.

    No precedent of any kind will follow out of this comic opera. The whole thing apparently was a looney scheme using a guy who has an Obama fixation/phobia, a duped tool of the equally looney Ms Taitz, a right-wing activist who concocted the scheme and has long been pushing the notion that Obama wasn’t really born in Hawaii and is not eligible to hold the office of President.

    The reason there was no restraining order handed down was that there was never any justiciable basis for action by the federal district court. Major Cook, a reservist, volunteered for the assignment, asked for active duty deployment. All he had to do to get out of the deployment to Afghanistan was to withdraw his voluntary request for the active duty assignment. When he filed the bogus request for a restraining order, the Army simply canceled the assignment he had requested–quite accurately miffed at Cook’s clumsy effort to involve the military in the loonie scheme to force the Army into investigating Obama’s birth certificate, etc.

    When his employers learned the details, they fired him. Whether as a result of pressure or influence from the Army isn’t being made public, at least not yet. My guess is that any defense contractor would get rid of someone like Cook, an Army reservist involved with some very dubious political extremists in efforts to embarass the Commander-in-Chief. It seems that this was not the first moronic caper that the Major got himself into.

    The sad part of it is that Cook not only lost his job and undoubtedly will not be continuing his career as an Army Reservist, but there is little likelihood that the true culprit, Ms Taitz, will be disciplined by the bar association, let alone disbarred.

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